BEFS COVID-19 Update
BEFS Is Providing Weekly Updates On COVID-19 Information Relevant For The Built Environment Sector.

The COVID Historic Environment Resilience Forum (CHERF) has now met 3 times and the reports arising are available for Reopening Venues and Construction & Conservation, we would like to thank everyone for their input so far. You can find out more information about the CHERF framework and its purpose on the BEFS website.
Places are available for the further workshops, please register for the events in advance online:
• Tuesday 30th June, 10.00 – 12.00 – CHERF: Statutory & Policy
• Wednesday 8th July, 10.00 – 12.00 – CHERF: Education & Research
The independent Advisory Group for Economic Recovery (AGER) has published recommendations Towards a Robust, Resilient Wellbeing Economy for Scotland identifying interventions to support Scotland’s economic recovery and facilitate the transition towards a greener, fairer and more inclusive economy with wellbeing at its heart. The ‘shovel ready’ repair & maintenance agenda, as advocated in several submissions to the AGER, is not explicitly identified and BEFS has followed this up with a letter to Ministers. BEFS has also highlighted the pressing need for Ministers to lobby the Chancellor on reducing VAT on building maintenance as they are on VAT on Tourism. The Scottish Government will publish its response to the AGER recommendations in early July.
The National Lottery Heritage Fund has has expanded the criteria for the Heritage Emergency Fund to help heritage organisations safely reopen in line with the Scottish Government’s new guidelines. The application deadline has also been extended to Friday 31 July 2020.
The National Lottery Heritage Fund is also launching a wide-ranging review of its approach to diversity and inclusion. Chief Executive, Ros Kerslake, said the powerful protests happening across the world, including the UK, calling for a re-examination and a redress of racial inequality has led her to reflect on The Fund’s efforts and accelerate change. South Glasgow Heritage Environment Trust’s fast and simple response to the paucity of information generally presented on the roots of Scottish wealth provides a good case study, with a recently added paragraph on Links to Slavery.
Finally, we have updated our COVID-19 Funding Advice page with recent developments.