Research Support

Our understanding of the historic environment is increasing and this continues to influence how we present and enhance it.

Organisation: Society of Antiquaries of Scotland
Project title: Research Support

Excavation underway in Covesea Cave 2 © Lindsey Büster

The Society awarded grants to a total value of £21,588.  This year the Society awarded grants to a typically diverse group of projects, from the curse of Archbishop Dunbar through to Naken chaetrie (the material culture of Gypsy Travellers) and analysis of a collection of early people’s lithics collected in the 1970s. In providing these funds, the Society aims to encourage best practice in the research of Scotland’s past.

Which OPiT key performance indicator is the project contributing to? Main: 7

Other: 6

Contact name: Dr Simon Gilmour, Director
Contact email:
Relevant web links:

Reviewed: September 2018