BEFS Bulletin – Season’s Greetings

Get The Latest Built Environment News, Events, Vacancies, Consultations And Publications in our final bulletin of the year.


Cabinet Secretary for Finance and the Constitution Derek Mackay MSP laid out the details of the Scottish Government’s draft budget 2018-19 last Thursday. Key documents have also been published, including a Scotland Performs Update. Details on the funding of Historic Environment Scotland within the Culture, Tourism and External Affairs portfolio can be found in our latest news item.

Scotland’s national fundraising conference specifically dedicated to the heritage sector will take place on Thursday 26th April 2018 in Edinburgh. Celebrating Scotland’s Heritage and the Resourcing Scotland’s Heritage (RSH) Training Programme, the conference will focus on various fundraising avenues, share the RSH legacies from the past four years and look forward to future training opportunities, following the conclusion of the training programme in March 2018. Further details in the new year but save the date!

BEFS is delighted to introduce three new Trustees. Read a little about Tom Addyman, Stuart Beattie and Kate Houghton, and their ambitions in their new roles on BEFS board.

Finally, the team at BEFS would like to wish you all a wonderful festive season and a great start to 2018. The BBC has helpfully pulled together some of the best and worst politician Christmas cards of the year…enjoy!

The Scottish Parliament’s Local Government and Communities Committee has today, Friday 15 December, launched a call for written evidence on the Planning (Scotland) Bill

Land and Buildings Transaction Tax (Relief from Additional Amount) (Scotland) Bill
The Finance and Constitution Committee is the lead Committee responsible for scrutiny of the Bill.  Accordingly, the Committee would be interested in hearing your views on the Bill.

Consultation Responses

Climate Change Bill: Consultation Summary Report (SG 18/12/17)
A summary report from independent contractors analysing responses to the public consultation on Scottish Government proposals for a Climate Change Bill.


The Taylor Review: Sustainability of English Churches and Cathedrals (DDCMS 20/12/17)
An independent review, chaired by Bernard Taylor, into the sustainability of Church of England Church and Cathedral buildings.

The Energy Efficiency Standard for Social Housing (EESSH) – Scottish Government Guidance for Social Landlords (Revised December 2017) (SG 20/12/17)

A guide to energy performance certificates for the marketing, sale and let of dwellings: Improving the energy efficiency of our buildings (DCLG xx/12/17)

Places, people and planning: simplified development zone flowchart (SG 18/12/17)

Understanding the Archaeology of Landscapes: A Guide to Good Recording Practice (Second Edition) (CiFA 14/12/17)
This document outlines non-invasive fieldwork approaches to surveying, investigating and interpreting archaeological sites and landscapes. It is relevant to archaeologists working in the commercial sector, to those conducting academic research projects, and to the voluntary sector and community groups.

‘Hard to reach’ or ‘easy to ignore’? Promoting equality in community engagement – Evidence review (WWS 12/12/17)
This evidence review explores the intersection between community engagement and inequality. It examines evidence, from Scotland and the UK, on what is being done to overcome inequality in community engagement.

Estimate of Community Owned Land in Scotland 2017 (SG 08/12/17)

Code of Conduct for Persons Lobbying MSPs (SP 08/12/17)
TheLobbying (Scotland) Act 2016 requires the Scottish Parliament to publish a code of conduct for persons lobbying members of the Scottish Parliament.  This Code of Conduct has been produced to meet this statutory obligation.

Scottish Government News Releases

Building a fairer Scotland (SG 20/12/17)
£756 million investment in affordable housing. A 28% funding increase will help deliver at least 50,000 affordable homes over this Parliament, as announced in the Draft Budget by Finance Secretary Derek Mackay.

Building and fire safety (SG 18/12/17)
Response to independent interim review. Communities Secretary Angela Constance has welcomed the publication of an interim report into UK building regulations and fire safety. Dame Judith Hackitt was commissioned to carry out the Independent Review of Building Regulations and Fire Safety following the Grenfell Tower fire.

Scotland’s Budget (SG 14/12/17)
Investing in the NHS, protecting low earners, backing Scotland’s economy. The 2018-19 Draft Budget will protect the NHS and public services, support low earners and unlock Scotland’s economic potential, according to Finance Secretary Derek Mackay.

13% increase in number of new build homes started (SG 13/12/17)
A National Statistics Publication for Scotland. There were 19,598 new build homes started across all sectors over the year ending June 2017, an increase of 13%, or 2,188 homes, on the previous year.

Returning EU powers (SG 12/12/17)
Preparations underway for ‘Continuity Bill’. The Scottish Government will press ahead with preparations for a ‘Continuity Bill’ if significant changes are not made to UK Brexit legislation, Minister for UK Negotiations on Scotland’s Place in Europe Michael Russell has said.

70,000 affordable homes delivered (SG 12/12/17)
Housing figures published today. More than 70,000 affordable homes have now been delivered since 2007- a total of 48,813 homes for social rent, including 8,819 council homes, as well as 4,936 for affordable rent and 17,112 for affordable home ownership.

Community ownership is increasing in Scotland (SG 08/12/17)
Scotland’s Chief Statistician today published the Estimate of Community Owned Land in Scotland 2017 publication. The publication presents the area of land in community ownership, the number of land parcels/assets in community ownership and the number of community groups that own land parcels/assets.

News Releases

New Planning Bill needs national and regional housing targets, says Henry McLeish (SHN 21/12/17)
The chair of the Scottish Alliance for People and Places and the former First Minister of Scotland, the Rt. Hon. Henry McLeish, has pressed the Scottish Government to be more ambitious on housing in its recently published Planning (Scotland) Bill.

Survey of community archaeologists (CiFA 19/12/17)
The CIfA Voluntary and Community SIG has launched a survey of community archaeologists to get a better idea of who is working in community archaeology and to find out what everyone would like to have or need in terms of support and training. What can we do to support community archaeology across the sector and promote best practice and standards? The survey is open until the end of January 2018.

Call for Entries – RIAS/RIBA Awards for Scotland 2018 (RIAS 14/12/17)
This year we are launching entirely in tandem with the RIBA. All types of architectural projects are eligible, including conservation, conversions, extensions, interiors, new-build, public realm, regeneration and restoration. Entries submitted will be eligible to win the new RIAS Awards and Special Category Awards, RIBA Awards for Scotland and RIBA Special Awards. RIAS Award winners will also be eligible for the RIAS Andrew Doolan Best Building in Scotland Award. RIBA Award winners will also be eligible for the RIBA Stirling Prize. Only one submission and one entry fee per project submitted is required.

Independent review calls for greater community use to give church buildings a sustainable future (DDCMS 20/12/17)
Churches should be opened up for new and different uses by communities to help build a more sustainable future for the buildings, an independent report has recommended. The Taylor Review: Sustainability of English Churches and Cathedrals says that congregations should be empowered to involve more local people in enjoying, valuing, using and caring for their churches.

SURF Award Winners Announced (SURF 07/12/17)
The outcomes of the prestigious 2017 SURF Awards for Best Practice in Community Regeneration were announced tonight (07/12/17) at a celebratory presentation event in Glasgow’s Grand Central Hotel.

Opinion & Comment

Reflections on the Planning (Scotland) Bill (RTPI Scotland 19/12/17)

Communities across Scotland at risk from flooding reservoirs (18/12/17)

Land Value Taxation (Scottish Land Commission 15/12/17)

Arctic Circle Forum: Scotland and the New North (RTPI Scotland 14/12/17)

Blog: The housing land market in Scotland (SHN 08/12/17)

Parliamentary Questions

Questions marked with a triangle (?) are initiated by the Scottish Government in order to facilitate the provision of information to the Parliament.Questions in which a member has indicated a declarable interest are marked with an “R”.

Elaine Smith S5W-13324
To ask the Scottish Government what proportion of local authority-owned land has been (a) sold to private developers and (b) retained for the purpose of building council housing for social rent in each of the last five years. (SP 11/12/17)

Elaine Smith S5W-13327
To ask the Scottish Government how it will support local authorities in mitigating the effect of reports of rising rents in some inner city areas on low-income workers. (SP 11/12/17)

Elaine Smith S5W-13328
To ask the Scottish Government how the provisions of the Housing (Scotland) Act 2001 that require local authorities to take due regard of the long-term supply of appropriately trained construction and maintenance labour has been monitored, and how it will be recorded during the Affordable Supply Housing Programme (SP 11/12/17).

Jackie Baillie S5W-13531
To ask the Scottish Government when it will publish the assessment that underpins its assertion that the provisions in its Planning (Scotland) Bill are compatible with the European Convention on Human Rights. (SP 20/12/17)

Jackie Baillie S5W-13532
To ask the Scottish Government what assessment it has made of whether the provisions in its Planning (Scotland) Bill are compliant with the obligations in the UN Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-Making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters, also known as the Aarhus Convention, and when it will publish any such assessment. (SP 20/12/17)

Parliamentary Questions & Answers

Questions marked with a triangle (?) are initiated by the Government in order to facilitate the provision of information to the Parliament.

Question S5W-12953: Liam McArthur, Orkney Islands, Scottish Liberal Democrats, Date Lodged: 23/11/2017
To ask the Scottish Government, in light of the commitment in the 2016 SNP manifesto to deliver a warm homes bill “to support our work to tackle fuel poverty and improve energy efficiency”, whether it will set out what specific measures it will introduce to combat fuel poverty and improve energy efficiency.
Answered by Kevin Stewart (05/12/2017)

Question S5W-13032: Graham Simpson, Central Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party, Date Lodged: 29/11/2017
To ask the Scottish Government what consideration it has given to the introduction of new towns as a means to tackle housing shortages, as recommended by RICS and similar to those announced for England by the UK Government.
Answered by Kevin Stewart (06/12/2017)

Question S5W-13066: Liam McArthur, Orkney Islands, Scottish Liberal Democrats, Date Lodged: 29/11/2017
To ask the Scottish Government how it plans to use (a) the (i) Energy Efficiency Programme (SEEP) and (ii) Warm Homes bill and (b) other measures to invest in and support work (A) to bring more existing stock back in to use and (B) where properties need repaired or upgraded before insulation work begins.
Answered by Kevin Stewart (12/12/2017)

Question S5W-13033: Graham Simpson, Central Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party, Date Lodged: 29/11/2017
To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answers to questions S5W-11853 and S5W-11854 by Kevin Stewart on 25 October 2017, what provisions are in place to ensure the same standards are met for listed and pre-1919 buildings that are not grant-funded by HES.
Answered by Kevin Stewart (12/12/2017)

Question S5W-13034: Graham Simpson, Central Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party, Date Lodged: 29/11/2017
To ask the Scottish Government whether it plans to ensure that all (a) listed and (b) pre-1919 buildings have an accredited professional adviser on energy efficiency adaptations.
Answered by Kevin Stewart (12/12/2017)

Question S5W-13036: Graham Simpson, Central Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party, Date Lodged: 30/11/2017
To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S5W-11854 by Kevin Stewart on 25 October 2017, in light of the development of the skills listed being voluntary, what plans it has to make accreditation mandatory for retrofit work on listed and traditional buildings.
Answered by Kevin Stewart (12/12/2017)

Question S5W-13028: Graham Simpson, Central Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party, Date Lodged: 29/11/2017
To ask the Scottish Government how many new skilled workers it estimates are needed to meet its house-building targets.
Answered by Kevin Stewart (13/12/2017)

Question S5W-13030: Graham Simpson, Central Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party, Date Lodged: 29/11/2017
To ask the Scottish Government what consideration it has given to providing additional funding for training new workers in the construction sector.
Answered by Jamie Hepburn (12/12/2017)

Question S5W-13031: Graham Simpson, Central Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party, Date Lodged: 29/11/2017
To ask the Scottish Government what consideration it will give to the recommendations in the UK Government’s interim report on the review of the gap between planning permission being granted and house building completion, and whether it will consider these when tackling similar issues for housing developments in Scotland.
Answered by Kevin Stewart (12/12/2017)

Question S5W-13037: Graham Simpson, Central Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party, Date Lodged: 30/11/2017
To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S5W-11852 by Kevin Stewart on 25 October 2017, what protections are in place for alterations and changes that may be damaging but are allowed to take place without a Listed Building Consent.
Answered by Fiona Hyslop (12/12/2017) 

Question S5W-13038: Graham Simpson, Central Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party, Date Lodged: 30/11/2017
To ask the Scottish Government what percentage of pre-1919 residential buildings are not listed.
Answered by Fiona Hyslop (12/12/2017)

Question S5W-13039: Graham Simpson, Central Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party, Date Lodged: 30/11/2017
To ask the Scottish Government what its position is on whether EPC measures for the U-value of stone construction in Scotland fairly represent actual in situ performance.
Answered by Kevin Stewart (12/12/2017)


For the latest information about BEFS Members’ events see our events calendar.

Property repair and maintenance event
When: 5th February 2018 at 5.30pm-7.30pm
Where: ESPC Property Information Centre,107 George Street, Edinburgh, EH2 3ES
Living in a tenement? Have you considered the best way to maintain the communal building in which you live to protect your property from damp or other such problems? Or worry about how to go about fixing repairs on your shared building now that the council’s statutory notices are no longer issued? Is there funding available for your property? Hypostyle Architects has worked with homeowners for many years providing a professional service to help them repair and maintain their properties. ESPC has teamed up with Hypostyle to host a Property Maintenance Event to provide homeowners with the tools required to assess their building’s condition and demonstrate how to carry out repairs and ensure correct maintenance of their property. This means you don’t have to worry about any sudden large bills due to degrading buildings.


Building Craft Programme
Start date: 9 July 2018
Duration: 8 months
Bursary: £1,000 per month
Overview: The Prince’s Foundation Building Craft Programme gives practical experience in traditional building crafts and an opportunity to gain a Heritage Skills NVQ Level 3. This course is designed for craftspeople looking to bridge the gap between basic qualifications and becoming a master craftsperson working within the heritage sector. The programme offers something for everyone, and we’ve worked with people across the world to deliver it. Over the course of this eight-month programme, you will work with a wide range of building crafts and expert craftspeople to learn all of the subtle nuances of the craft, taking your skills to the next level.

Transform your approach to community engagement
Upcoming date for Part 1:
Edinburgh, Thursday 25 January 2018 *last few places remaining*

Become recognised for your community engagement skills!
SP=EED Verification is for anyone who would like to enhance their skills and become recognised as a community engagement practitioner. Previous participants have come from local authorities, planning consultancies, the energy sector, and third sector organisations. SP=EED is a two-part programme: Part 1 is an interactive workshop facilitated by our trainers, with Part 2 being an assessed written reflective learning assessment based on a real life engagement process you have been involved in. The cost of the two-part programme is £250 per person. For full details and to book your place please visit our website. For further details please contact David Wood or on 0131 659 9774.


IHBC joint project and HESPR ‘Pick’: ‘Guidelines for Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment – Request for Expressions of Interest for a Writer’
The IHBC and partners, IEMA and The Chartered Institute of Archaeologists (CIfA), seek a ‘Writer’ to prepare ‘Guidelines for Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment’, due out April 2019, with a deadline for tender queries of 12 January 2018; closing date for submissions 2 February, with the opportunity also posted on the weekly ‘News and Tender Alert’ to the IHBC’s heritage business listing, HESPR – the Historic Environment Service Providers Recognition scheme.
Closing 2 Feb 2018. 

The Architectural Heritage Fund – Trustee Vacancies
The Architectural Heritage Fund (AHF) is currently seeking to appoint three new trustees to join its Board. The Architectural Heritage Fund (AHF) is a leading heritage charity founded in 1976 to help charities, community businesses and social enterprises across the UK find solutions for vulnerable historic buildings. We do this by offering advice, grants and loans.
Closing: Friday 15th January.


Information in the Bulletin is extracted from a number of websites including the Scottish Government (SG); the Scottish Parliament (SP); Architecture and Design Scotland (A+DS); Historic Environment Scotland (HES); Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH); Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO); English Heritage (EH); Design Council (DC); Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG); Department of Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS); Department of Environment and Rural Affairs (DEFRA); National Assembly for Wales (NAW); Forestry Commission Scotland (FCS); Scottish Government Building Standards  (SGBS); Europa Nostra (EN); Historic England (HE).

If you have any questions or comments on the above, or would like to submit information to be included, please get in touch with Saskia Smellie or tel: BEFS Office on 0131 220 6241.