BEFS Bulletin – Bringing you funding, events, and sector wide news
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Released yesterday (14/06/2022) Independence in the Modern World is the first in what is promised to be a suite of documents in relation to the proposed referendum on Scottish Independence. As one would expect, the initial focus is on economics and comparative assessments. At first glance, we can see that Heritage does get a reference: “Our natural heritage and capital – providing exceptional opportunities for tourism and underpinning a unique and recognised brand;” (p25), as does Culture, (more obliquely in relation to the factors from the National Performance Framework which have not been the focus of this paper) “Scotland has unique and widely recognised potential, such as culture and the environment.” (p27) And, whilst Net Zero is mentioned, the prominence is less than might be expected. The document stating, there is; “A strong commitment to building a wellbeing economy and a world-leading approach to Net Zero – no longer seen as barriers to sustainable economic growth, these are increasingly regarded as markers of any nation serious about long-term economic development.” (p26) Further developments will undoubtedly follow in coming months.
HES has awarded £140,000 of funding to 11 heritage projects as part of the Historic Environment Support Fund. In addition, the newly formed Partnership Fund will also be open for expressions of interest at the end of this month. Full details can be found here.
The Residency artists for 2022 have been announced in the partnership between Craft Scotland and HES, bringing makers in residence to some of Scotland’s finest historical buildings.
Glasgow City Heritage Trust welcomes the announcement of £250,000 of funding from Glasgow City Council for repairs to some of the city’s heritage buildings.
BEFS appreciates the conclusions of the recent CaCHE Publication ‘Policy choices for Glasgow traditional tenements retrofitting for sustainable and affordable carbon reduction’.
Congratulations to the winners of the Scottish Civic Trust 2022 My Place Awards and My Place Photography Competition. The awards demonstrate the determination of Scotland’s communities and the passion of young people for the future of our built environment. The Scottish Civic Trust is also welcoming the return of Doors Open Days, Scotland’s largest free festival celebrating heritage and the built environment. The Festival returns to Edinburgh and East Lothian on 24 and 25 September with an in-person and online programme. For the first time, the programme will be guest-curated by Under One Roof, Scotland’s charity for supporting tenement owners.
In other Awards news, 2022 SURF Awards for Best Practice in Community Regeneration launched at a special event marking the Year of Stories in the Britannia Panopticon in Glasgow. You can download Award application materials or find out more about the Awards here: SURF Awards.
RIAS have announced the winners of Scotland’s Best Building of the Year 2022. The winners will now form the ‘longlist’ for the RIAS Andrew Doolan Best Building in Scotland Award, to be announced in November.
BEFS are delighted to note that, Under One Roof founder and consultant, Annie Flint, has been named as one of those made an Honorary Fellow by the Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland (RIAS). Honorary Fellowships are awarded to individuals who have made significant contributions to Scotland’s cultural, academic, business or political life and Annie’s dedication to keeping Scottish tenement buildings standing strong is unparalleled.
Congratulations also go to Nicholas Groves-Raines, co-director of Edinburgh’s Groves-Raines Architects Studios, who was recognised for services to architecture, heritage and conservation with an MBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours – and has used his platform to urge changes to VAT in relation to retrofit.
The Scottish Law Commission work on Tenement Maintenance legislation continues and interested parties can sign-up to follow their progress. Further details can be found here.
And finally, BEFS would like to wish Petra Biberbach all the best with her new ventures as she departs BEFS Members, PAS, and we applaud her 17 years of service to people and planning.
Built Environment Carbon Database
Phase 1 consultation, looking at the data structure of the entity-level section
Closes 24 June
Proposed Domestic Building Environmental Standards (Scotland) Bill: Consultation by Alex Rowley MSP for Mid Scotland and Fife Region
Closes 27 July
Review of permitted development rights – phase 2 consultation
Scottish Government
Closes 3 August
Delivering Scotland’s circular economy: a consultation on proposals for a Circular Economy Bill
Scottish Government
Closes 22 August
Delivering Scotland’s circular economy: A Route Map to 2025 and beyond
Closes 22 August
Empire, Slavery & Scotland’s Museums (Museums Galleries Scotland, June 2022)
A set of recommendations for the Scottish Government from the Project Steering Group. In developing the recommendations, the Steering Group looked broadly at potential mechanisms for addressing the legacies of empire, colonialism, and historic slavery in museum spaces and through collections.
Technical Paper 36: Architecture and Health in Traditional Buildings (HES, May 2022)
Details how different building features were designed to enable the proper ventilation of buildings and considers how good ventilation can help to prevent airborne diseases, build-up of chemical compounds and CO2 and overheating.
Policy Choices for Glasgow Traditional Tenements Retrofitting for Sustainable and Affordable Carbon Reduction (People Place and Policy, 24 May 2022)
Addressing the sustainability of Scotland’s older tenemental housing stock.
Value Toolkit (Construction Innovation Hub, May 2022)
The Value Toolkit enables value-based decision making focused on driving better social, environmental and economic outcomes, improving industry’s impact on current and future generations.
Culture in Crisis: Recommendations for Policy Makers (Culture Commons & the Centre for Cultural Value, May 2022)
New policy recommendations, to support the creative and cultural sector recover and rebuild in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Sustaining Historic Churches: what does recent research tell us? (Historic Buildings Alliance, April 2022)
Charlotte Dodgeon summaries nine recent reports bearing on the future of historic churches, and puts the reports in context in a short introduction.
A Practical Guide to Permitted Changes of Use (4th ed)
A definitive, comprehensive practical guide to permitted changes of use within the The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015
The Environment Act: A Guide for Planners & Developers
A Guide for Planners on the Environment Act, England’s new framework of environmental protection since December 2021.
BRE Report 209 Guidance: Fundamental Changes to Daylight and Sunlight Assessments
Advice on site layout planning in England & NI to achieve good sunlighting and daylighting, both within buildings and in the open spaces between them and can be used to support right to light planning.
Scottish Government Publications
NPF4 (08/06/22)
Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee request an update on final version of NPF4
Investing in Scotland’s Future: Resource Spending Review Framework (08/06/22)
Constitution, Europe, External Affairs and Culture Committee responds to the Resource Spending Review
National Transport Strategy (NTS2) – Second Delivery Plan – 2022-2023 (08/06/22)
The second NTS2 Delivery Plan to embed the Sustainable Transport Hierarchy and guide decision making and investment priorities.
UK Government Publications
How to Improve Energy Efficiency in Historic Buildings in Wales: Technical Guidance (CADW, April 2022)
Guidance from the Welsh Government on improving the energy efficiency of a traditional or historic building.
News Releases
Now in its 10th year, Europa Nostra’s 7 Most Endangered Programme is a civil society campaign to save Europe’s endangered heritage. Nominations are welcomed for sites, one of which will be eligible for an EIB Heritage Grant of up to €10,000 to start the implementation of actions, studies or assistance measures for the threatened site.
The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) has warned that third sector groups have been let down by a lack of multi-year funding commitments in the Scottish Government’s Spending Review.
RICS was delighted to open its new Scotland office, situated at 10 Charlotte Square, on 9 June. It will act as a hub for members and cross-industry collaboration, with remote working capabilities, member support, and in-person events and CPD.
Opinion & Comment
Sir Geoff Palmer: Scotland’s economy was built on the British Empire and slavery. Now our museums are facing up to that (Herald 13/06/22)
Scottish Housing News: Dangerous cladding costs expected to top £1bn in Scotland (13/06/22)
Stephen Norris: Remains of Dumfries and Galloway port designated a national monument (Daily Record 09/06/22)
Kirsteen Paterson: Home from Home: The housing tensions in Scotland’s tourist hotspots (Holyrood Magazine 08/06/22)
Francesca Osowska: The Age of Crises: The Nature-Climate Emergency in Scotland (Holyrood Magazine 08/06/22)
Andrew Yule: Adaptive reuse breathing new life into Scotland’s forgotten buildings (The Scotsman 07/06/22)
Charlotte Mullins: Ukraine’s heritage is under direct attack: why Russia is looting the country’s museums (The Guardian 27/05/22)
Parliamentary Questions
Questions marked with a triangle (?) are initiated by the Scottish Government in order to facilitate the provision of information to the Parliament.Questions in which a member has indicated a declarable interest are marked with an “R”.
S6W-08983: Dean Lockhart, Mid Scotland and Fife, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: 9 June 2022
To ask the Scottish Government by which date in Autumn 2022 it will publish its previously delayed, updated Energy Strategy.
Answer expected on 23 June 2022
S6W-08961: Fulton MacGregor, Coatbridge and Chryston, Scottish National Party
Date lodged: 9 June 2022
To ask the Scottish Government whether it plans to (a) review legislation that allows property factor companies to own 50% or more of residential buildings and (b) introduce legislation to ensure that residents retain decision-making rights for their homes rather than property factor companies.
Answer expected on 23 June 2022
S6W-09092: Kaukab Stewart, Glasgow Kelvin, Scottish National Party
Date lodged: 10/06/2022
To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on its plans to respond to the Zero Emissions Social Housing Taskforce report, Achieving net zero in social housing, in order to provide registered social landlords with as much certainty as possible as they plan to retrofit their stock of tenement accommodation to meet its climate targets, including in the Glasgow Kelvin constituency where the stock is reportedly extensive. Answer expected on 24/06/2022
Parliamentary Questions & Answers
Questions marked with a triangle (?) are initiated by the Government in order to facilitate the provision of information to the Parliament.
S6O-01168: Jackie Dunbar, Aberdeen Donside, Scottish National Party
Date Lodged: 25/05/2022
To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on the condition of school buildings.
Answered in the Chamber on 1 June 2022
For the latest information about BEFS Members’ events see our events calendar.
IHBC Annual School 2022 – Aberdeen
Date & Time: 15-18 June
Location: Variety of in person and online events.
The IHBC’s 2022 Aberdeen School explores how practitioners in the 21st Century can and should manage conservation and heritage that is, in different ways, ‘on the edge’.
RIAS Bookshop Lates – 20th Century Japan in 20 Buildings
Date & Time: Wednesday 22 June 6-7pm
Location: 15 Rutland Square, Edinburgh, EH1 2BE
RIAS Fellow John Barr and host Kieran Gaffney, director of recent RIAS award-winning studio Konishi Gaffney, will be discussing the book ’20th Century Japan in 20 Buildings’.
RICS: Land Use & Community Wealth Building with the Scottish Land Commission
Date & Time: Thursday 23 June, 1-2pm
Location: RICS Online Learning Academy – Open to all
The ways we own and use land and buildings shape the kind of economy, climate and communities we live in. The Scottish Land Commission’s guidance sets out actions that can be taken in the short and long term to support an inclusive, sustainable, and empowered local economy. Gemma Campbell, Land Rights and Responsibilities Manager, and Kathie Pollard, Policy and Practice Lead, will provide an overview of the guidance and share examples of good practice from across Scotland, followed by a Q&A session.
RSA Fellows’ – MCICH Network
Date & Time: Thursday 23 June (moved from 14th) 6pm-7.30pm
Location: St Vincent’s Chapel, Edinburgh
Fellow-led NETWORKS brainstorm and debate, with non-Fellow participation welcome re culture and heritage and other topical issues. This is an informal event designed to allow face to face discussion over light refreshments. Booking essential.
A&BS Business Briefing: Fair Work
Date & Time: Wednesday 29 June 12-1pm
Location: Online via Zoom
In response to the employment implications of the pandemic, the Scottish Government and other funders are urging all sectors to invest in a future of work that is fairer, more inclusive, ethical and sustainable. Change can only happen when all sectors are involved. In this session, experts from Anderson Strathern will explore the Fair Work Program, what it involves and what it means for your organisation.
Heritage Trust Network – Network Day
Date & Time: Thursday 30 June 10:15am-3:45pm
Location: Online via Zoom
Join us online for our bi-monthly Network Day. A day of networking and learning exclusively for Heritage Trust Network members.
You can book a ticket for the day and attend those sessions that are important to you or share a ticket with a colleague. Members have free entry and should book using the discount code which has been emailed to you. If you have not received your discount code, please contact Beverley.
STBF – Festival of Traditional Buildings
Date & Time: Monday 22 – Friday 26 August
Location: Edinburgh and online (hybrid)
This will be the 10th Festival of Traditional Buildings, with a rebranding from Edinburgh Traditional Building Festival. In the last two years the event has been hosted online due to the pandemic, creating a truly global audience. Whilst the team are delighted to be back delivering the festival in-person, this will be a hybrid event so those unable to attend in person are still able to participate in the events. Full details also available here.
A&BS Course: Legacy giving. Now is the time – if you do it right. Learn how to!
Date &Time: Thursday 23 June 9:30am-1:30pm
Location: Online via Zoom
Want to know how to effectively talk about legacies to trigger interest & action? Or are you looking for ways to integrate it into your current fundraising at little or no cost? Backed up by data and practical advice, this course will cover market growth, Will-making patterns and changes during Covid. It will explore how to talk and write about legacies in an upbeat but sensitive way, cultivate and steward prospects as well as convince the board to take action.
Heritage Digital Academy
Date & Time: 23 June, 28 June, 5 July
Location: Online
Heritage Digital Academy are offering free online training events on all things digital for heritage organisations across the UK. These workshop sessions are design to help individuals develop new digital practices and build key skills that can be brought back to their organisation. Topics include: Copyright, growing your Digital Audience and Data Protection.
Edinburgh World Heritage – Energy Efficiency (Retrofit) Specialist
Salary: £28,840-£30,900
Status: Full time to 31 March 2025 (part time may be considered)
Location: Edinburgh
Closing date: 12 noon, Monday 27 June 2022
Edinburgh World Heritage are looking for an enthusiastic Energy Efficiency (Retrofit) Specialist to deliver innovative energy efficiency projects, carry out targeted research and produce guidance aiming to reduce carbon emissions of historic buildings – while preserving their historical and architectural significance. Key themes comprise energy improvements to the building fabric, low carbon heating systems and combination of both.
Arts & Business Scotland – Member: Board of Trustees
Salary: Not remunerated
Closing date: Monday, 27 June 2022
Arts & Business Scotland is the only agency in Scotland enabling creative partnerships between the business and culture sectors. There are now a number of opportunities for talented and passionate individuals to join the Board, responsible for setting and shaping the strategic vision in conjunction with the Senior Management Team.
COTAC – ‘Virtual School’ Project Officer
Salary: £12 per hour (£3,600 total); 12.5 hrs per week on average
Status: Part time; temporary (June – November 2022, 24 weeks total)
Location: remote (with occasional meetings in person)
Closing date: Thursday, 30 June 2022
The Council on Training in Architectural Conservation (COTAC) is seeking a Project Officer to help deliver the Heritage Lottery funded COTAC Virtual School, an entry-level heritage and historic environment conservation education unit delivered entirely digitally.