January 22, 2020 12:00 am
January 22, 2020 12:00 am
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Date & time: Wednesday 22 January 2020; 6:30 for a 7:00pm start.
Venue: Central Halls, 2 West Tollcross, Edinburgh.
One of the defining issues currently in front of the City of Edinburgh is how we value our public places. Should our parks and gardens be an oasis of green-ness and tranquillity, or should they be the city’s performance hubs, the Go-To places for happening events and Festival activities? Facilitated by broadcaster Stephen Jardine, panel speakers will consider the impact on the city’s public places of an expanding festival and tourism industry, and potential threats and opportunities of the commercialisation of space in terms of civic and environmental well-being.
City for Sale? The commodification of Edinburgh’s public places