Architecture Planning & Heritage – A Hustings for Glasgow’s Built Environment

Architecture Planning & Heritage – A Hustings for Glasgow’s Built Environment

Date: Wednesday, 12th April 2017. Doors 6.30 for a prompt 6.45pm start.

Venue: The Lighthouse – 11 Mitchell Lane, GLASGOW, G1 3NU
Orangebox Gallery.

Organiser: New Glasgow Society. Supported by Built Environment Forum Scotland.

In advance of local elections in May 2017, New Glasgow Society is hosting a hustings event focused on the built environment in Glasgow. Representatives of all main parties will be attending and fielding questions from you, the general public, about their plans for the city – its architecture, places and spaces.

What are the various parties’ plans for the city? What are the key infrastructure challenges facing Glasgow? Where do you think its priorities should lie?

Join the debate! Come along, have your say, and put your questions to Glasgow’s politicians. The event will run to a ‘Question Time’ format.

Chair: Karen Anderson, Chair — Architecture and Design Scotland


  • Scottish Green Party – Christy Mearns
  • Liberal Democrats – Carole Ford
  • Scottish National Party – David McDonald
  • Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition Representative
  • plus other panellists t.b.c.

Full details and booking.