May 22, 2017 12:00 am
May 23, 2017 12:00 am
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Date: 22nd May at 10am – 23rd May at 3pm.
Venue: St. Andrew’s Square Gardens, Edinburgh.
Cost: Free.
Organiser: Scottish Traditional Building Forum.
Built Environment Forum Scotland (BEFS) is delighted to announce that the Scottish Traditional Building Forum (STBF) will be holding a traditional building skills demonstration in St Andrews Square Gardens, Edinburgh, on 22nd – 23rd May 2017
The event will feature demonstrations by local apprentices of their traditional building skills with school children, and their teachers, coming to have a go after a mini-masterclass from the apprentices and lecturers from Edinburgh College.
Developing the Young Workforce, the Scottish Government initiative, has liaised with schools across the area to identify potential tradespeople of the next generation. It is hoped that this traditional building skills demonstration will give the school children insight to the construction industry and help them make the first step to it being their career of choice.
There will also be traditional building experts there to help homeowners on how to repair and maintain their traditionally built homes. With 68% of Scotland’s traditional homes being deemed not wind and watertight, there is a real need to help homeowners to look after their homes.