Medieval painted wooden vaults in Norwegian parish churches

Medieval painted wooden vaults in Norwegian parish churches

Dates & Venues:

Organiser: Society of Antiquaries of Scotland.

Professor Margrethe Stang, of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, will present the Lindsay Fischer lecture in Edinburgh, Aberdeen and Kirkwall, entitled “Medieval painted wooden vaults in Norwegian parish churches”. Professor Stang is a medievalist and iconographer specializing in panel painting in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries.  Her doctoral dissertation from 2009 discusses 31 surviving painted altar frontals (panel paintings) made in Norway c. 1250-1350, with emphasis on the iconography of the panels in relationship of the context for which they were made (mainly rural parish churches). The question of patronage features prominently in the discussion, a much neglected topic in previous scholarship on this material. Other research interests include the iconography of St Olav, medieval Scandinavian wall- and ceiling painting, the use of art in religious practice – liturgical and non-liturgical.

For full details and booking follow the links above or visit the event pages here.