IHBC Annual School 2018

IHBC Annual School 2018

Dates: 21-23 June 2018.
Location: Belfast.

The IHBC’s Annual School for 2018, with the linked Day School on 22 June, is the national annual conference of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation, supporting built and historic environment conservation specialists and their networks and colleagues, and for 2018 it will focus on the principle of ‘Shared heritage’ to promote an inclusive approach to the main themes for the European Year, those of ‘Engagement – Sustainability – Protection – Innovation’. The School will encompass and offer, through talks, visits, tours, networking and presentations, UK-wide examinations of practice issues with a specific Belfast and Northern Ireland context, that include: Heritage challenges and insights; Leading practitioners, policymakers, businesses & advisers; New national and international practices and partnerships; Innovative strategies in the city, region and beyond; On-site case studies, themes and solutions, as well as access to exhibition stalls and stands & IHBC ‘Spotlights’ on current issues.

Full details, bursaries and booking.