BEFS Bulletin 347: Minister takes action, new planning consultations, and a challenging erratum
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A recent attendance at the Museums Galleries Scotland Strategy Symposium allowed us to see the new Culture Minister, Kaukab Stewart MSP, articulate both her passion and her appreciation for the cultural heritage sector. Good speeches are always a positive but it was a delight to see this followed up by action in the form of a letter to the Secretary of State for Culture in Westminster. This letter set-out a number of important issues but importantly included a plea for VAT reduction to “encourage energy efficiency improvements in traditional homes as part of the UK’s commitment to reach net zero emissions by 2050.” This was followed up with further information highlighting that “energy efficiency measures and retrofit options can present challenges, however it is important that historic and traditional buildings are not seen as a barrier to achieving our targets and that the full benefits they present, particularly in terms of environmental and carbon impact, are recognised.” We won’t be holding our breath that this well-crafted ask is the Chancellor’s VAT tipping point – but it’s good to see the case made in such positive terms.
New faces also include the Scottish Historic Buildings Trust’s new Director, Dr Sam Gallacher. Maggie Wright, Chair of Scottish Historic Buildings Trust, said “this is an exciting appointment for the Trust that will shape the next phase of our development as a key player in Scotland’s heritage community.”
When considering communities, the shortlist for the Scottish Civic Trust’s My Place Awards 2024 has been published. These awards celebrate community-led built environment projects, as well as the hard work of the people behind those projects. You can find the shortlist here. RIAS have also announced the shortlist for their Awards 2024 – you can see the full list here.
In thinking about the future of our places, do examine the three (!) new Planning consultations released by the Scottish Government. Masterplan Consent Areas are coming into being, amendments to Development Plan regulations are being considered, and there’s the ever-necessary call for how we can invest in planning. All are linked below in our Consultations section.
Looking back, Historic Environment Scotland have published a report on Surveying and Analysing Connections between Properties in Care and the British Empire, c.1600–1997. The research explores the extent and character of relationships between the properties in the care of Scottish Ministers (PiCs) and the British Empire. Ranald MacInnes, Head of Outreach and Learning at HES, said: “This report is a valuable contribution to our understanding of the complex relationship between Scotland’s heritage and the British Empire. It is important that we are honest about the effects, both positive and negative, that Empire connections had on our properties, and that we use this information to inform our approach to the care and interpretation of our historic properties.”
Research of a quite different form is being undertaken by Purcell Architects and Harlow Consulting (as commissioned by the UK Government Department for Culture, Media, and Sport) into the scale of the UK’s cultural infrastructure needs. The focus areas of the research include arts, heritage, and cultural destinations in England. The scope further includes public and third-sector theatres, non-accredited museums and galleries, churches and cathedrals, and other heritage sites. You can read more about the research here.
An eagle-eyed regular reader has brought to our attention an erratum published on 24th January relating to the Scottish Budget. Unfortunately this erratum adds in a line to a table where we see:
Regeneration Programmes (described as “This includes funding previously detailed for Clyde Gateway Urban Regeneration Company, Place Based Investment Programme, Regeneration Capital Grant Fund and Vacant and Derelict Investment Programme.”) reducing from £68M in 2022-2023 to £63M in 2023-2024 to a much more drastic cut in this year’s Budget of down almost £13M to £45.8M. Quite the erratum – and bad news for Regeneration Capital Grant Funding and Vacant and Derelict Land Investment too. We will continue to monitor details on these cuts.
And finally: many thanks to IHBC for inviting BEFS Director to speak at their 6th Council meeting. BEFS were talking about telling truth to power, and communicating with politicians. Whilst it’s always good to be considered “compelling” it seems (given the information above) that there’s always more to be done!
Scotland’s draft Circular Economy and Waste Route Map to 2030
Scottish Government
This consultation invites views on the proposed priorities to accelerate more sustainable use of our resources, support delivery of a circular economy to 2030, and reduce emissions associated with resources and waste. It outlines what the Scottish Government intend to do, by when, and how they will work with others, to drive sustainable use and management of our resources, and delivery of Scotland’s circular economy up to 2030. The direction and actions set out in this Route Map are complemented by the Circular Economy (Scotland) Bill and its provisions.
Closes 15 March 2024
Guidance on inclusive design for town centres and busy streets
Scottish Government
When the design of town centres and busy street environments does not fully consider the needs of all members of the community, people may become excluded from these areas and the essential functions that they provide. Potential barriers to access should be removed and not included in any scheme. This draft guidance was developed in response to research which identified that street design should consider the needs of everyone and should consider all Protected Characteristics under the Equality Act 2010. Views are being invited to ensure that all members of Scotland’s communities irrespective of age, ability or gender have the ability to access these areas safely and confidently without obstruction.
Closes 29 March 2024
Managing the Old and New Towns of Edinburgh World Heritage Site
The City of Edinburgh Council
The Old and New Towns of Edinburgh were given World Heritage Status in 1995; recognising the striking contrast and quality in architecture between the medieval Old Town and the Georgian New Town. A Management Plan identifies issues and opportunities within the World Heritage Site and sets out priority areas for action to preserve and enhance the site. While the management plan covers a ten-year period, an action plan is developed alongside it focusing on a two-year period. The City of Edinburgh Council would like to hear your views on the new plan, specifically whether you feel they are doing enough to protect and enhance the Site, and any other ideas or suggestions which you may have.
Closes 8 April 2024
Scottish National Adaptation Plan (2024-2029)
Scottish Government
The effects of climate change are already being felt by people in Scotland. That is why, as well as taking action to reduce emissions, we must also take steps to adapt to climate change. This consultation seeks your views on the Scottish National Adaptation Plan 2024-29. The final Adaptation Plan will only be effective if it is informed by Scots’ local and lived experience of climate change. During the public consultation period on this draft Adaptation Plan a formal public consultation will be opened on the Scottish Government’s ‘Citizen Space.’ Alongside this the Scottish Government will run a series of events tailored to both delivery partners and the public, to gather a wide range of views on the policy proposals in this draft Adaptation Plan.
Closes 24 April 2024
Masterplan Consent Area Regulations
Scottish Government
The Planning (Scotland) Act 2019 introduced MCAs – which will enable planning authorities to take a place leadership role, by proactively consenting the type and quality of development they wish to see in their areas. The Masterplan consent area regulations consultation covers the type of development which can be authorised, potential locations for MCAs and the procedures for making a scheme. It includes two sets of regulations: covering the main process for making MCA schemes and relating to EIA of MCA schemes. The separate consultation on ‘Investing in Planning’ also includes proposals for recouping costs of preparing MCA schemes.
*NEW* Closes 22 May 2024
Development plan amendment regulations
Scottish Government
With the move to National Planning Framework (NPF) and Local Development Plans (LDPs) having a review period of 10 years, the 2019 Act introduced the provision for them to be amended between full review cycles. This enables the planning system to respond where newly emerging matters arise. The development plan amendment regulations consultation covers proposals for the regulations. The aim is for procedures to amend both NPF and LDP to be proportionate and to provide a process that is more responsive and streamlined, whilst balancing the need for robust justification, engagement and scrutiny. This will ultimately give decision makers some flexibility of process, based on the scale and significance of the amendments.
*NEW* Closes 22 May 2024
Investing in Planning
Scottish Government
This consultation on resourcing Scotland’s planning system is in response to current resourcing challenges. It builds on ideas generated in a stakeholder workshop held in November 2023 and sets out a series of proposals which aim to improve capacity and build resilience particularly within planning authorities. In addition to inviting stakeholder views on the proposals outlined, the consultation encourages stakeholders to suggest further ideas on alternative ways to support delivery and build resilience.
*NEW* Closes 31 May 2024
Compulsory Purchase Reform
Scottish Government
The Scottish Government have committed to reform and modernise compulsory purchase legislation. As a first step, they have established an advisory group to help support the reform programme. The group, to be co-chaired by the Chief Planner and Roseanna Cunningham, brings together a number of expert practitioners with first-hand experience of the compulsory purchase process. They recognise, however, that a range of organisations have an interest in this area and are consulting broadly, and are keen to hear from a wide range of voices as the work moves forward.
*NEW* Please get in touch at
Building warrant fees: consultation analysis (Scot Gov 08/02/2024)
Submission regarding PE1941: Stop the destruction of headstones within community cemeteries (Scot Gov 15/02/2024)
Theatres at Risk Register 2024 Announced (The Theatres Trust 30/01/2024)
Wester Hailes Community Trust Receives National Lottery Community Led Fund to deliver 36 projects proposed by the Local Place Plan (WHCT 15/02/2024)
Projects to help communities reduce health inequalities (UK Research & Innovation 15/02/2024)
Tackling health inequalities through community assets (AHRC 09/02/2024)
Scottish Historic Buildings Trust appoints new Director (SHBT 21/02/2024)
Extension to Sir Robin Budenberg’s term as Chair of The Crown Estate (The Crown Estate 22/02/2024)
The Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland Awards 2024: Shortlist Announcement (RIAS 26/02/2024)
Scotland’s net zero future at risk without funding boost for clean heat (IPPR 28/02/2024)
The Heritage Library (European Heritage Hub 2023)
The Heritage Library is a digital repository of heritage-related materials, published by the EHH and co-founded by the EU.
The Policy Monitor (European Heritage Hub 2023)
The European Heritage Hub Policy Monitor maps out policies impacting cultural and natural heritage across European, national and local level.
Institute for Public Policy Research: Healthy Places, Prosperous Lives (IPPR 18/02/2024)
UK Heritage Pulse Results: Spotlight on Budget Pressures (Heritage Fund 20/02/2024)
Institute for Fiscal Studies Scottish Budget Report: 2024–25 (IFS 22/02/2024)
Surveying and Analysing Connections between Properties in Care and the British Empire, c.1600–1997 (HES 27/02/2024)
Housing for Older People in Scotland: A Call for Discussion (CaCHE 29/02/2024)
No home left behind: Funding a just transition to clean heat in Scotland (IPPR 29/02/2024)
Whole Life Carbon Assessments – A Guide for Clients (RICS 29/02/2024)
Capacity Building Playbook for a Sustainable Built and Natural Environment (RICS 29/02/2024)
What do we know about the relationship between air pollution, health, and inequality in Glasgow? (Fraser of Allander 04/03/2024)
Nationwide research shows strong support to save traditional skills that protect our heritage (HES 05/03/2024)
Scottish Parliament Committee Launches Inquiry into Housing Crisis Amidst Concerns Over Government Strategy’s Efficacy (Scot Gov 15/02/2024)
Scottish City Region and Growth Deal Delivery Board minutes: November 2023 (Scot Gov 16/02/2024)
Building Standards: Building Warrant Fee Increases 2024 (Scot Gov 19/02/2024)
Correspondence between Angus Robertson and the Constitution, Europe, External Affairs and Culture Committee regarding future funding plans for the culture sector (Scot Parl 19/02/2024)
Short-term lets rules to protect communities and keep homes available (UK Gov 19/02/2024)
Scottish Futures Trust – Heat Networks Delivery Models (Scot Gov 20/02/2024)
Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee: Session 6. Housing to 2040 and Cost of Living (Tenant Protection) (Scotland) Act 2022 regulations (Scot Parl 20/02/2024)
Rural Affairs and Islands Committee Member Appointments (Scot Parl 20/02/2024)
Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee Housing to 2040 Evidence Submission from Scottish Land and Estates (Scot Parl 20/02/2024)
Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee Housing to 2040 Evidence Submission from Homes for Scotland (Scot Parl 20/02/2024)
Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee Housing to 2040 Evidence Submission from Association of Scotland’s Self Caterers (Scot Parl 20/02/2024)
Rural Affairs and Islands Committee: Session 6. Agriculture and Rural Communities (Scotland) Bill Introduction (Scot Parl 21/02/2024)
Non-domestic rates relief statistics 2023 (Scot Gov 21/02/2024)
Strategy and policy statement for energy policy in Great Britain (UK Gov 21/02/2024)
Scrutiny of international agreements: UNESCO Convention on Intangible Cultural Heritage (HoL 21/02/2024)
UK departs Energy Charter Treaty (UK Gov 22/02/2024)
Area Based Schemes: annual final measures reports (Scot Gov 22/02/2024)
Scottish Budget 2024 to 2025: Your Scotland, Your Finances – a guide (Scot Gov 22/02/2024)
Building and Fire Safety Expert Working Group: terms of reference (Scot Gov 22/02/2024)
Correspondence between Tom Arthur, Minister for Community Wealth and Public Finance, and the Convener for the Local Government, Housing, and Planning Committee (Scot Parl 22/02/2024)
Building and fire safety working group minutes: December 2023 (Scot Gov 23/02/2024)
Fair Work Convention Construction Industry Inquiry report: SG response (Scot Gov 23/02/2024)
Planning permission appeals: housing development statistics (Scot Gov 27/02/2024)
Housing Statistics 2022 & 2023: Key Trends Summary (Scot Gov 27/02/2024)
Budget Bill to become law (Scot Gov 27/02/2024)
Budget (Scotland) (No.3) Bill (Scot Parl 27/02/2024)
Correspondence between Màiri McAllan and the Economy and Fair Committee on budget scrutiny for 2024-25 (Scot Parl 27/02/2024)
Correspondence between Jim Martin, Chair of Environmental Standards Scotland (ESS) and the Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee with a six-monthly update on ESS’ work (Scot Parl 27/02/2024)
Local Government, Housing and Planning: Official Report (Scot Parl 27/02/2024)
Public appointment: Chair reappointed to the Board of National Museums Scotland (Scot Gov 28/02/2024)
Renters reminded of rights before rent cap ends (Scot Gov 28/02/2024)
Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee Stage 1 Report on the Circular Economy (Scotland) Bill (Scot Parl 28/02/2024)
Green Heat Finance Taskforce minutes: 29 November 2023 (Scot Gov 28/02/2024)
The Local Government Finance (Scotland) Order 2024 (Scot Gov 29/02/2024)
Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee Stage 1 Report on Housing (Cladding Remediation) (Scotland) Bill (Scot Parl 29/02/2024)
The Funding of Local Government in Scotland, 2024-2025 (Scot Gov 29/02/2024)
Public Audit Committee: Session 6. Decarbonising heat in homes (Scot Parl 29/02/2024)
Finance and Public Administration Committee, 9th Meeting 2024 (Session 6) on the Aggregates Tax and Devolved Taxes Administration (Scotland) Bill (Scot Parl 05/03/2024)
Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee, 8th Meeting 2024 (Session 6) on the Regulations under the Cost of Living (Tenant Protection) (Scotland) Act 2022 (Scot Parl 05/03/2024)
Support for Culture and Creative sectors: Letter to UK Secretary of State for Culture (Scot Gov 05/03/2024)
Planning permission appeals: housing development statistics (Scot Gov 05/04/2024)
Public Audit Committee, 8th Meeting 2024 on Investing in Scotland’s Infrastructure (Scot Parl 07/03/2024)
Non-Conventional Housing – The Background & Retrofit Challenges (SWIGA February 2024)
Joining the dots for better cultural policy (Arts Professional 15/02/2024)
What are the gaps and needs for heritage professionals in Europe? (European Heritage Tribune 15/02/2024)
Homes for Scotland hits out at ‘woeful’ planning statistics (Scottish Housing News 15/02/2024)
The kirk moved brick-by-brick to make way for a shipyard (BBC News 18/02/2024)
Review into processing of archaeological discoveries (The Scotsman 19/02/2024)
All new NHS building projects in Scotland put on hold (BBC News 19/02/2024)
‘Community capital’: ownerless Scottish properties to be offered to local schemes (The Guardian 23/02/2024)
Kirk of St Nicholas to be sold off amid plans to ‘reignite’ Union Street (Press & Journal 26/02/2024)
17 projects make the RIAS Awards 2024 cut (Urban Realm 26/02/2024)
New Year’s Revolutions: talking about resourcing and improving performance in Scotland (RTPI 28/02/2024)
Scottish homes aren’t ready for net zero – here’s what we need to do (The National 29/02/2024)
Outrage: RAAC and ruin (The Architectural Review 29/02/2024)
Hundreds to be rehomed in Aberdeen over RAAC fears (BBC News 01/03/2024)
M&S wins appeal to tear down Oxford Street store (BBC News 01/03/2024)
Raac concrete Scotland: Discovery of Raac in housing could be beginning of ‘national scandal’ (The Scotsman 02/03/2024)
One in three kirks at risk of closing (The Times 03/03/2024)
Link to Parliamentary Questions and Answers
Submitted by: Shona Robison, Dundee City East, Scottish National Party.
Date lodged: 04/03/2024
That the Parliament, for the purposes of any Act of the Scottish Parliament resulting from the Circular Economy (Scotland) Bill, agrees to—
(a) any expenditure of a kind referred to in Rule 9.12.3A of the Parliament’s Standing Orders arising in consequence of the Act, and
(b) any charge or payment in relation to which Rule 9.12.4 of the Parliament’s Standing Orders applies arising in consequence of the Act.
AHSS Lecture – Context and Re-Use: Two Projects in Edinburgh’s New Town
Date & Time: Monday 11 March 2024; 6.30-8pm
Location: Augustine United Church, 41 George IV Bridge, Edinburgh EH1 1EL (wheelchair accessible). Also streamed online via Zoom.
Alasdair Graham, Partner at David Chipperfield Architects, London, presents two of the practice’s current projects in Edinburgh: the renovation and extension of Jenners department store and the new concert hall, the Dunard Centre, both located within the UNESCO World Heritage Site. The lecture outlines David Chipperfield Architects’ approach to working in sensitive urban contexts and re-use projects. Tickets available from Eventbrite or on the door: £5 / students £2 /
SHBT – Panel discussion: Concrete Conversations: The Conservation of Scottish Modernism
Date & Time: Wednesday 13 March 2024; 6-7.30pm
Location: Riddles Court, 322 Lawnmarket, Edinburgh EH1 2PG
How do, and could, we preserve modern architecture? How can a conservation movement which originated two centuries ago with the preservation of ancient monuments engage with buildings and environments of a vastly different sort today? This panel event concludes a series on conserving Scottish Modernism by bringing together current leaders in architectural conservation in Scotland to discuss how the organisations and frameworks with which they work might address the evolving question of caring for the past, in the present.
Aberdeen Heritage Lectures 2024: 10 Years of Traditional Building Healthcheck Scheme
Date & Time: Wednesday 13 March 2024; 7-8pm
Location: Online
Dr. Lindsay Lennie, Stirling City Heritage Trust will cover the pioneering scheme run by Stirling City Heritage Trust over the past decade and what lessons can be learned from a process that prioritises maintenance.
Cross Party Group on Towns and Town Centres: A new approach to local
Date & Time: Monday 18 March 2024; 12.30-1.30pm
Location: Online
At the crossover point in STP’s CPG calendar, their next meeting presents a timely opportunity to take stock and discuss, “how we shape a new approach to local”. Participants will hear and can later discuss, an update on how far Scotland has come on its journey to revitalise our towns and embrace localism. The session will conclude with a forward look to the landscape in 2024 – 25, outlining the opportunities that this brings. Guest speakers include Scotland’s Towns Partnership (STP), Chief Officer, Kimberley Guthrie; STP Board Member, Mhairi Donaghy, Associate Director – Place, Housing & Economic Investment at Scottish Futures Trust; and Scottish Government representative (tbc).
Aberdeen Heritage Lectures 2024: Aberdeen’s Churches 115 years of Change after Alexander Gammie
Date & Time: Wednesday 20 March 2024; 7-8pm
Location: Sir Ian Wood Building, Garthdee Road, Garthdee AB10 7GJ
Barney Crockett, a local historian, city councillor and former Lord Provost presents a talk on Aberdeen’s Churches, discussing 115 years of change after Alexander Gammie.
AHSS Lecture – George Square, Glasgow
Date & Time: Thursday 21 March 2024; 7.30-9pm
Location: St Andrews West Church & Renfield Centre, 260 Bath Street, Glasgow G2 4JP. Also streamed online via Zoom.
Peter Drummond, conservation and heritage architect, presents the history and development of Glasgow’s ‘front room’. Tickets available from Eventbrite or on the door: £5 / students £2 /
Scottish Heritage Social Media Group – Podcasting in 2024
Date & Time: Wednesday 27 March 2024; 2-3.30pm
Location: Govan Old Parish Church, 866 Govan Rd, Glasgow G51 3UU
Join Tom Horne as he delves into the world of podcasting, exploring his experiences as coordinator and producer of the new Govan Early Medieval podcast and presenter of the award-winning The Shindig podcast. Discover the pros and cons of this content medium and gain insights into what sets his second podcast apart.
Scottish Centre for Conservation Studies – Building resilience: Community empowerment through adaptive reuse
Date & Time: Wednesday 27 March 2024; 2-3pm
Location: Online
Communities across Scotland are increasingly taking ownership of buildings and transforming them through adaptive reuse. This talk by Dr Molly Miller addresses this growing trend and examines how such grassroots projects of reuse can act as engines of resilience within communities. The talk will present a framework for understanding the profound impact and transformative potential of this phenomenon in contemporary Scottish society.
Aberdeen Heritage Lectures 2024: Iron Age and Medieval Structures: Cruden Bay and Deer
Date & Time: Wednesday 27 March 2024; 7-8pm
Location: Online
Alison Cameron, Director of Cameron Archaeology Ltd presents a talk on recent discoveries at Deer and Cruden Bay and how they enrich our understanding of development of settlement in North East Scotland.
Climate Action Towns event to launch learning report and toolkit on climate action
Date & Time: Thursday 28 March, 2024; 1pm
Location: The Engine Shed, Forthside Way Stirling, FK8 1QZ
Join A&DS to celebrate the Climate Action Towns project and the launch of their latest resources. At the upcoming Gathering, they will share our reflections on the project, launch a report and toolkit to help other towns embed climate action in their place, as well as hear from representatives from the towns. If you are unable to attend in person we will also share the event online/hybrid (the link to join online will be provided closer to the time via email.)
AHSS Lecture – Facile Princeps: The Country Houses of David Bryce
Date & Time: Monday 8 April 2024; 6.30-8pm
Location: Augustine United Church, 41 George IV Bridge, Edinburgh EH1 1EL (wheelchair accessible). Also streamed online via Zoom.
David Bryce (1803–1876) was one of Victorian Britain’s most prolific architects, whose opulent, richly modelled architecture left a lasting impression on Scotland, where he led the revival of the Scottish baronial style. In this talk, Dr Ralph St Clair Wade, lecturer in the History of Art at Cambridge University, provides an introduction to Bryce’s country house practice and offers new insights into the architect’s work, drawn from his doctoral research. Tickets available from Eventbrite or on the door: £5 / students £2 /
RIAS BookshopLATES… What if Women Built the City?
Date & Time: Wednesday 17 April 2024; 6-7pm
Location: 15 Rutland Square, Edinburgh EH1 2BE
Join author May East and award-winning architect and urban designer Daisy Narayanan MBE for readings and discussion and discover how can cities be greener, wilder, more inclusive, liveable and poetic. Tickets are FREE and should be booked via Eventbrite.
Heritage Trust Network – A Future for Your Church
Date & Time: Thursday 18 April 2024; 10.00-11.30am
Location: Online
Are you a community group thinking about taking ownership of your local church? Are you already managing your church for the benefit of the community? This free online event is for you. Heritage Trust Network and Historic Churches Scotland are joining forces to host the next event in this series for any group contemplating the future of their church building. This event will explore future uses and financial models for three churches in Fife.
Mill of Benholm Working Party
Date & Time: Saturday 4 May 2024; 10am-4pm
Location: Benholm, Montrose, DD10 0HT
The Mill of Benholm has been dormant for over a decade. Join SPAB Scotland on Saturday 4 May to help change that! They’ll be clearing vegetation from the lade and returning the much-needed water supply to the mill. They will also be joined by 2022 SPAB Millwright Fellow Owen Bushell who will give an introduction to the mill machinery and how it works.
Glasgow City Heritage Trust – CPD: Analysing Building Materials with the Scottish Lime Centre
Date & Time: Tuesday 19 March; 12:30pm
Location: Both Online and In-Person at 54 Bell Street, Glasgow, G1 1LQ
This CPD will look at the importance of understanding the composition and microstructure of materials, like stone and mortar, when undertaking repairs and maintenance within the historic built environment, whilst also avoiding unnecessary damage from the use of incompatible materials.
Coverage will include sampling methodology and introduction to the types of analysis used and what they can tell us, including petrography, XRD and wet chemistry, as well as highlighting how analysis informs repair specifications.
Scottish Lime Centre Trust – Masterclass on The Latest Technology and Innovations in Building Conservation
Date & Time: Friday 22 March 2024; 9.30am-4.30pm
Location: Charlestown Workshops, Fife KY11 3EN
This masterclass is tailored for professionals and enthusiasts involved with traditional buildings, including architects, surveyors, planners, homeowners, and maintenance personnel. Whether you’re embarking on a renovation project or seeking to enhance your understanding of heritage preservation, this course offers invaluable insights.
SPAB – An Introduction to Plain Lime Plastering
Date & Time: Friday 26 & Saturday 27 April 2024
Location: Heritage & Rural Skills Centre, Buscot and Coleshill Estate, Swindon SN6 7PT
Join SPAB for a practical course covering the mixing and application of lime plaster to lath, masonry, and modern substrates, including pricking up and base coats, float coats and setting coats. You will also get a brief introduction to running a cornice in-situ. This course is suitable for people with practical plastering skills. Experienced plasterers used to working in gypsum will particularly benefit from the course.
The Heritage Trust Network – Volunteering opportunities
Youth Forum
The Heritage Trust Network is seeking young people aged 18-30 who are interested in the rescue, restoration and management of historic buildings, structures and places who want their voice heard in the heritage sector. Volunteers will be involved in shaping the new Youth Forum; creating recommendations and advice to help members involve young people in heritage in a democratic way; co-designing, leading, and taking part in online and in-person events; and creating online content including social media posts, blogs, or vlogs
If you are interested in joining, please fill out a short application form here
Digital Heroes Project Volunteer
Are you digitally skilled, interested in helping heritage organisations and available to volunteer? The Heritage Trust Network are seeking people based in Scotland to join their Digital Heroes project which matches up digitally skilled young people with one of their member organisations to help them undertake a digital project. Examples include doing social media posts, digitising an archive, or creating a digital marketing plan. If you are interested in volunteering as a digital hero, please fill out a short application form here
Culture & Business Scotland – Training & Events Coordinator
Salary: £26,788 (35 hours)
Status: Permanent
Location: Office based with occasional working from home
Culture & Business Scotland is looking for a Training & Events Co-ordinator, to help them deliver their unique programme of events, courses and insights for arts, heritage and business organisations. They are seeking someone who is excellent at multi-tasking, with a ‘can do’ attitude, exceptional attention to detail, strong organising skills, and a sound knowledge and experience of events processes and databases. Based in their Edinburgh office, with occasional working from home.
For full information download a job pack or telephone: 0131 243 2757.
Closing date: 9am on Monday 11 March 2024