BEFS Bulletin – Planning (Scotland) Bill
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The wonderful Riddles Court
The Planning (Scotland) Bill was published on Tuesday and followed by a Ministerial Statement on ‘Planning and Inclusive Growth’ by Kevin Stewart MSP, Minister for Local Government and Housing. The Bill is intended to strengthen and simplify the planning system. It is anticipated that the Bill will receive Royal Assent in Autumn 2018, with preparation of the new National Planning Framework (NPF) beginning in 2018. The new NPF will be in place from 2020 to inform the preparation of local development plans.
Some of BEFS members have provided an initial response to the new Planning Bill, including RTPI Scotland’s call for the planning bill to be bold and comments from PAS and RICS Scotland in Scottish Housing News. BEFS Planning Bill Taskforce will meet to discuss the content of the Bill and briefings arising in January 2018.
The Scottish Household Conditions Survey 2016 has now been published. Key findings include that 67% of pre-1919 dwellings had critical element disrepair (which refers to weather tightness and structural stability) in 2016, compared to 68% in 2015.
In our blog this week, BEFS Director, Euan Leitch, reflects on links between recent built environment events and academic analysis, in light of the forthcoming changes in the funding landscape.
Finally, we were delighted to see many of you at BEFS AGM yesterday, at the fabulous Riddles Court. We would like to officially welcome and introduce our newest Associate Members: the Cockburn Association and SURF – Scotland’s Regeneration Forum.
A consultation on a draft revised code of conduct for registered property factors
Closes on 15 January 2018.
Consultation on a Draft Order extending coverage of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 to Registered Social Landlords
Opened 6 Dec 2017 and closes on 7 March 2018.
Scotland’s Energy Efficiency Programme: Second Consultation on Local Heat & Energy Efficiency Strategies, and Regulation of District and Communal Heating.
Opened 14 Nov 2017 and closes on 20 February 2018.
Consultation Responses
Housing Supply Budget: Summary of written evidence (SP 05/12/17)
Strategic Housing Investment Plans (SHIPs): Summary of written evidence (SP 05/12/17)
The housing land market in Scotland: A discussion paper (Scottish Land Commission 05/12/17)
SPICe Briefing on the Scottish Government’s More Homes Budget (SP 05/12/17)
Building Britain’s Future? The Construction Workforce after Brexit (IPPR 11/17)
Construction Industry Brexit Manifesto (UK Construction Industry 11/17)
The Architectural Heritage Fund’s Annual Review 2016/17 (AHF 11/17)
Planning Performance Framework Annual Report 2016-17 (SG 11/11/17)
Scottish Government News Releases
Scottish House Condition Survey 2016 (SG 05/12/17)
In 2016 fuel poverty rates declined by about 4 percentage points, equivalent to 99,000 fewer households living in fuel poverty compared to 2015. 26.5% (or around 649,000 households) were fuel poor. This is the lowest rate recorded by the survey since 2005/6 and the same as in 2007. 7.5% (or 183,000 households) were living in extreme fuel poverty in 2016.
Transforming planning (SG 05/12/17)
New legislation to simplify and improve the planning system has been set out by Local Government Minister Kevin Stewart. Mr Stewart described how the Planning (Scotland) Bill, will create a new structure for a more proactive and enabling system with clearer development plans, earlier engagement with communities, streamlined procedures and smarter resourcing.
New Private Residential Tenancy (01/12/17)
Greater security for tenants and safeguards for landlords. The biggest change to the private rental sector in a generation will mean tenants have more security and stability coupled with better safeguards for landlords, lenders and investors.
Royal Edinburgh Building opened (SG 29/11/17)
£48 million hospital redevelopment complete. First Minister Nicola Sturgeon today officially opened the Royal Edinburgh Building – the first phase of the £48 million Royal Edinburgh Hospital redevelopment.
Discretionary Housing Payments (SG 28/11/17)
Statistics released today by Scotland’s Chief Statistician show that during the period 1 April to 30 September 2017, Local Authorities in Scotland made nearly 98,000 awards under the Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP) Scheme, with a total value of £52.6 million and an average award of £537.
News Releases
Landscape for Scotland (LIS 04/12/17)
The Landscape Institute Scotland is delighted to present ‘Landscape for Scotland’. The document encourages Scotland’s commitment to international best practice in landscape protection, planning and management and supports the Scottish Government in delivering its Programme for Scotland. It demonstrates that Scottish landscapes are an essential aspect of people’s sense of place and belonging.
Changes to our grant making (HLF 01/12/17)
In early 2019 the Heritage Lottery Fund will begin a new, five-year Strategic Funding Framework that sets out how we will distribute National Lottery good causes money to the heritage sector. In January 2018 we will begin a public consultation on our priorities and how that will work.
IHBC’s update on HLF forward planning with lower budgets, from CE Ros Kerslake OBE (IHBC 01/12/17)
The Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF), through its Chief Executive Ros Kerslake OBE, has informed key stakeholders such as the IHBC and its members, about its plans to ‘optimise how [the HLF will] use a lower, but still substantial, budget of some £190m next year – set in light of reduced National Lottery income and the need to align our grant commitments with reserves’.
My Place Awards launched for 2018 (SCT 01/12/17)
As the countdown to Christmas begins, so too does the search for 2018’s best new building, public realm or designed landscape or heritage restoration project in Scotland. Deadline for nominations is 31 January 2018!
Creative industries’ record contribution to UK economy (DDCMS 29/11/17)
The UK’s booming creative industries made a record contribution to the economy in 2016, new statistics show. Industries including advertising and marketing, arts and film, TV and radio, and museums and galleries are all part of this thriving economic sector, which is now worth almost £92bn, according to the figures published today by the Department for Digital, Media, Culture and Sport.
Housing and infrastructure draft planning delivery advice: Chief Planner letter (SG 29/11/17)
Letter from the Chief Planner about the withdrawal of the housing and infrastructure draft planning delivery advice from 1 December 2017.
Young Professionals Panel (National Infrastructure Commission 28/11/17)
The UK’s up-and-coming planners, designers, architects and engineers are being encouraged to give their views on meeting the country’s future infrastructure needs. The National Infrastructure Commission (NIC) has unveiled plans for a young professionals panel to advise its chairman Lord Adonis and fellow commissioners. Adonis said this was a “unique opportunity” for professionals at the outset of their careers to have an influence.
Tailored review of the Heritage Lottery Fund and National Heritage Memorial Fund (DDMCS 27/11/17)
The review found that HLF’s role in distributing funding for heritage was seen as crucial to the conservation of heritage assets, to engaging communities across the UK with their heritage, and to providing support for heritage organisations to survive and thrive. Whilst HLF has a good reputation in the sector, the review found scope for it to become a more strategic organisation.
The IFS hosted its post-Budget briefing yesterday (IFS 23/11/17)
Opening remarks and information in the economic downgrade, public spending, housing, and tax and benefits have been published. It warned that the UK was in danger of losing two decades of earnings growth, leading to a forecast increase in borrowing. The Chancellor’s commitment to reducing the deficit by £25bn by 2022-23 was described as optimistic. It also noted there are £12bn of welfare cuts still to come and public spending is expected to be reduced by a further 3.6%.
Brexit scuppers Dundee’s 2023 European Capital of Culture bids (BBC 23/11/7)
Dundee will not be able to compete in the European Capital of Culture 2023 competition due to Brexit, the European Commission has confirmed.
Industry raises £127,000 at launch of RICS and LandAid fundraising campaign (RICS 20/11/17)
The Pledge150 campaign will see RICS partnering with property industry charity LandAid, to lead the built environment sector in raising £2.25m for the provision of 150 bed spaces across all 12 UK regions by December 2018. The kick-off event raised £127,000 towards the £2.25m target.
Enter RTPI Awards for Planning Excellence now: be a winner in 2018 (RTPI 13/11/17)
The RTPI Awards for Planning Excellence are the longest running and most high-profile awards in the industry. They are now open for entries. Make sure you get yours in before midnight, 8 December.
Opinion & Comment
Exploring ways to increase the supply of affordable housing (SHN 07/12/17)
McLeish: Planning Bill’s a good start, but there is space to build on the ambition (SAPP 05/12/17)
Planning for the wrong homes in the wrong places? (NT 13/11/17)
Parliamentary Questions
Questions marked with a triangle (?) are initiated by the Scottish Government in order to facilitate the provision of information to the Parliament.Questions in which a member has indicated a declarable interest are marked with an “R”.
Graham Simpson S5W-13039
To ask the Scottish Government what its position is on whether EPC measures for the U-value of stone construction in Scotland fairly represent actual in situ performance. (SP 30/11/17)
Graham Simpson S5W-13038
To ask the Scottish Government what percentage of pre-1919 residential buildings are not listed. (SP 30/11/17)
Graham Simpson S5W-13037
To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S5W-11852 by Kevin Stewart on 25 October 2017, what protections are in place for alterations and changes that may be damaging but are allowed to take place without a Listed Building Consent. (SP 30/11/17)
Graham Simpson S5W-13036
To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S5W-11854 by Kevin Stewart on 25 October 2017, in light of the development of the skills listed being voluntary, what plans it has to make accreditation mandatory for retrofit work on listed and traditional buildings. (SP 30/11/17)
Graham Simpson S5W-13028
To ask the Scottish Government how many new skilled workers it estimates are needed to meet its house-building targets. (SP 29/11/17)
Graham Simpson S5W-13030
To ask the Scottish Government what consideration it has given to providing additional funding for training new workers in the construction sector. (SP 29/11/17)
Graham Simpson S5W-13031
To ask the Scottish Government what consideration it has given to the recommendations in the UK Government’s interim report on the review of the gap between planning permission being granted and house building completion, and whether it will consider these when tackling similar issues for housing developments in Scotland. (SP 29/11/17)
Graham Simpson S5W-13032
To ask the Scottish Government what consideration it has given to the introduction of new towns as a means to tackle housing shortages, as recommended by RICS and similar to those announced for England by the UK Government. (SP 29/11/17)
Graham Simpson S5W-13033
To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answers to questions S5W-11853 and S5W-11854 by Kevin Stewart on 25 October 2017, what provisions are in place to ensure the same standards are met for listed and pre-1919 buildings that are not grant-funded by HES. (SP 29/11/17)
Graham Simpson S5W-13034
To ask the Scottish Government whether it plans to ensure that all (a) listed and (b) pre-1919 buildings have an accredited professional adviser on energy efficiency adaptations. (SP 29/11/17)
Liam McArthur S5W-13066
To ask the Scottish Government how it plans to use (a) the (i) Energy Efficiency Programme (SEEP) and (ii) Warm Homes bill and (b) other measures to invest in and support work (A) to bring more existing stock back in to use and (B) where properties need repaired or upgraded before insulation work begins. (SP 29/11/17)
Parliamentary Questions & Answers
Questions marked with a triangle (?) are initiated by the Government in order to facilitate the provision of information to the Parliament.
Question S5W-12771: Alison Johnstone, Lothian, Scottish Green Party, Date Lodged: 16/11/2017
To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S4W-19841 by Derek Mackay on 10 March 2014, whether it will provide an update on what progress it is making on delivering the recommendations in A Low Carbon Building Standards Strategy for Scotland: 2013 Update.
Answered by Kevin Stewart (27/11/2017)
Question S5W-12770: Alison Johnstone, Lothian, Scottish Green Party, Date Lodged: 16/11/2017
To ask the Scottish Government, in light of the recommendation in A Low Carbon Building Standards Strategy for Scotland that it should have been introduced in 2016-17, when it will set the date for the delivery of net zero-carbon new buildings.
Answered by Kevin Stewart (27/11/2017)
Question S5W-12873: Richard Lyle, Uddingston and Bellshill, Scottish National Party, Date Lodged: 21/11/2017
To ask the Scottish Government what (a) housing and (b) electrical safety standards must Airbnb and other similarly-let premises meet, and what assessment it has made of how many are meeting these.
Answered by Kevin Stewart (04/12/2017)
Question S5W-12957: Liam McArthur, Orkney Islands, Scottish Liberal Democrats, Date Lodged: 23/11/2017
To ask the Scottish Government, in light of its plan for all homes to be given a minimum energy performance rating by 2040, whether it will confirm (a) what the minimum rating will be and (b) how the energy performance will be measured.
Answered by Kevin Stewart (29/11/2017)
Question S5W-12956: Liam McArthur, Orkney Islands, Scottish Liberal Democrats, Date Lodged: 23/11/2017
To ask the Scottish Government whether the forthcoming Scotland’s Energy Efficiency Programme (SEEP) bill will contain (a) proposals for an independent body to oversee the delivery of SEEP and (b) targets and milestones for the delivery of each proposal.
Answered by Kevin Stewart (29/11/2017)
Question S5W-12953: Liam McArthur, Orkney Islands, Scottish Liberal Democrats, Date Lodged: 23/11/2017
To ask the Scottish Government, in light of the commitment in the 2016 SNP manifesto to deliver a warm homes bill “to support our work to tackle fuel poverty and improve energy efficiency”, whether it will set out what specific measures it will introduce to combat fuel poverty and improve energy efficiency.
Answered by Kevin Stewart (05/12/2017)
Other Parliamentary Activity
The Parliament has agreed the following parliamentary recess dates in 2017:
- 23 December 2017 to 7 January 2018 (inclusive)
For the latest information about BEFS Members’ events see our events calendar.
RSA Scottish Land Commission Strategy Debate
When: Mon 11 December 2017, from 17:00 – 19:00 GMT.
Where: James Hutton Institute, Craigiebuckler, Aberdeen AB15 8QH.
Please join us for a presentation by Andrew Thin, Chairman, Scottish Land Commission, followed by a Q&A/debate about the work of the Commission and its potential impact on both urban and rural Scotland. This event, being run jointly by the James Hutton Institute and RSA – via its MCICH Network – is open to Fellows of the RSA, staff and board members of the James Hutton Institute and to all those interested in the Commission’s work from private, public and third sector perspectives. It is envisaged delegates may also have questions about the recently announced Esmee Fairbairn Foundation funded “Food, Farming, and Countryside Commission”. Queries to organiser Ann Packard FRSA via 0131 556 2052.
‘The General Register of Sasines – celebrating 400 years’
When: December 11th, from 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm.
Where: National Museum Scotland Auditorium, Edinburgh, Chambers Street, Edinburgh, EH1 1JF.
Lecture given by Isla MacLeod, Registers of Scotland. Created by the 1617 Registration Act of the Parliament of Scotland, the General Register of Sasines was the first of its kind in the world. Whilst it is probably one of the lesser known world firsts chalked up for Scotland, its impact has been fundamental – here and aboard. The story of the General Register of Sasines and the organisation responsible for it, Registers of Scotland, reflects the social, economic and political history of Scotland across the last four centuries. This illustrated talk will bring together the stories, people and projects that have characterised Scottish land registration over the last 400 years.
‘The General Register of Sasines – celebrating 400 years’
When: December 12th, from 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm.
Where: Regent Building Lecture Theatre, Regent Walk, Aberdeen, AB24 3FX.
Lecture given by Isla MacLeod, Registers of Scotland. Created by the 1617 Registration Act of the Parliament of Scotland, the General Register of Sasines was the first of its kind in the world. Whilst it is probably one of the lesser known world firsts chalked up for Scotland, its impact has been fundamental – here and aboard. The story of the General Register of Sasines and the organisation responsible for it, Registers of Scotland, reflects the social, economic and political history of Scotland across the last four centuries. This illustrated talk will bring together the stories, people and projects that have characterised Scottish land registration over the last 400 years.
GCHT Festive Winter Warmer
When: 14th December, from 4pm-7pm.
Where: GCHT HQ, 54 Bell Street, Glasgow.
Join us on Thursday 14th December for an evening of festive treats and crafts and the opportunity to browse a large selection of framed prints and canvasses featuring stunning photographs of Glasgow’s historic buildings and features, priced from £5. Can’t make it on the 14th? Don’t worry, we’ll have prints available for sale Monday 18th – Friday 22nd December – just pop into our HQ at 54 Bell Street between 9am and 5pm!
IHBC’s 2018 Annual School
When: 21-23 June 2018.
Where: Belfast.
The Institute of Historic Building Conservation (IHBC) is delighted to announce the IHBC’s 2018 Annual School, in Belfast, 21-23rd June 2018, which will take as its title ‘Our Shared Heritage’, reflecting the theme for the 2018 European Year of Cultural Heritage, and with keynote speakers:
• Bill Drummond – Scottish artist, co-founder of avant-garde pop group The KLF, and art provocateur known for burning £1millon cash, whose 10 Commandments for Art include ‘Make art for everyone’ and ‘Stand on the outside looking further out’.
• Jukka Jokilehto – Celebrated conservation architect, leader in international heritage policy advice and education, and author of the definitive ‘A History of Architectural Conservation’, exploring how heritage professionals can work more effectively with communities.
Planning Officer (Falkirk Council)
The Falkirk Council area is changing for the better. As a Planning Officer you will assist in administering the Council’s Statutory Development Plan responsibilities. Based at Abbotsford House in Development Services you will be part of our planning policy team.
Closes: Sunday, 10th December 2017.
Conservation Adviser (SAVE Britain’s Heritage)
The conservation adviser role involves liaising with local groups, conservation officers and other heritage bodies, commenting on planning applications, as well as mounting campaigns to save threatened buildings at risk of imminent demolition. Excellent writing and analytical skills are required for this position. You must have a genuine enthusiasm for architecture and the ability to work quickly and with flexibility to tight deadlines. Working as part of a small team, from drafting press releases and researching reports, to advising a local campaign or commenting on planning applications, no single day is the same.
The closing date for applications is Friday January 5th and interviews will be held 11th and 12th January 2018.
SCVO Convener (Edinburgh/Glasgow/Across Scotland)
We’re on the hunt for a new Convener. Could you take on one of the most influential board positions in Scotland’s third sector? At SCVO, we passionately believe in the power of people, communities and the third sector.
We are searching for a special individual who can advocate for the third sector, and lead SCVO’s board and staff into the future. Candidates will already have significant experience and a high profile in Scottish public life, but they will also have a special affinity with the values and aspirations of Scotland’s third sector. Closing: 22 December 2017.
Information in the Bulletin is extracted from a number of websites including the Scottish Government (SG); the Scottish Parliament (SP); Architecture and Design Scotland (A+DS); Historic Environment Scotland (HES); Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH); Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO); English Heritage (EH); Design Council (DC); Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG); Department of Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS); Department of Environment and Rural Affairs (DEFRA); National Assembly for Wales (NAW); Forestry Commission Scotland (FCS); Scottish Government Building Standards (SGBS); Europa Nostra (EN); Historic England (HE).
If you have any questions or comments on the above, or would like to submit information to be included, please get in touch with Saskia Smellie or tel: BEFS Office on 0131 220 6241.