Flood Risk & The Planning System 

Flood Risk & The Planning System 

Date: Saturday 8th September from 11am to 1400.
Venue: Perth Community Fire Station.

The Scottish Flood Forum (SFF) will be holding another networking event. Delegates from across Scotland will come together to share success, create solutions and share their experiences on flood risk and the planning system. The theme for this event is: Flood Risk & The Planning System, benefits, challenges, frustrations and opportunities for flood risk communities. Representatives from local authorities and the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency will deliver talks on their roles and responsibilities concerning the planning system and flood risk communities. Planning Aid Scotland are also attending to outline how they can provide support and give an update on the new Planning (Scotland) Bill.

If you are interested in taking part in this community networking event or would like more information contact: paul.laidlaw@scottishfloodforum.org.