Preserving and Interpreting the Berlin Wall

Preserving and Interpreting the Berlin Wall

Date & time: Wednesday 13th February, 18:00hrs
Venue: The Engine Shed, Forthside Way, Stirling, FK8 1QZ

The Berlin Wall was the Icon of the Cold War, symbolising a divided world until its political fall in November 1989. Today, not much is left of the world famous 155km structure.  Thanks to efforts initiated in December 1989, seven sections of the Wall and other border installations were listed and officially designated Historic Monuments by 1992. Today, the Berlin Wall Foundation is responsible for four prominent sites with a total of approximately 4 Million visitors a year. How are these precious physical remains being treated? What stories are being told, and what does the Berlin Wall stand for today? Professor Axel Klausmeier will speak about his experiences of conserving this most interesting of modern city features.

Booking details. Tickets £6.00.