
Championing the historic environment and understanding the value of heritage.

Scotland is renowned for the quality and diversity of its historic environment and it represents one of Scotland’s most valuable assets.

Resourcing Scotland’s Heritage

BEFS is a partner in the Resourcing Scotland’s Heritage initiative which provides training in fundraising and capacity building, tailored to the heritage sector. In the first two years this Heritage Lottery funded project reached 566 individuals in 393 heritage groups and organisations, through 78 training events. The project seeks to equip people working within Scotland’ heritage sector with the skills they need to generate income from private sources.

Further details, including free online resources, are available here.

Historic Environment Scotland (HES)Grants Review Outcomes

During the Spring of 2016 BEFS helped facilitate two consultation workshops to discuss a proposed set of outcomes which applicants to HES grant programmes should seek to deliver.  These align with HES’ corporate outcomes.

The grant outcomes were published in June as part of application guidance.