BEFS Bulletin – The Potential of Land Value Capture
Get The Latest Built Environment News, Events, Vacancies, Consultations And Publications In Our News Bulletin.

Join us for Land Value Capture – An Exploration of Methods & Views, on 31st May in Edinburgh. This event will provide a forum for built environment professionals and others with an interest in land to discuss the potential for land value capture as a means of increasing housing supply across all tenures, funding future infrastructure, and investing in placemaking.
The Local Government and Communities Committee has agreed its Stage 1 report on the Planning (Scotland) Bill. The report will be published on Thursday 17 May at the Committee’s digital reports hub on the Parliament’s website here.
Currently there is no major research into the funding landscape for the heritage sector in Scotland. Evaluation during the four years of Resourcing Scotland’s Heritage (RSH) has made it clear how crucial a report of this kind is for sector understanding and development. You can contribute to ‘The State of Heritage Funding Now’ research, which has been commissioned by the RSH partners (Archaeology Scotland, Arts & Business Scotland, BEFS, greenspace scotland, & Museums Galleries Scotland) by completing this short survey.
The Scottish Heritage Angel Awards 2018 are now open for nominations. Groups and individuals involved in heritage projects across Scotland are encouraged to enter as the scheme returns for a fourth year.
BEFS Trustee, Jocelyn Cunliffe, reflects on the content and discussions at BEFS recent workshop, ‘Keeping Church Buildings Alive’, organised in partnership with Scottish Redundant Churches Trust, Scotland’s Churches Trust and The Prince’s Foundation, in our blog this week.
Special Announcement
Through BEFS bulletin you regularly receive information on our activities and other relevant news on policies, funding and activities related to the built environment. Our bulletin also includes invitations to our events and calls to participate in awards, events and research undertaken by BEFS partners and member organisations.
As you may know, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will take effect on 25 May 2018. This important EU regulation aims primarily to give control back to EU citizens and residents over the use of their personal data.
In compliance with the GDPR, we want to ensure that you are happy to continue receiving BEFS bulletin and the third party jobs, events, publications and news it contains. Subscribers have previously given their consent to receive BEFS bulletin but, we want to make sure that you are aware that you can opt-out from receiving future editions of the bulletin at any time. To opt out simply scroll to the very end of this email and click ‘unsubscribe from this list’.
We process the data you provide when you sign up to BEFS bulletin under the ‘legitimate interest’ legal basis of GDPR. We will shortly have a new Data Protection Policy and Privacy Notice online, providing more details of how we deal with your data. We will share this in a bulletin in due course. However, rest assured that we will never sell or share your data with third parties, or use your contact details for anything other than BEFS bulletin.
Consultation on the Energy Efficiency Standard for Social Housing post-2020 (EESSH2)
Opened 2 May 2018 and closes 27 Jul 2018.
Energy Efficient Scotland Consultation: Making our homes and buildings warmer, greener and more efficient
Opened 2 May 2018 and closes 27 Jul 2018.
A Consultation on Land and Buildings Transaction Tax – Property Investment Funds
Opened 3 May 2018 and closes 2 Aug 2018.
Human Rights and the Work of the Scottish Land Commission: A discussion paper (SLC 08/05/18)
Energy Efficient Scotland: Route Map (SG 02/05/18)
Energy Efficient Scotland – Partial Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment (SG 02/05/18)
Energy Efficient Scotland – Strategic Environmental Assessment: Environmental Report (SG 02/05/18)
Energy Efficient Scotland: Equality Impact Assessment (SG 02/05/18)
Housing and life experiences: policy development (Joseph Roundtree Foundation 30/04/18)
Infrastructure Investment Plan 2015 – Progress Report for 2017 (SG 30/04/18)
Scottish Government News
Scottish Awards for Quality in Planning 2018 (SG 08/05/18)
The applications are open until Thursday 24th May 2018, information about this year’s Scottish Awards for Quality for Planning can be found on our blog. If you are looking for inspiration for our new #SAQP2018 children and young people category, have a look at these projects from our Making Places event last year.
Funding for fuel poverty and energy efficiency (SG 02/05/18)
Funding of £54.5 million to help tackle fuel poverty and reduce greenhouse gas emissions has been announced by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon.
‘Changing Places’ facilities coming to Dundee Station (SG 02/05/18)
Campaigners welcome project approval. Accessibility campaigners in Dundee will welcome the news Transport Minister Humza Yousaf has approved Changing Places facilities at the city’s key rail station.
£3 billion of new infrastructure built (SG 30/04/18)
Investment includes road, rail and hospital. The Queensferry Crossing, a new hospital and major motorway improvements are among £3 billion worth of infrastructure projects completed in Scotland last year.
News Releases
Smell of heritage: a framework for the identification, analysis and archival of historic odours (ICON 05/05/18)
We don’t know much about the smells of the past. Yet, odours play an important role in our daily lives: they affect us emotionally, psychologically and physically, and influence the way we engage with history. Can this lead us to consider certain smells as cultural heritage? And if so, what would be the processes for the identification, protection and conservation of those heritage smells?
The Old Royal High School is under threat! (CA 04/05/18)
The Cockburn Association together with Edinburgh World Heritage and New Town & Broughton Community Council have launched a Crowd Justice fundraising appeal today. Thomas Hamilton’s Royal High School, built between 1825-9, is one of the most important Greek Revival buildings in Europe and was one of the buildings to inspire the moniker of ‘Athens of the North’. Please help us win the planning appeal by pledging a contribution!
Conservation Conversations (ICON Scotland Group)
Icon Scotland Group’s Blog aims to promote the high standard of heritage conservation activities in Scotland and showcase a range of events, people and projects from all conservation disciplines. If you are involved in a conservation related project or event or in Scotland, or would just like to share your enthusiasm for all things heritage, they would love to hear from you! All disciplines and people are welcome. For submission guidelines, or if you have any questions, please contact Blog Administrator, Emily hickemily@hotmail.com.
Review offers springboard for improving Green Infrastructure across the CSGN (CSGN 04/05/18)
The Glasgow & Clyde Valley Green Network Partnership has today published its much anticipated Report into the quality of Green Infrastructure (GI) policies across the Central Scotland Green Network region.
Are you considering transforming your property? – Sign up to Architect in the Hoose
and speak to an architect for ideas and inspiration! (RIAS 04/18)
The scheme is very simple and all contributions go to charity – architects across Scotland are offering hour-long consultations to the public in return for a £45 donation (a bargain!) to the Architects Benevolent Society (ABS). The ABS helps people of all ages who have experienced redundancy, illness, accident or bereavement. One in six of those cared for is under the age of 35, and half of those helped by the Society are below retirement age.
International Summer Academy on Managing Historic Urban Landscapes – Open Call for early career participants (EN 04/05/18)
Europa Nostra and partners invite early career professionals (‘up to 40 years old’) across Europe to apply to the Open Call for participation in the International Summer Academy ‘Managing Historic Urban Landscapes’, which will take place from 5-12 August 2018, in Petrovaradin, Novi Sad, Serbia, with applications closing 15 May 2018.
CSGN Development Fund Provides Funding Boost of £355,000 to Central Scotland Green Projects (CSGN 03/05/18)
Central Scotland Green Network Trust (CSGNT) today (2 May 2018) announced that 14 environmental projects across Central Scotland have benefitted from a green funding boost totalling over £355,000.
Tram Extension Plans – Cockburn Response (CA 27/04/18)
The Cockburn Association supports the extension of Edinburgh’s current tram line. Trams to Newhaven: community integration and well-being must be centre stage. Approach must be Civic Design led; supporting community vitality and viability.
Opinion & Comment
Cities need to cool down to survive (Milena Ivkovic, RTPI 08/05/18)
Is Airbnb a threat to historic cities and towns? (Cliff Hague, 07/05/18)
Planners are key players in this urban century (Cliff Hague & Christine Platt for RTPI, 18/04/18)
Parliamentary Questions & Answers
Questions marked with a triangle (?) are initiated by the Government in order to facilitate the provision of information to the Parliament.
Question S5W-15933: Graeme Dey, Angus South, Scottish National Party, Date Lodged: 17/04/2018
To ask the Scottish Government when it will publish its guidance regarding engaging communities in decisions relating to land, as required under Part 4 of the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2016.
Answered by Roseanna Cunningham (18/04/2018)
Motions for debate today
Kevin Stewart: A Route Map to an Energy Efficient Scotland—That the Parliament welcomes the publication of the Energy Efficient Scotland Route Map and continued recognition by the Scottish Government of energy efficiency as a national infrastructure priority; acknowledges that, by 2040, the Energy Efficient Scotland programme will make the country’s homes and buildings warmer, greener and more efficient, remove poor energy efficiency as a driver of fuel poverty, help achieve Scotland’s climate change targets and maximise the local economic benefits across all of Scotland arising from an investment programme that has a ‘whole economy’ value of around £10bn; welcomes Scotland’s ambitions to tackle climate change and fuel poverty as a huge opportunity to transform the energy efficiency of existing domestic and non-domestic buildings, drawing together action at a national and local level that is undertaken by individuals, businesses and the public and third sectors, and notes that this will build on the work of the Scottish Government, Scotland’s 32 local authorities and partners that have improved over one million homes and non-domestic properties since 2008.
– The Conservative amendment suggested an earlier target for all homes to meet the EPC C rating of “no later than 2030”.
– Labour’s amendment suggested the target to reduce fuel poverty levels was not ambitious enough and called for fuel poverty to be eradicated.
– The Green amendment called for public spending to be “substantially accelerated” to achieve these aims.
– The Liberal Democrat amendment criticised the lack of recognition for improving energy efficiency and tackling fuel poverty in remote, rural and island communities.
For the latest information about BEFS Members’ events see our events calendar.
RIAS Convention 2018 – ‘Future Directions’
Date: Fri, 11 May 2018, 09:00 – Sat, 12 May 2018, 14:00.
Venue: Queens Cross Church, 38 Albyn Place, Aberdeen, AB10 1YN.
This year’s RIAS Convention is generously sponsored by Gartcarron Fire Engineering, Kingspan Insulation and Marsh. We are delighted that this year’s RIAS Convention will take place at Queens Cross Church in Aberdeen. The church was put out to competition and won by local architect, John Bridgeford Pirie (Messrs Pirie and Clyne). Completed in 1881, the church is built of grey granite, has a tower and spire rising to a height of 145 feet and cost c. £7000 to build. Both the Friday and Saturday events will take place at the church and we will be able to enjoy its new extension by RIAS Chartered Practice, Lee Boyd Limited. As this is the Scottish Government’s Year of Young People, our Saturday session will focus on architectural education and showcase the work from some of our talented students of architecture. The Convention Dinner will take place at the Aberdeen Douglas Hotel, which has been welcoming guests since 1848.
Dryburgh Abbey – Its Picturesque Landscape Re-assessed
Date: Monday 21 May 2018, 9.45am – 4.45pm.
Location: Dryburgh Abbey, St. Boswells.
This whole day event hosted by Historic Environment Scotland in conjunction with The Gardens Trust focuses on the extensive designed landscape surrounding Dryburgh Abbey in the Scottish Borders. The day will start from the Abbey car park with guided tours of central parts of the designed landscape. This will be followed by morning coffee at Dryburgh Abbey Hotel after which we will learn of the history of the landscape and its development, historical connections and cultural significance by the author of the comprehensive Conservation Management Plan which has been commissioned for the site, landscape architect Peter McGowan. After a light lunch we will go out for the afternoon tour of outer parts of the landscape. We then return to the Hotel for afternoon tea and hear of context of abbeys being used as follies within landscapes, before concluding the day’s events by opening up the discussion on alternative options for how the designed landscape could be managed in the future.
Vernacular Buildings Seminar
Date: Thursday 24 May 2018, from 9.30am – 4.30pm.
Venue: Engine Shed, Stirling.
This one day event will explore the local materials and skills used to make Scotland’s historic rural houses. From earth to thatch, timber to stone, these buildings are the original eco-builds.
Archaeological Research in Progress 2018
Date: Sat 26 May 2018, from 09:15 – 17:30.
Venue: The Engine Shed, Forthside Way, Stirling, FK8 1QZ.
The national conference examining recent and ongoing archaeological projects across Scotland will take place at the Engine Shed in Stirling on Saturday 26th May 2018. This conference is supported by Historic Environment Scotland and is delivered in partnership with the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. The all-day conference gives the audience the opportunity to hear first-hand about the most recent archaeological projects across Scotland and should not be missed. Offering great value for the full day (lunch and refreshments are included in the ticket price) there are further discounts for Archaeology Scotland and Society of Antiquaries of Scotland members. Book now to ensure your place.
Industrial Riverside Health Walk
Date: Wednesday 30 May 2018, from 2pm – 3pm.
Venue: Engine Shed, Stirling.
Surrounded by the River Forth, the Riverside area had been the port of Stirling for hundreds of years.
From the medieval period till the 1940s, ships and boats carried people and goods from Stirling to ports around the world. During the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries many of these goods, including agriculture, machinery, carriages, barrels and fabric, were manufactured in the Riverside area.
On this Heritage Health Walk join Moses Jenkins from Historic Environment Scotland to learn about the industrial heritage in this area. Free – Booking essential.
Young Surveyors Conservation Day
Date: Friday 1 June 2018, from 9.30am – 4.30pm.
Venue: Engine Shed, Stirling.
A one-day seminar on building conservation basics for surveyors. Learn about the conservation principles for traditional and historic structures, gain an insight into how to use traditional mortars and building components. Suitable for newly qualified and graduate surveyors. Free – but booking essential.
Scotland Branch – MATE session
Date: 7 June.
Location: Glasgow.
IHBC are holding another Membership Application Training Event – the main aim of which is to assist people in upgrading their membership from either Affiliate/Associate to Full membership.
There will be a presentation from Kate Kendall, IHBC Education, Training & Standards Liaison Officer followed by small group discussions. Kate Kendall said: ‘These events are a great way for prospective applicants to find out how to understand their skills, knowledge and experience in the context of IHBC membership criteria and accreditation. And all this is free too, offered to anyone interested in IHBC membership as part of the IHBC’s charitable support for the care of the built and historic environment.’ To book your FREE place please email Kate at LETS@ihbc.org.uk.
HES’s Building Conservation Summer School
Date: 11th to 15th June 2018.
Venue: Engine Shed, Stirling.
We are delighted to announce that the programme for our annual Summer School has now been announced. This five-day day course provides a great introduction to building conservation; it is taught by leading experts in the heritage sector and as well as lectures, the programme includes exclusive site visits and hands-on workshops. You can get a discounted weekly ticket or a day ticket if you are interested in attending a particular day. In support for the Year of Young People, we are offering a limited number of bursary places to those starting their careers in conservation. You must be between 18 and 26 years of age and have a passion for building conservation.
IHBC Annual School 2018, Northern Ireland Branch
Date: 21-23 June.
Location: Belfast.
Our shared Heritage – communication | negotiation | transformation. Secure your place for the next in IHBC’s celebrated series of Schools. Bursaries are still available and low-cost residential options ensure IHBC members and colleagues can explore our Full School tour options, from the global brand of the Titanic quarter or the nationally important country house, to local contested heritage, all offering some of the best value heritage CPD around, and all courtesy of the IHBC. IHBC Director Sean O’Reilly said: ‘This year we’ve substantially upgraded our online CPD support, as a taster for the future, so be sure to make early and full use of the CPD references, links and area guidance, as well as our social media, to make the best of another unique IHBC learning experience.’
Rubble Wall Building
Date: 5 – 6 June 2018.
Venue: Merryhill Training Centre, Fife KY11 3DR.
This practical two day course will equip you to set out, construct and finish a traditional rubble wall using a variety of building stones and traditional lime mortars. The importance of laying the stones correctly and the use of pinning stones will be emphasised so that no more than 30% of the volume of the wall is mortar! The content of this workshop provides part of the underpinning knowledge required for assessment and accreditation of SQA National Unit 3 – ‘Conservation Masonry’.
Intensive Training Week – C1,C2 & National Units
Date: 11 – 15 June 2018.
Venue: Merryhill Training Centre, Fife KY11 3DR.
This intensive week of training and assessment will combine our courses ‘C1 Making and Using Traditional Mortars’ and ‘C2 Traditional Masonry Repair’ with continual assessment to allow you to gain SQA National Units 1, 2 & 3 in Conservation Masonry within five intensive days. You require to have trowel skills to participate and be assessed.
Rendering & Harling with Lime
Date: 21 – 22 June 2018.
Venue: Merryhill Training Centre, Fife KY11 3DR.
This course will enable you to apply a variety of external lime finishes including formal ‘lined out’ work to less formal textured harled finishes to a wide range of background types including matching in to existing finishes. Attendance at this two day workshop will let you get to grips with both hand casting and mechanical application techniques to effect a range of surface finishes and is relevant for the reinstatement of traditional lime finishes and for new build applications.
3-Day Practical Gilding Course
Date: September 3-5.
Location: Glasgow.
This course will familiarise participants with the materials, methods and techniques of both water and oil gilding. It will provide opportunities to learn skills relating to gilding using traditional materials and techniques. This is a practical course and particularly suited to newly-qualified conservators but it is also suitable for anyone with an interest in gilding.
To quote the Tutor, Tim Ritson, “Gilding skills are very transferable and even as an experienced gilder I’m always interested in picking up new techniques.”
All tools and materials are included in the cost. Lunch, tea and coffee will be provided. The course will run from 10:00 – 16:00 each day. The course is taught by Tim Ritson, Head of Frames Conservation at the Royal Museums Greenwich and experienced trainer. Tim is passionate about teaching and sharing his knowledge to promote the continuance of traditional craft skill.
Govanhill Baths Capital Project Director
Govanhill Baths Community Trust‘s goal is to re-open the Govanhill Baths as a Wellbeing Centre and at the same time contribute to the wider social, cultural and built regeneration of Govanhill as a community through a range of activities. It is the role of the Capital Project Manager to ensure successful delivery of the above refurbishment and new build programme. This will involve managing the Design Team and other external consultants, developing partnerships with local organisations, and working closely with programming and operational staff to ensure that the capital works are capable of underpinning the delivery of a sustainable programme and business model for Govanhill Baths.
Deadline for applications is 5pm 15th May 2018.
Scottish Civic Trust Project Officer
The purpose of the role is to coordinate the Trust’s Civic Connections project, working closely with the Director. This project involves supporting and developing the Trust’s network of local heritage groups, amenity societies and civic trusts through events, including an annual conference and lecture, and promotional material and resources. The project will recognise that intergenerational activity, particularly at the local level, is very important. The project will set out to encourage all members of the community, and young people (under 25) in particular, to take an active interest in their local heritage.
Closing date for applications: 5pm on Wednesday 16 May 2018
Regional Services Coordinator (part-time)
The post holder will work within the regional RICS team in Scotland to coordinate meetings, events and activities to actively contribute to the organization’s objectives as outlined in the RICS UK business plan. This is a part-time position, working 21 hours per week, Wednesday to Friday.
Application close date: 1 June 2018.
Information in the Bulletin is extracted from a number of websites including the Scottish Government (SG); the Scottish Parliament (SP); Architecture and Design Scotland (A+DS); Historic Environment Scotland (HES); Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH); Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO); English Heritage (EH); Design Council (DC); Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG); Department of Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS); Department of Environment and Rural Affairs (DEFRA); National Assembly for Wales (NAW); Forestry Commission Scotland (FCS); Scottish Government Building Standards (SGBS); Europa Nostra (EN); Historic England (HE).
If you have any questions or comments on the above, or would like to submit information to be included, please get in touch with Saskia Smellie or tel: BEFS Office on 0131 220 6241.