BEFS Bulletin – Investment in Sector Resilience Training
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Built Environment Forum Scotland (BEFS) is pleased to announce that led by Museums Galleries Scotland (MGS) and in partnership with greenspace scotland they have been awarded £497,300 from National Lottery Heritage Fund (NLHF), to support major investment in building the resilience of the heritage sector. Sector feedback has highlighted the immediate need for support and strategic investment to help heritage organisations to develop sustainable business models, improve their ways of working, and evidence the impact of their role within Scotland’s communities. The partnership will deliver an 18-month project that will provide Scotland’s heritage organisations and businesses with support through a programme of training that will build sustainability with immediate and long-term impacts on their organisations and the sector as a whole. More information and expression of interest form can be found here.
Four COVID Historic Environment Resilience Forum (CHERF) workshops have now taken place exploring medium to long-term strategies to support the built environment sector to recover and build sustainability following the COVID-19 pandemic. The latest workshop reports can be found here. There is still time to sign up for the fifth and last of the initial workshops, focusing on education and research next Wednesday, here.
We have updated our COVID-19 heritage funding and advice page and downloadable Pdf with the latest information here.
The Scottish Government has published guidance to assist businesses in the tourism and hospitality sector to reopen safely on Wednesday 15 July. The guidance sets out the public health measures which will need to be implemented to allow safe reopening, including establishing physical distancing, enhanced hand hygiene measures and cleaning practices. Meanwhile, the Scottish Tourism Recovery Taskforce met for the first time on 25th June, co-chaired by Fergus Ewing and Jamie Hepburn and made up of more than 30 businesses. The taskforce will meet regularly in the coming weeks to provide strategic advice on the COVID-19 recovery.
Museums Galleries Scotland have launched a new survey to understand museums & galleries readiness to reopen and what support is required. They are keen for people to respond as soon as possible as this information is vital to help them advocate on behalf of the sector.
Scottish Community Heritage Alliance are also keen to find out how many organisations are planning to open their heritage sites this year and have launched a short survey with 7 anonymous questions to gather some data on the overall picture.
In response to consultation feedback on the draft culture strategy, the Scottish Government has established a National Partnership for Culture (NPC) to provide a cross-sector, interdisciplinary voice which can both advise and influence Scottish Ministers on the delivery of the Culture Strategy for Scotland. The National Partnership for Culture will start meeting soon to consider how the culture sector can recover from the coronavirus crisis and build on the recommendations set made by the Advisory Group on Economic Recovery. The Partnership is led by Joanna Baker, a former managing director of the Edinburgh International Festival. Further details and a list of membership can now be found here.
The UK Withdrawal from the European Union (Continuity) (Scotland) Bill [2020] has been introduced. The Bill retains alignment with the four EU guiding principles on the environment and establishes a new Scottish public body, Environmental Standards Scotland. More details here.
BEFS responded to the Just Transition Commission’s call for evidence, focusing on the opportunities for skilled work that the built environment, and particularly a maintenance agenda, can provide across Scotland. BEFS submission also highlighted the asks made by the Built Heritage Investment Group, which outline the economic and social benefits in relation to our transition to net zero, as well as the work of the Infrastructure Commission and its recommendations.
A new group has been launched to rebuild town centres. Experts in town planning, public health, transport and business are being brought together to consider the views of local communities in revitalising town centres in the wake of COVID-19. More details here.
Scotland Digs with DigIt has gone digital this year with archaeologists and experts running online events and sharing the “before and after” side of excavations. Find out more here.
Finally, have you submitted your favourite historic environment project or initiative as a best practice case study for our database and the OPiT 2019-20 report? The deadline is now approaching on 24th July. More details.
The Culture, Tourism, Europe and External Affairs Committee has launched a call for views on the impact of COVID-19 on Scotland’s culture and tourism sectors. There is currently no deadline for responding.
Scotland Business Survey – Impact of COVID-19
Consultation on proposed changes to the Energy Performance of Buildings (England and Wales) Regulations 2012
This consultation closes at 11:45pm on 14 July 2020.
The Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform Committee (ECCLRC) call for views on UK Withdrawal from the European Union (Continuity) (Scotland) Bill.
The call for views will close on Friday 31 July 2020.
The Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform Committee (ECCLRC) call for views on Green Recovery.
The call for views will be open until Friday 7 August 2020.
Coronavirus (COVID-19): note on application of building regulations to adaptations (SG 01/07/20)
Building Scotland’s Green Recovery (SCDI 30/06/20)
Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance for retail, tourism and hospitality customers (SG 30/06/20)
Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance for creative studios and shared workspaces (SG 03/06/20)
Coronavirus (COVID-19): UK Fiscal Path – A New Approach (SG 29/06/20)
Energy efficiency: advice and support for industry (SG 29/06/20)
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Phase 2: business and physical distancing guidance (SG 29/06/20)
Coronavirus (COVID-19): opening public and customer toilets (SG 27/06/20)
Planning and Environmental Appeals division: annual review 2019-2020 (SG 26/06/20)
Coronavirus (COVID-19): European Structural and Investment Funds (SG 26/06/20)
National Value of UNESCO to the United Kingdom (UNESCO 25/06/20)
Coronavirus (COVID-19): business support fund grant statistics (SG 25/06/20)
Coronavirus (COVID-19): returning to work safely (SG 24/06/20)
Working safely during coronavirus (COVID-19) – Guidance for Heritage Locations (DCMS 24/06/20)
Working safely during coronavirus (COVID-19) (DCMS 24/06/20)
Key Agencies Planning Group offer: green recovery (SG 23/06/20)
Report: Local government in Scotland Overview 2020 (Audit Scotland 23/06/20)
Coronavirus (COVID-19): construction sector guidance (SG 22/06/20)
Guidance for reopening your museum (GoIndustrial 19/06/20)
Coronavirus (COVID-19): tourism and hospitality sector guidance (SG 18/06/20)
New report: ‘Connected Recovery: Enabling the digital commute’ (Transform Scotland 18/06/20)
Scottish Government News Releases
Healthier, greener town centres (SG 01/07/02)
Diverse views from urban, town, rural and island communities must be heard if town centres are to be revitalised and renewed in the wake of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
Blueprint for economic recovery (SG 29/06/20)
A UK-wide £80 billion stimulus package should be created to regenerate the economy and reduce inequalities following the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, a new Scottish Government report proposes.
New tourism taskforce (SG 25/06/20)
A new taskforce created to drive forward the recovery of Scotland’s vital tourism sector is to meet for the first time.
National Partnership for Culture (SG 24/06/20)
A new group formed to deliver Scotland’s culture strategy is to meet for the first time.
Working towards economic recovery (SG 22/06/20)
Economy Secretary Fiona Hyslop has welcomed the recommendations of the Advisory Group on Economic Recovery.
Restarting tourism safely (SG 20/06/20)
Guidance to support Scotland’s tourism and hospitality sector to reopen safely has been published.
News Releases
New Chief Executive starts today (NTS 01/07/06)
Philip Long OBE is proud to be part of the team protecting Scotland’s natural and national treasures.
SCDI Publish Green Recovery Plan (SCDI 30/06/20)
The Scottish Council for Development and Industry (SCDI) has today published its plan for a Green Recovery from the COVID-19 crisis with a call for the Scottish and UK governments to deliver an ambitious ‘green stimulus’ to kick-start the economy, create new green jobs and fuel ‘clean growth’.
RIAS Elects Youngest Ever Candidate as President (RIAS 30/06/20)
At 33, Christina will be the youngest President in the Incorporation’s history and only the second female President (Dr Joyce Deans CBE was elected President from 1991 to 1993).
Partnership marks record-breaking decade of bringing empty homes back into use (SHN 29/06/20)
Scottish councils have been urged to make empty homes work a cornerstone of post-pandemic recovery after a record number of privately-owned vacant properties were brought back into use last year.
UNESCO sites lead the way on sustainable development and create value for communities across the UK (UNESCO 25/06/20)
Published today by the UK National Commission for UNESCO, new research shows UNESCO projects can help build a greener, more equal and more peaceful world, while also creating financial value.
New guidance for reopening of museums, galleries and the heritage sector (DCMS & HE 25/06/20)
The Prime Minister has announced that museums, galleries and heritage attractions will be able to open from 4 July.
COVID-19 can be an historic turning point in tackling the global climate crisis (CCC 25/06/20)
Ministers must seize the opportunity to turn the COVID-19 crisis into a defining moment in the fight against climate change, the Committee on Climate Change (CCC) says today.
CIfA response to Policy Exchange’s ‘Planning Anew’ and ‘Rethinking the Planning System for the 21st Century’ (CIfA 25/06/20)
Two recent publications from the think tank Policy Exchange, published in January[1] and June[2] 2020, respectively, have illustrated a renewed intent by some to promote reform which undermines the ability of the planning system to deliver sustainable development.
Entries to the A&DS and RIAS Scottish Student Awards for Architecture are now being invited (A&DS 23/06/20)
Now in their 19th year, the student awards are a mark of the continuing high standards of Scottish architectural education and ensure that both construction professionals and the public can enjoy the creativity and vision of Scotland’s future architects.
Advocacy update (CIfA 22/06/20)
CIfA is continuing to advocate on behalf of the archaeology sector and help inform UK governments of the impacts of the pandemic in archaeology.
Museums Galleries Scotland dedicates £332k to help sector reopen (Museums&Heritage 19/06/20)
As Scottish cultural institutions prepare to reopen when Phase 3 of the Government’s economic recovery plan begins, Museums Galleries Scotland is offering financial support to enable this to happen safely and promptly.
Opinion & Comment
Kevin Stewart MSP: What kind of Scotland do we want to see post-lockdown? (SG 26/06/20)
We are building grandiose venues while existing ones are collapsing (Times 26/06/20)
Planning for Scotland’s future – Fraser of Allander Institute Commentary (FAI 23/06/20)
How communities in Scotland are breaking up the old land monopolies (PN 22/06/20)
Parliamentary Questions
Questions marked with a triangle (?) are initiated by the Scottish Government in order to facilitate the provision of information to the Parliament.Questions in which a member has indicated a declarable interest are marked with an “R”.
Question S5W-30307: Monica Lennon, Central Scotland, Scottish Labour, Date Lodged: 29/06/2020
To ask the Scottish Government how it will engage the renewable energy industry in developing a green economic recovery to the COVID-19 public health emergency, and what discussions it has had with the sector during the pandemic.
Question S5W-30309: Monica Lennon, Central Scotland, Scottish Labour, Date Lodged: 29/06/2020 R
To ask the Scottish Government when it plans to recommence physical public inquiries into planning applications, and how it plans to ensure that these are conducted safely.
Question S5W-30308: Monica Lennon, Central Scotland, Scottish Labour, Date Lodged: 29/06/2020 R
To ask the Scottish Government what actions it is taking to ensure that public inquiries into planning applications that are being conducted via video during the COVID-19 crisis deliver fairness to all parties.
Question S5W-30306: Monica Lennon, Central Scotland, Scottish Labour, Date Lodged: 29/06/2020 R
To ask the Scottish Government whether the climate emergency and the achievement of Scotland’s net-zero targets will be potential material considerations in any planning applications made prior to the National Planning Framework 4 coming into effect.
Question S5W-30290: Finlay Carson, Galloway and West Dumfries, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party, Date Lodged: 29/06/2020
To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S5W-29857 by Fiona Hyslop on 22 June 2020, what work it is doing to help the National Trust for Scotland and what assistance was requested.
Question S5W-30092: Miles Briggs, Lothian, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party, Date Lodged: 19/06/2020
To ask the Scottish Government what funding has been allocated under the £20 million COVID-19 resilience fund.
Parliamentary Questions & Answers
Questions marked with a triangle (?) are initiated by the Government in order to facilitate the provision of information to the Parliament.
Question S5W-29227: Claire Baker, Mid Scotland and Fife, Scottish Labour, Date Lodged: 20/05/2020
To ask the Scottish Government how many applications for support from the Creative, Tourism and Hospitality Enterprises Fund it has received; what the total value of funding requested was; how many applications were approved, and what the total value of the awards made was, also broken down by the (a) creative and cultural, (b) tourism and (c) hospitality sector.
Answered by Fiona Hyslop (09/06/2020)
Question S5W-29571: Alexander Stewart, Mid Scotland and Fife, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party, Date Lodged: 02/06/2020
To ask the Scottish Government how many applications to the Creative, Tourism and Hospitality Enterprises Hardship fund have been (a) approved and (b) rejected, and how many payments have been made.
Answered by Fiona Hyslop (16/06/2020)
Question S5W-29591: Finlay Carson, Galloway and West Dumfries, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party, Date Lodged: 03/06/2020
To ask the Scottish Government what mechanisms are in place to enable Historic Environment Scotland to progress current projects while staff are furloughed.
Answered by Fiona Hyslop (15/06/2020)
Question S5W-29767: Claire Baker, Mid Scotland and Fife, Scottish Labour, Date Lodged: 09/06/2020
To ask the Scottish Government what guidance it will provide to businesses and tourist attractions that are allowed to reopen at phase 3 of its COVID-19 route map.
Answered by Fergus Ewing (22/06/2020)
Question S5W-29760: Claire Baker, Mid Scotland and Fife, Scottish Labour, Date Lodged: 09/06/2020
To ask the Scottish Government which tourist attractions it considers will not be allowed to reopen at phase 3 of its COVID-19 route map.
Answered by Fergus Ewing (22/06/2020)
Question S5W-29674: Rachael Hamilton, Ettrick, Roxburgh and Berwickshire, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party, Date Lodged: 08/06/2020
To ask the Scottish Government what assessment it has made of the performance of the land use strategy in contributing to meeting its climate change and biodiversity targets.
Answered by Roseanna Cunningham (18/06/2020)
Question S5W-29671: Rachael Hamilton, Ettrick, Roxburgh and Berwickshire, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party, Date Lodged: 08/06/2020
To ask the Scottish Government how the updated land use strategy will reflect changes in climate change policy, and what engagement it has had with stakeholders regarding this.
Answered by Roseanna Cunningham (18/06/2020)
Question S5W-29669: Rachael Hamilton, Ettrick, Roxburgh and Berwickshire, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party, Date Lodged: 08/06/2020
To ask the Scottish Government what assessment it has made of the efficacy of the 2016-21 land use strategy, and what progress is being made with the preparations for the updated strategy.
Answered by Roseanna Cunningham (18/06/2020)
Question S5W-29858: Maurice Golden, West Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party, Date Lodged: 11/06/2020
To ask the Scottish Government what immediate support it can provide to properties owned by the National Trust for Scotland that are unable to support social distancing regulations, while the talks over long-term assistance are ongoing.
Answered by Fiona Hyslop (22/06/2020)
Question S5W-29857: Maurice Golden, West Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party, Date Lodged: 11/06/2020
To ask the Scottish Government what the timeline is for further talks between it, the National Trust for Scotland and Scottish Enterprise, following the meeting on 26 May 2020.
Answered by Fiona Hyslop (22/06/2020)
Other Parliamentary
Motion S5M-22069: Maurice Corry, West Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party, Date Lodged: 17/06/2020
Scotland’s War Memorials
That the Parliament recognises the importance of Scotland’s war memorials in honouring the sacrifices made by servicemen and women; notes that these memorials, such as the Cross Monument located in Shandon, on the west coast, stand as confronting reminders of the human cost of war, past and present; agrees that their continued conservation and protection, which is often undertaken by community associations, is paramount in promoting both local and national remembrance; condemns therefore any attempt to desecrate or vandalise any of Scotland’s war memorials, such as the recent vandalism of the Boer War memorial in Glasgow’s Kelvingrove Park by demonstrators; understands that, in England, there is cross-party interest in bringing forward legislation against such desecration, and welcomes discussion on how war memorials and monuments across Scotland can be further protected to allow current and future generations to remember the impact of war and the people who made the ultimate sacrifice.
Supported by: Miles Briggs, Alexander Stewart, Gordon Lindhurst, Richard Lyle, Murdo Fraser, Bill Kidd, Kenneth Gibson, Edward Mountain, Donald Cameron, Margaret Mitchell, Clare Adamson, Jeremy Balfour, Alison Harris, David Torrance, Peter Chapman, Finlay Carson, Liam Kerr.
For the latest information about BEFS Members’ events see our events calendar.
Historians on Dundas and Slavery
Date & time: 7th July from 17.30 – 19.30.
Urgent discussions are taking place across the world about monuments and streets dedicated to Henry Dundas, mainly focused on his insertion of ‘gradual’ into the 1792 bill for the abolition of the slave trade. But Dundas’s connections to slavery were broader. Join historians with specialist knowledge of Dundas’s career for in-depth information and analysis of all aspects of Dundas’s relationship to slavery.
Alternative Models of Architecture Practice
Date & time: Wed, 8 July 2020 from 18:00 – 19:30.
Inspired by evidence of a growing innovative approach to practicing architecture, the EAA has curated a series of talks titled ‘Alternative Models of Architecture Practice’. Throughout this series we will hear from architects undertaking community engagement, becoming makers or developers, and taking back the term ‘Design & Build’. The EAA has invited three practices to our first talk. Akiko Kobayashi, Matt + Fiona, and John Kinsley Architects. Each of the practices will look at their own approach to architecture practice, explain what inspired them to take these alternative routes and some of the challenges and rewards they have experienced.
Urban History summer seminar series – ‘Questioning the consensus? ‘
Date & time: Fri, 17 July 2020; 11:00 – 12:00.
Over the next few months, this seminar series will showcase leading edge research in the field of urban history. Our second speaker, Dr James Lesh from the University of Melbourne, will be talking about his work on heritage conservation in 1990s Melbourne and Sydney.
e-Learning with CIfA
Welcome to CIfA’s e-learning portal. Here we provide online learning courses to help you develop your knowledge and understanding regarding heritage and the historic environment. Our current courses are:
• Professionalism in historic environment practice, an introduction
• Making sense of the planning system: An introduction
• Planning your career: understanding Personal Development Plans and Continuing Professional Development