Whose Festival is it Anyway? A Cockburn Conference

Whose Festival is it Anyway? A Cockburn Conference

Whose Festival is it Anyway? A Cockburn Conference

Date & time: Saturday 30th January from 11am to 3pm.
Online: Book on Eventbrite (free but donations welcome).

The COVID crisis has presented significant challenges to Edinburgh’s attempts to be a year-round “Festival City”, dealing a serious blow to the city’s tourism and hospitality sectors. Important civic issues, such as economic resilience, public well-being and the wisdom of perpetual growth-centric policies, are being debated once again as Edinburgh reflects upon how its many Festivals should operate in a post-COVID world. The Cockburn Association has arranged a conference to explore these issues in greater detail. Among other topics, panellists will explore the impacts of festivalisation and how the city will meet its climate and sustainability obligations in the future.

Furthre details