Insanitary City: Dr Henry Littlejohn and the condition of Edinburgh

Insanitary City: Dr Henry Littlejohn and the condition of Edinburgh

Date & time: Thu, 13 May 2021; 18:00 – 19:00.
Online event.

In 1865, Dr Henry Littlejohn – Police Surgeon, Crown witness in murder cases and medical advisor to the Scottish Poor Law authorities – published his Report on the Sanitary Condition of Edinburgh. His meticulous research produced penetrating insights into the links between poverty, employment and public health in Victorian cities.It had a significance far beyond the city of Edinburgh and Victorian society. In our latest online event, Edinburgh World Heritage is delighted to welcome Richard Rodger, Professor of Economic * Social History, University of Edinburgh, and co-author of ‘Insanitary City: Henry Littlejohn and the Condition of Edinburgh.’ Please join us as he explores the terrible slum conditions of Victorian Edinburgh and the extraordinary work of Dr Henry Littlejohn.

Insanitary City: Dr Henry Littlejohn and the condition of Edinburgh