Whithorn Roundhouse

Our understanding of the historic environment is increasing and this continues to influence how we present and enhance it.

Organisation: The Whithorn Trust (NLHF funded)
Project title: Whithorn Roundhouse – Iron Age Style: Colour, Culture and Imagination in the 5th Century BC

The Whithorn Trust’s Iron Age roundhouse

The Whithorn Trust’s ‘Iron Age Style: Colour, Culture and Imagination in the 5th Century BC’ project brings together a wide range of local people and age-groups to celebrate Iron Age culture, and hosting craft skills events, bringing Whithorn Roundhouse to life. This project was funded by National Lottery Heritage Fund, under the Stories Stones & Bones scheme for the Year of History, Heritage & Archaeology.

Which OPiT key performance indicator is the project contributing to? Main: 06

Others: 12

Contact name: Julia Muir Watt
Contact email: enquiries@whithorn.com
Relevant web links: https://www.hlf.org.uk/our-projects/ssb-iron-age-style-colour-culture-and-imagination-5th-century-bc

Reviewed: September 2018