Training: Architectural Conservation CPD: Interior Decorative Finishes for Traditional Buildings

Training: Architectural Conservation CPD: Interior Decorative Finishes for Traditional Buildings

Date & time: Wednesday 25 September, 12:30-13:30 (light refreshments from 12:15)

Venue: The Fair Maid’s House, 15-19 North Port, Perth, PH1 5LU

The fourth session in the 6-part CPD programme is on interior decorative finishes and will be delivered by Cait Whitson. Whether you are starting out in a buildings related career, looking to refresh your conservation knowledge, encounter historic buildings as part of your work portfolio, or have limited knowledge of the best conservation practice to employ on a project involving buildings built before 1919, this is the CPD programme for you. Sessions are delivered in Perth by industry accredited professionals and are recognised CPD by the Institute of Historic Building Conservation (IHBC) and Scottish Traditional Building Forum (STBF).

Booking information