Cultural Heritage Advice on COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

An overview of sites offering advice and guidance from across the heritage funding landscape and built environment sector.

From across the breadth of the sector we are, understandably, hearing concerns in relation to the impact of the pandemic. BEFS has gathered the current information available from funders and organisations into tables below (updated weekly).

As the situation changes and develops, the information will likely change. However, this overview of guidance and updates should provide an indication of where to find support for you and your organisation at this challenging time.

Whilst this is an extremely uncertain time for all, do remember that organisations are constantly adjusting to changing circumstances, and they too need time to make sure their advice is accurate and current.

Download a Pdf of the tables here.

If there is relevant information we have not included in the tables below, do please get in contact.


Funding OrganisationsFunding AdviceMain MessagingTwitter
Stirling City Heritage TrustContacting individually. Continuing projects as much as possible. Contact by email. @StirlingCHT
Visit Scotland Tourism Destination & Sector FINANCIAL SUPPORT PAGE overview of sector related funding now available on Visit Scotland website. @VisitScotNews
Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC) / UK Research & Innovation sweeping impacts, reviewing deadlines. Suggesting extensions for deadlines in relation to ongoing work. @UKRI_News
NEW FUND: TNL Community Fund Emerging Futures Fund organisations to look at how things are changing, what is needed in this transition, and what is possible in the future. Closed 25th JUNE@TNLComFundScot
National Lottery Community Fund funding projects and organisations supporting communities. Reviewing the situation on an on-going basis.@TNLComFundScot
The Robertson Trust Strategy will have a stronger focus on addressing poverty and trauma, their causes and impact. @RobertsonTrust
NEW FUND: Scotland Loves Local (Scotlands Towns Partnership)Scotland loves local fund pageOpen 18th Oct - 5th Nov. The Scotland Loves Local Fund will provide grants of between £500 and £5,000.@ScotlandsTowns
NEW FUND: The Towns and Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) Resilience and Recovery FundScotland's Towns Partnership information pageNEW round of funding in SEPT 2020. The Scottish Government announced £2 million of new funding to help town centres and high streets prepare and adapt for the lifting of lockdown, the funding will help finance emergency recovery projects.
NEW FUND: Smarter Choices, Smarter Places to support public, third and community sector organisations. Aims to help cut Scotland's carbon emissions, improve air quality, and help reverse the trend towards sedentary lifestyles and health inequalities. @pathsforall
NEW FUND: MGS COVID19 Adaptation Fund CLOSED.@MuseumsGalScot
Scottish Government Support for Museums and Galleries £4 million Museums Resilience and Recovery Fund provides support for Scotland’s museums and galleries (administered by MGS). The fund will aid the return of staff from furlough and reopening.
Creative Communities from Inspiring Scotland closed August 12th 2020.@inspiringsland
NEW FUND: Historic Environment Scotland until 2nd November. The £2.6m Historic Environment Recovery Fund support the sector to recover from the impacts of COVID-19. @HistEnvScot
Historic Environment Scotland (HES) survey full results:
Relaunched HERITAGE FUNDING DIRECTORYwww.heritagefundingdirectoryuk.orgManaged by The Heritage Alliance and the Architectural Heritage Fund, a free guide to financial support for anyone undertaking UK heritage projects.
National Lottery Heritage Fund (NLHF), supportive. Surveying to see what can help. Survey results.@HeritageFundSCO
NEW FUND: National Lottery Heritage Fund - Heritage Emergency Fund now closed- fund can now be used to assist with reopening costs, in addition to previous criteria  – and you can apply any time up to 31st July. @HeritageFundSCO
NEW FUNDING: Bounce Back Loans (UK GOV) can apply for new Bounce Back Loans up to a maximum of £50,000, or 25% of turnover, with the government paying the interest for the first 12 months.
Regeneration Capital Grant Fund - deadline 19/06/2020
Scottish Government Support for culture and heritage statement from 28 Aug 2020
Performing Arts Venues Relief Fund Arts Venues Relief Fund will help venues who cannot yet reopen to their audiences due to the ongoing impact of coronavirus (COVID-19). Applications now closed.
NEW FUNDING: Hardship and Resilience Funds from Scot Gov £100 million package of additional grant support for small and medium sized businesses (SMEs) and newly self-employed people  @scotgoveconomy
NEW FINANCE: Scottish Government Emergency Loans for SME Housebuilders now closed.
Glasgow City Heritage Trust (GCHT) programme remains open, flexible for current recipients, adaptable to changing circumstances.@GlasgowHeritage
Construction Scotland Innovation Centre (CS-IC) is an initiative created to assist the built environment sector during this global emergency.  It provides resources that address challenges faced by the sector to build resilience for a brighter future through innovation. @CScotIC
Creative Scotland from 1st October overview of Scottish Government Funding delivered through Creative Scotland@CreativeScots
NEW FUND: Culture Organisations and Venues Recovery 24th September 2020.@CreativeScots
Corra Foundation payment processing. Flexibility over timescales and how funding is used. @corrascot
NEW FUND: Charities Aid Foundation Coronavirus Emergency Fund Closed@Caf
NEW FUND: Art Fund Respond and Reimagining Grants grants aim to help museums, galleries and cultural organisations respond to immediate challenges connected to the Covid-19 crisis.@artfund
Arts & Business Scotland (A&BS) to advice and information
Third Sector Resilience Fund funding now open
NEW FUND: Wellbeing Fund APPLICATIONS currently closed. @scvotweet
SCVO & The Kickstart Scheme government’s £2billion Kickstart Scheme will create a 100% funded job, or jobs, for 16-24yrs olds out of work.
Any organisation can apply for funding. However if you are employing less than 30 Kickstart roles you need to apply through an intermediary - this can be SCVO.
Scotland's Improvement Districts funding announced 01/04/2020@Scot_IDs
NEW FUNDING Garfield Weston Foundation Trust Fund Now Open until 9th November@WestonFdn
Funding Scotland to create an account to use. Funding search tool from SCVO. @scvotweet
Consolidated Scottish Government Funding Site Scottish Government Funding Site
Esmee Fairbairn Foundation Esmée Fairbairn Foundation made an additional £16 million of funding available this year in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Here is the insights report about what they learned. @EsmeeFairbairn
Perth & Kinross Heritage Trust projects as much as possible. Contact by email please. @PKHeritageTrust
Creative Europe Q&A document added. Intention to apply maximum flexibility to beneficiaries. @CEDUK_Culture
NEW FUND: Architectural Heritage Fund (AHF) web page for information.@ArchHFundScot


OrganisationGuidance & AdviceAdditional informationTwitter
Scottish Government Framework for decision making and phases out of lockdown as set out by the Scottish Government.
DCMS Cultural Renewal Taskforce Cultural Renewal Taskforce
ACAS're good to go Kite Mark Scheme
Association of Independent Museums (AIM)
Advisory Group on Economic RecoveryAGER Report
Architectural Heritage Fund (AHF) All Nations table of advice and guidance for organisations looking for support. All Nations table of advice and guidance for organisations looking for support. (Produced 09/04/2020)@ArchHFundScot
Arts & Business Scotland (A&BS) Strathern overview of Arts, Business and Heritage and the Job Retention Scheme - information from 21st April 2020@aandbscotland
Association of Leading Visitor Attractions (ALVA) attractions recovery tracker data. Shared via AIM@alva_uk
ASVA news from Association of Scottish Visitor Attractions including links to sector research.@ASVAtweets
CITB and guidance from Construction Industry Training Board@citb_uk
Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (CIfA)
Church of Scotland from the Church of Scotland, to help churches manage the Coronavirus/COVID-19 lockdown.@churchscotland
Community Councils Scotland
Culture Counts results on effects on the cultural sector and related documentation and findings. @culturecounts
DTAS publications and resources@DTAScot
Ecclesiastical insurer Ecclesiastical has published new guidance on managing risks and protecting temporarily closed and unoccupied heritage buildings during the COVID-19 pandemic.@ecclesiastical
Heritage Alliance Heritage Alliance COVID-19 Guidance Hub is designed to provide up-to-date information related to Coronavirus, and its impact on the heritage sector. @Heritage_NGOs
Heritage Trust Network progamme:
Historic Environment Scotland Operating Standards for Property Management and Visitor Operations@HistEnvScot
Institute of FundraisingIoF 2020 Fundraising report:
Landscape Institute
Local Government Information Unit (LGiU) to form a login to read, but much information now free for non-members. This briefing in relation to the Coronavirus Act is wide ranging. @LGiU
Museums Galleries Scotland on reopening your museum. Collected guidance. @MuseumsGalScot
National Partnership for Culture Scottish Government has established a National Partnership for Culture (NPC) to provide a cross-sector, interdisciplinary voice which can both advise and influence Scottish Ministers on the delivery of the Culture Strategy for Scotland
Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland (RIAS) of updates including Covid 19 News, Business & Practice Bulletin and other advice sites are now all on the main home page.@RIASmembership
RICS updates on Scotland specific areas/links. @RICSScotland
Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI)
SCOTINFORM Scotinform Cultural Survey was launched on 12 May 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent closure of cultural venues across Scotland.@Scotinform
Scottish Community Development Centre (scdc) for community groups, organisations and volunteer networks fighting Covid-19. scdc and Public Health Scotland produced this advice. @scdc_org
Scottish Land Commission concerns about housing affordability, and a
shortage of housing in light of the
COVID-19 pandemic.
Scottish Tourism Alliance
Scotland’s Towns Partnership (STP)
Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) section has useful links for organisations and individuals about what support is available. @scvotweet
Scottish Government Communities Advice - Parks and Greenspaces guidance document focuses on design principles for safer urban centres and green spaces in Scotland during the coronavirus crisis. 
RSA - Heritage for Inclusive Growth policy report.
Scottish Government Tourism Guidance and Hospitality Sector Guidance released 11/09/2020 updated 14 September
Scottish Government Construction Guidance
Scottish Government CUSTOMER guidance (COVID-19): guidance for retail, tourism and hospitality customers
Scottish Government (Culture) update from Fiona Hyslop (Cab.Sec Economy, Fair Work and Culture) to the Culture, Tourism, Europe and External Affairs Committee@SP_European
Scottish Government (Planning) guidance: pre-application consultations for public events. DPEA guidance
Scottish Government (Planning)
Scottish Tourism Recovery Taskforce new Scottish Government taskforce created to drive forward the recovery of Scotland’s vital tourism sector is to meet for the first time.
SPICe Parliament Information Centre - COVID-19 hub
Visit Scotland
Visitor Safety Group Recovery Planning Guidance WORKING PRACTICES FOR LANDOWNERS AND COUNTRYSIDE MANAGERS - May 2020
Volunteer Scotland
World Heritage UK Heritage UK Covid Related best practice and information. @worldheritageuk

Organisational Updates and Information

OrganisationOrganisational UpdatesAdditional informationTwitter
NEW All Party Parliamentary Group secretariat for APPG on Conservation, People and Places - chaired by Layla Moran MP
Architectural Heritage Society of Scotland
Architecture & Design Scotland (A&DS)
Archaeological Market Survey from CIfA, FAME and HES 2019 Archaeological Market Survey report, funded by CIfA, FAME, and Historic Environment Scotland is now available. The report again shows record numbers working in archaeology and high levels of invested during the period surveyed.
Archaeology Scotland
Arts Professional section is paywall free. @ArtsPro
Carnegie UK Trust Back for the Better - A Perspective from Carnegie UK Trust@CarnegieUKTrust
Central Scotland Green Network Conservation Finance Project details. @csgreennetwork
Centre for Towns report on the effect of COVID-19 on towns and cities. @centrefortowns
Cockburn Association
Cultural Policies Compendium of Cultural Policies & Trends monitors current developments regarding COVID-19 and the cultural field.@compendiumcpt
Edinburgh World Heritage
Europeana Heritage Alliance launch Manifesto Cultural Heritage: a powerful catalyst for the future of Europe@EuropeanaEU
greenspace scotland to those receiving funding about realistic timescales and supporting delivery where possible. @greenspacescot
Heritage Trust Network postponements@HTNMembers
Historic Environment Scotland (HES) - HES 6 month Action Plan HES 6 month Action Plan -
Historic Religious Buildings Alliance
Infrastructure Commission for Scotland 2: Delivery Findings Report@InfraCommScot
Institute of Civil Engineers (ICE)
Museums Association
National Galleries of Scotland
National Museums Scotland
National Trust for Scotland
OECD to the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) on the tourism economy@OECD
Scotland's Infrastructure Circular Economy Forum position paper from the Scottish Infrastructure Circular Economy Forum (SICEF).
Scottish Civic Trust
Scottish Government (Energy and Climate Change Directorate) annual progress report on Climate Ready Scotland: Scotland's Climate Change Adaptation programme 2019 to 2024.@GreenerScotland
Scottish Heritage Social Media Group place to connect in relation to Scottish Heritage Organisations and their Social Media presence. @ScotHeritageSMG
SCVO Voluntary Sector Statistics - 2020 - useful advocacy tool. @scvotweet
Society of Antiquaries of Scotland website for further updates@socantscot
SPAB are hosting regular short CPD webinars, specially designed to help you meet your continuing professional development requirements. @SPAB1877