BEFS Bulletin – Closures, Maintenance & Nominations
Get the latest historic environment events, blogs, jobs, news and publications in BEFS Bulletin.
BEFS Director, Euan Leitch, reflects on the consequences and potential opportunities for the built environment presented by Police Scotland’s office closures and the MoD’s site closures in Scotland, in the first of two blogs this week.
In BEFS second blog, Annie Flint, author of the acclaimed Tenement Handbook and creator of, tells us about the motivation behind the Under One Roof initiative and how BEFS members and friends can use the website to help support the maintenance of the built environment.
The Scottish Civic Trust is calling for nominations from local civic trusts, community councils and other heritage or community groups for new buildings, restoration projects, landscape designs and other placemaking projects for the annual My Place Awards. The trust is also looking for nominations for a winner of the My Place Civic Champion award.
Landscape Institute Scotland is inviting entries to participate in an exhibition at Dundas Street Gallery in Edinburgh, in parallel with the finale of the Festival of Architecture 2016. The focus of the exhibition will be architecture in the context of landscape. Further details and how to apply.
There are still places available for ‘People and Places: Supporting Communities to Make the Most of Local Heritage’ at Glasgow City Heritage Trust this evening from 7pm. Sara Crofts, Head of Historic Environment at HLF, will be discussing the ways that heritage can deliver tangible benefits for people and communities. Dr Alan Leslie Managing Director of Northlight Heritage will demonstrate how to help people appreciate and engage with their past and use heritage to change lives for the better. Book your ticket now!
We would like to congratulate BEFS Board Member, Julia Frost,Operations Manager at PAS, for making the judging panel for the RTPI Awards for Planning Excellence 2017. The awards are the most established and respected awards in the planning industry.
Consultation on listing of famed Leith ‘banana flats’, featured in Irvine Welsh’s Trainspotting (HES 11/11/16)
The Edinburgh flats made famous as the home of one of the main characters in Irvine Welsh’s ‘Trainspotting’, could be in line to become the latest iconic capital building to receive ‘listed’ status.
Consultation on a Review of the Scottish Social Housing Charter: An Analysis of Responses (SG 15/11/16)
Analysis of responses to the 2016 consultation on a Review of the Scottish Social Housing Charter.
Consultation on the Scottish Government Response to the Introduction of the UK Apprenticeship Levy (SG 14/11/16)
This report presents the findings of an analysis of responses to a consultation on the Scottish Government response to the introduction of the UK Apprenticeship Levy.
Housing supply: net additional dwellings (DCLG 15/11/16)
This collection brings together all documents on housing supply: net additional dwellings (formerly known as ‘net supply of housing’).
Planning Performance Framework Annual Report 2015-16 (SG 11/11/16)
The annual performance report and improvement plan for Planning and Architecture Division.
Quarterly National Accounts Scotland 2016 Quarter 2 (SG 09/11/16)
The built environment: government response to the Select Committee report (DCLG 08/11/16)
A response by the government to the House of Lords Select Committee report on the built environment.
Private Sector Rent Statistics, Scotland, 2010 to 2016 (SG 08/11/16)
This publication presents statistics on private sector rent levels in Scotland over the years 2010 to 2016 (years to end-September) using data from the Rent Service Scotland market evidence database.
Warmer Homes Scotland – First annual review (SG 03/11/16)
The first annual review of the Scottish Government’s Warmer Homes Scotland scheme, looking at delivery from September 2016 to March 2015.
Three down, one to go… (SG 15/11/16)
Queensferry Crossing now stretches from Fife to south shores. 105 of 110 deck units lifted leaves 52 metres, just over the length of an Olympic swimming pool, to complete the new bridge deck. Engineers working on the Queensferry Crossing have lifted the remaining piece of deck between the north and centre tower deck spans. This means the deck on the new bridge now stretches from Fife right across to the end of the south fan.
Appointments to Scottish Land Commission (SG 11/11/16)
In a significant milestone in Scotland’s land reform journey, five Land Commissioners and the Tenant Farming Commissioner have been selected for the first Scottish Land Commission.
Average 2 bedroom private rents up by 1% (SG 08/11/16)
Between 2015 and 2016, 17 out of 18 areas of Scotland saw increases in average rent levels for 2 bedroom private rental properties, ranging from 4.6% in West Dunbartonshire to 0.1% in Dumfries and Galloway.
600 houses for Aberdeen (SG 04/11/16)
First loan granted from £50m Housing Infrastructure Fund. More than 600 houses will be built in Aberdeen by the Grandhome Trust following a £7.9 million loan from the Scottish Government.
Sustrans: Community Links PLUS design competition (A&DS 14/11/16)
Now in its second year, Community Links PLUS seeks big, bold and innovative projects which will restore the balance of Scotland’s streets in favour of people walking and cycling. Previous successful entries have demonstrated an integrated approach to place-making, integrating community engagement, urban design, and promotion of walking and cycling to generate projects on a scale not yet seen in Scotland.
New £18 million fund to accelerate house building (11/11/16 DCLG)
A new £18 million fund to speed up house building on large sites and that will provide thousands of new homes where people want to live, is announced today (11 November 2016) by the Housing Minister Gavin Barwell.
Material of the Month – November 2016, Recycled Glass Flooring (A&DS 07/11/16)
Helping museums become better advocates (MGS 08/11/16)
Exploring and improving our approach to advocacy has been central to MGS’s work in 2016. Our approach this year has been developed to help museums to better understand, approach, and work with, the decision makers who have the most influence in their areas, and to open up new and better opportunities for your museum to share your story.
Over £55,000 granted to repair war memorials across Scotland (HES 08/11/16)
Twelve war memorials across Scotland are set to be conserved and repaired after being awarded a share of £55,000 worth of grant funding by War Memorials Trust, through the Centenary Memorials Restoration Fund.
Scottish Parliament first parliament in world to achieve Carbon Trust triple standard (04/11/16)
The Scottish Parliament has become the first parliament in the world to be awarded triple certification to the Carbon Trust Standard in recognition of achievements in reducing carbon, waste and water use.
Official Launch of Heritage Times (EN 03/11/16)
During Denkmal 2016, the largest European Trade Fair in the field of heritage, the Secretary General of Europa Nostra, and Bert Ludwig, Director of European Heritage Volunteers, officially launched the “Heritage Times” (, the online platform of “Social Media Volunteers for Heritage programme”, developed by Europa Nostra in partnership with the European Heritage Volunteers, with the support of the EU Creative Europe programme.
Questions marked with a triangle (?) are initiated by the Scottish Government in order to facilitate the provision of information to the Parliament.Questions in which a member has indicated a declarable interest are marked with an “R”.
S5W-04641 Bruce Crawford: To ask the Scottish Government how its forthcoming white paper on planning will take account of the housing needs of older people. (SP 11/11/16)
S5W-04642 Bruce Crawford: To ask the Scottish Government what recent assessment it has made of the (a) housing needs of older people and (b) demand for retirement housing. (SP 11/11/16)
S5O-00344 Gordon Lindhurst: To ask the Scottish Government what impact Edinburgh’s World Heritage Site status, and the built heritage within it, has on visitor numbers to the city. (SP 10/11/16)
Questions marked with a triangle (?) are initiated by the Government in order to facilitate the provision of information to the Parliament.
Question S5W-03928: Pauline McNeill, Glasgow, Scottish Labour, Date Lodged: 21/10/2016
To ask the Scottish Government whether all of the £50 million that has been made available to the Housing Infrastructure Fund for 2016-17 will be allocated for developments by the end of that financial year and, if not, whether the unallocated funds will be carried forward to 2017-18.
Answered by Kevin Stewart (03/11/2016)
Question S5W-03925: Pauline McNeill, Glasgow, Scottish Labour, Date Lodged: 21/10/2016
To ask the Scottish Government which non-public sector organisations have made applications to the Housing Infrastructure Fund.
Answered by Kevin Stewart (03/11/2016)
Question S5W-03924: Pauline McNeill, Glasgow, Scottish Labour, Date Lodged: 21/10/2016
To ask the Scottish Government how many (a) loans and (b) grants from the Housing Infrastructure Fund have been agreed and what the total value of these are, also broken down by how much each payment will be.
Answered by Kevin Stewart (03/11/2016)
Question S5W-03923: Pauline McNeill, Glasgow, Scottish Labour, Date Lodged: 21/10/2016
To ask the Scottish Government how many applications have been made to the Housing Infrastructure Fund and what the total value of these are, also broken down by how much each application was for.
Answered by Kevin Stewart (03/11/2016)
Question S5W-03922: Pauline McNeill, Glasgow, Scottish Labour, Date Lodged: 21/10/2016
To ask the Scottish Government for what reason the £50 million that has been made available to the Housing Infrastructure Fund for 2016-17 is reliant on the local authority strategic housing investment plans for 2017-18 to 2021-22 that are due for submission by 30 November 2016.
Answered by Kevin Stewart (03/11/2016)
Question S5O-00256: Daniel Johnson, Edinburgh Southern, Scottish Labour, Date Lodged: 19/10/2016
To ask the Scottish Government what action it is taking to ensure that there is meaningful and inclusive community engagement in the planning system.
Answered by Kevin Stewart (26/10/2016)
*S5M-02445 Gordon Lindhurst: The Future of Edinburgh’s World Heritage Site—That the Parliament recognises the significance of the contrast between Edinburgh’s medieval Old Town and its Georgian New Town and its designation as a World Heritage Site in 1995 by UNESCO, recognising both its historical and architectural importance and efforts to conserve it since 1970; notes that the site is one of five across Scotland; understands that, according to Invest Edinburgh, the city attracts around four million visitors per year, many of whom visit the historic attractions within the World Heritage Site, such as Edinburgh Castle, St Giles Cathedral and the Real Mary King’s Close; further understands that the site is a major factor behind the £1.32 billion that is generated through tourism for the local economy each year; recognises that a World Heritage Site is selected based on it having cultural, historical, scientific or other significance and its future preservation is seen to be in the collective interests of humanity; notes the prevailing development plans within Edinburgh’s World Heritage Site, such as the decision over the old Royal High School at Calton Hill, and the need to develop Scotland’s capital city for the future in order to enhance the performance of its economy; recognises that Edinburgh City Council, Edinburgh World Heritage and Historic Environment Scotland are involved in reviewing the Management Plan for the World Heritage Site (2017-2022), which aims to co-ordinate action to protect and enhance the outstanding universal values of the site and to promote its harmonious adaption to the needs of contemporary life; further recognises that members of the public were recently consulted on the review through a survey, the results of which were published on 1 November 2016; understands that the results show that, while awareness of the World Heritage Site was rated highly, there was a lack of understanding regarding what it meant and its associated benefits; notes the calls for action at all levels to raise awareness and custodianship of the site and the protection of the historic built environment for current and future generations, and further notes the calls on all those with influence over Edinburgh’s current and future planning developments to fully recognise the importance of Edinburgh’s World Heritage Site.
Supported by: Douglas Ross*, Margaret Mitchell*, Dean Lockhart*, Miles Briggs*, Alexander Stewart*, Jeremy Balfour*, Edward Mountain*, Peter Chapman*, Alison Harris*, Donald Cameron*, Maurice Corry*, Jamie Greene*, Murdo Fraser*, John Lamont*, Richard Lyle*, Andy Wightman*, Alex Cole-Hamilton* (SP 11/11/16)
*S5M-02386 Ash Denham: Edinburgh, the Best Place to Live in Scotland—That the Parliament acknowledges that the 2016 Good Growth for Cities index has named Edinburgh as the best place to live in Scotland for the fourth year in a row and one of the top three in the UK, along with Oxford and Reading, and appreciates that, in compiling this, the index takes into account various factors, including employment, health and income statistics.
Supported by: Colin Beattie*, Clare Haughey*, Stuart McMillan*, Ruth Maguire*, Jeremy Balfour*,
Tom Arthur*, Alex Cole-Hamilton*, Richard Lyle*, Miles Briggs*, Gordon Lindhurst*, David
Torrance* (SP 09/11/16)
*S5M-02376 Monica Lennon: World Town Planning Day—That the Parliament welcomes World Town Planning Day (WTPD), which is celebrated on 8 November 2016; notes that this year’s theme is “Cities and Climate Change, local responses to a global challenge”; recognises that WTPD is an international day of awareness about the accomplishments of planners and the importance of planning in communities; acknowledges that more than 30 countries around the world, and professional planning institutes, including the Royal Town Planning Institute, annually participate and celebrate in WTPD activities, including an online conference that is open to all; accepts the significance of this year’s WTPD following international agreement on the outcomes from Habitat III, which was the biggest UN conference on housing and sustainable development in 20 years, and believes that there are many benefits to local communities from good planning. R
Supported by: Colin Beattie*, Iain Gray*, Ash Denham*, Ruth Maguire*, Alex Rowley*, Liam
McArthur*, Bill Kidd*, Stuart McMillan*, Richard Lyle*, Andy Wightman*, Neil Findlay*, David
Torrance* (SP 09/11/16)
For the latest information about BEFS Members’ events see our events calendar.
People & Places: Why Heritage Matters & Supporting communities make the most of local heritage
When: 17th November 2016, from 19:00 pm to 21:00 pm.
Where: 54 Bell Street, Glasgow.
Sara Crofts, Head of Historic Environment at the Heritage Lottery Fund, will be discussing the ways that heritage can deliver tangible benefits for people and communities. She will explore Scottish HLF funded projects to demonstrate how the HLF outcomes framework can deliver lasting difference. Dr Alan Leslie co-founded Northlight Heritage in 2011 and is its managing director. Alan will use examples from Northlight Heritage’s extensive body of work to demonstrate how Northlight fulfils its overarching aim which is to help people appreciate and engage with their past and use this as a force for common good, a practice rooted in the belief that heritage can change lives for the better.
PAS Parliament Reception 2016
When: Wed. 23 November from 6pm-8pm.
Where: The Scottish Parliament.
This event is kindly sponsored by Andy Wightman MSP, and with the participation of Kevin Stewart MSP, Minister for Local Government & Housing. In light of the increased interest in place through the Independent Review of the Planning System, the forthcoming planning reforms and the ambitious target to deliver 50,000 affordable homes over the next five years, this is a timely event. It will be a chance to consider what opportunities are on the horizon for communities and young people through the new Community Empowerment and Land Reform Acts – and with the forthcoming planning reforms.
The Art of Historic Building Maintenance
When: Fri 25 November 2016 from 12:00 – 14:00.
Where: Acheson House, 5, Bakehouse Close 146, Canongate, Edinburgh EH8 8DD.
Did you know that lack of attention to basic building maintenance now represents a significant threat to the city’s World Heritage site? According to figures released by Edinburgh World Heritage, up to 60% of the buildings in the historic city centre are judged to be in need of some form of repair, the majority being privately owned historic tenements with multiple owners and tenants. This two-hour special event, jointly hosted by Edinburgh World Heritage and SPAB Scotland, will help you get your historic property ready for winter and avoid leaking gutters, damp patches, and costly repairs. Meet the experts, see live demonstrations, and take away useful information and leaflets. You’ll also be able to find out whether you are eligible for an Edinburgh World Heritage Conservation Programme grant to help with the cost of any more substantial conservation work.
CPD: Care and Maintenance of Historic Brick
When: 22nd November 2016, 12-1pm.
Where: 54 Bell Street, Glasgow.
Scottish traditional buildings often utilise brick in various elements of their construction and come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. These bricks will deteriorate and decay if not correctly maintained. Moses Jenkins from Historic Environment Scotland is coming to GCHT to discuss the factors undermining the integrity of Scotland’s historic brickwork. He will detail the appropriate steps necessary to care and maintain for heritage brickwork.
Low Carbon, resilient design with concrete and masonry
When: 29 Nov. 2016, from 10:00 – 13:00
Where: Gallery 2, Level 2, The Lighthouse, 11 Mitchell Lane, Glasgow, G1 3NU.
This morning seminar from The Concrete Centre and the Modern Masonry Alliance will provide the latest guidance on the design and delivery of long-lasting, resilient homes. Practical guidance will also be given on broader sustainability issues relating to the use and specification of concrete and masonry.
Resourcing Scotland’s Heritage is delivering a series of training courses and events across Scotland. The venues for each of the events will be based on demand for the courses and travel bursaries are available to support your attendance.
Are you ready to take part in a Resourcing Scotland’s Heritage training course? Our training is best suited to registered charities and constituted community groups. Take a walk through our simple question and answer page to determine which course is right for you. We have two main training courses and a series of ‘In Focus’ events. If you are interested in any particular event or fundraising topic, please do get in touch – we may be able to bring an event to your area
Traditional Building Skills Training
Scottish Lime Centre Trust offer a wide range of vocational and professional courses combining theory and practical working sessions designed to ensure that there are courses to suit everyone.
AHF Business Administrator (London)
The Architectural Heritage Fund (AHF) are currently seeking to appoint a Business Administrator to help ensure the smooth running of the organisation. You will ideally have some proficiency in accounting and financial administration to support the work of the AHF’s Investment and Operation teams and to provide day-to-day assistance to the Chief Executive. You will apply excellent organisational and customer support skills to help ensure the office runs smoothly and to meet the requirements of our clients and funders. You will also possess some particular experience in financial administration, ideally having previously worked in a grant-giving, bank and/or investment organisation, as well as more general office administration experience. In return, you will enjoy undertaking a pivotal supporting role within an organisation that strives to impact small organisations in the voluntary sector.
The deadline for applications is 5 p.m. on 21st November 2016.
Architecture in the Context of Landscape Exhibition – An invitation to participate (LIS 13/11/16)
The Committee of the Landscape Institute Scotland is pleased to announce an exhibition at the Dundas Street Gallery in Edinburgh which will run at the same time as the finale of the Festival of Architecture 2016. The purpose is to showcase Landscape Institute Scotland’s members’ work by celebrating the balance between architecture and landscape, underlining the links between the disciplines. The emphasis is on architecture in the context of landscape. Material for the exhibition can be historical or contemporary, completed, projected or theoretical. Media can be painting, drawing, photography or mixed media. Entries may be freshly prepared or past work, chosen by you to demonstrate what is important, relevant or of interest as a combination of architecture and landscape. The brief can be downloaded here.
Film updates and more on IHBC co-sponsored Heritage Trust Network’s conference ‘No.1’: Extraordinary People, Extraordinary Projects (IHBC 12/11/16)
The Heritage Trust Network, successor to the UK Association of Preservation Trusts (UKAPT) – has launched reports and updates on its first conference on its event website, with presentations, film, photos and a warm thanks to sponsors that include the IHBC.
Call for community groups to nominate favourite new buildings, conservation projects and people in annual Scottish Civic Trust My Place Awards (SCT 11/11/16)
The Scottish Civic Trust is calling for nominations from local civic trusts, amenity societies, community councils and other heritage or community groups around Scotland for new buildings, restoration projects, landscape designs and other placemaking projects for the annual My Place Awards. The trust is also looking for nominations for a winner of the My Place Civic Champion award.
Information in the Bulletin is extracted from a number of websites including the Scottish Government (SG); the Scottish Parliament (SP); Architecture and Design Scotland (A+DS); Historic Environment Scotland (HES); Scottish Natural Heritage(SNH); Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO); English Heritage (EH); Design Council (DC); Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG);Department of Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS); Department of Environment and Rural Affairs (DEFRA); National Assembly for Wales (NAW); Forestry Commission Scotland (FCS); Scottish Government Building Standards (SGBS); Europa Nostra (EN); Historic England (HE).
If you have any questions or comments on the above, or would like to submit information to be included, please get in touch with Saskia Smellie or tel: BEFS Office on 0131 220 6241