Tenement Maintenance and Repair

Tenement Maintenance and Repair

Date: 6th March 2018 at 6pm.
Venue: Committee Room 1, Scottish Parliament.

Linda Fabiani MSP, invites you to attend a meeting of the Cross-Party Group on Architecture + the Built Environment, to be chaired by Tavish Scott MSP.

Members of the Scottish Parliament have shown an increased interest in the challenges of maintaining buildings under shared ownership with a Parliamentary Reception for the RICS ‘Tenement Health Check’ in November and a motion debating ‘Maintenance of Tenement Communal Property’ in January 2018.

Our next meeting will consider how the Scottish Parliament can help find solutions to the known challenges and how stakeholders can support a cross party working group on the topic. Our speakers will be David Gibbon MRICS MCABE a RICS Certified Historic Building Professional from the Tenement Action Group, Professor Douglas Robertson who has spent his career researching private housing issues and the third speaker is yet to be confirmed.

Their short presentations will be followed by an open discussion chaired by Tavish Scott MSP.

Full details and booking