Ernest Gimpson & the SPAB

Ernest Gimpson & the SPAB

Date & time: 14 November 2019; 18:00 – 20:00
Venue: The Engine Shed, Forthside Way, Stirling FK8 1QZ

On the centenary of the death of Ernest Gimson, who was a central figure in the British Arts & Crafts Movement. Following the anticipated publication of a new book covering his life, Annette Carruthers will present a lecture delving into this legacy, career, and involvement with SPAB spanning more than thirty years, with particular focus on his role as a conservationist and collaborations with several Scottish Arts & Crafts architects, including Robert Weir Schultz, Francis Troup and William Weir.

A drinks reception will follow the lecture. All drinks included in the ticket price. Tickets required and available via the link.

Lecture: Ernest Gimpson and the SPAB – Annette Carruthers