BEFS Bulletin – Skills policy, action and evidence for retrofit

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BEFS Director was part of a panel giving evidence to the Constitution, Europe, External Affairs & Culture Committee – the inquiry focused on the idea of a ‘place-based approach’ to culture within communities in Scotland, with the aim of understanding good practice and barriers to place-based cultural policy. You can read the full report here and have a look at the Consultations section for community engagement in Local Development Planning.

Meanwhile, outside Parliament experts in construction and housing, and school pupils gathered to explore ways to tackle the retrofit challenge now and into the future. This saw over 30 MSP’s joining young people and construction industry representatives to showcase, and learn more about the importance of traditional building skills.

Aligning with the skills fair, the Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB) held a Retrofit Roundtable event in Holyrood to advocate for a Retrofit Strategy to form a collaborative way forward for improving the energy efficiency of homes and buildings across the country.

It’s been a while since we’ve seen the housing conditions statistics – The Scottish House Condition Survey (SHCS): 2021 has just been released. This contains statistics based on a national survey of the housing stock. Due to the change in approach for the 2021 SHCS, the results are not directly comparable with previous waves of the survey. BEFS will be looking at statistics across the sector more broadly in the next Bulletin, but the key take-aways for now are that only 52% of Scottish homes were currently rated as EPC band C or better. And 16% of all Scotland’s dwellings had an urgent disrepair to critical elements, with pre-1919 dwellings having a rate of urgent disrepair to critical elements of 25%.

Thinking of funding, there’s news across the sector: Culture Secretary Angus Robertson announced that eight communities across Scotland are set to benefit from £863,050 area-based funding provided jointly by Historic Environment Scotland (HES) and the National Lottery Heritage Fund (Heritage Fund).

The Architectural Heritage Fund (AHF) and the National Lottery Heritage Fund announced a three-year partnership programme to save heritage across the UK. The new programme is looking to support a diverse range of organisations, at different stages of development. The new Heritage Development Trusts will receive a package of funding that includes three-year revenue grants between £55k-£70k per annum, as well as guidance from consultants and mentors to develop their skills and knowledge alongside peer-to-peer support.

The Nature & Culture Heritage Fund, led by NatureScot and funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) has awarded £375,926 to Archaeology Scotland – Working with the West Ardnamurchan Community to develop an Adopt-a-Monument scheme, called the Real Wild West, creating a trail, tourist hubs and physical and digital experiences, improve the condition and maintenance of 10 heritage sites and develop ‘slow tourism’ adventures for visitors.

So much of the funding above is related to partnerships – and the recent findings of the latest UK Heritage Pulse, has been published revealing that nearly all organisations agree they would benefit from more partnerships, but not all know how to create them. Read in more detail in the Spotlight on: Partnerships.

All those with premises across the sector and beyond should be aware that from 1 July 2023 Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) will no longer be attending automatic fire alarm (AFA) callouts to commercial business and workplace premises such as factories, offices, shops and leisure facilities, unless a fire has been confirmed. This change to call outs includes listed buildings.

BEFS Members, The Institution of Civil Engineers Scotland, is inviting applications from professionals to join as an Associate Member (AMICE). Membership is open to anyone working in the built environment who wants to improve their knowledge and develop new ways of delivering the infrastructure of the future. AMICE is valuable to the whole industry spectrum – from engineers to academics, procurement and legal experts, to architects and surveyors; find out more information here

Congratulations from BEFS go to – Barbara Cummins who has been appointed as Chair of the Cockburn Association. And we also applaud, Craig McLaren on his new role as the Improvement Service’s National Planning Improvement Champion. Craig will step down in August as RTPI director of Scotland, Ireland and English regions.

And news just in, RIAS have announced the winners of the 2023 awards, which include two new buildings for leading Scottish universities, and a new headquarters at the home of Scottish golf.



National Outcomes review 2023: Call for Evidence
Scottish Government
The Scottish Government want to hear from people and communities across Scotland about whether their National Outcomes continue to reflect the kind of Scotland we want to see. They would also like to hear about how the National Performance Framework could have a bigger impact.
Closes 12 June 2023 (deadline extended)

Call for Evidence – Coronavirus and Scotland follow-up
UK Government, The Scottish Affairs Committee
The Committee has launched an inquiry, following up on its inquiry into coronavirus and Scotland, to see whether sectors and industries across Scotland have recovered in the post-pandemic period and to assess the helpfulness of UK and Scottish government support.
Closes 14 June 2023

Council Tax for second and empty homes, and non-domestic rates thresholds
Scottish Government/COSLA
This joint public consultation with COSLA seeks views on giving local authorities the power to increase council tax on second homes and empty homes, as well as considering whether the current non-domestic rates thresholds for self-catering accommodation remain appropriate.
Closes 11 July 2023

Future of Scotland’s first National Park
Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park
Consultation on the Draft National Park Partnership Plan 2024-29, drafted to frame conversations about the future of the National Park. The National Park Partnership Plan guides how all of those with a role to play in looking after the National Park will work together to manage the Park and achieve a shared vision for the area.
Closes 19 July 2023

Local living and 20 minute neighbourhoods: draft planning guidance
Scottish Government
Consultation seeking views and comments on the draft planning guidance for local living and 20 minute neighbourhoods. It is expected to be of particular relevance in the preparation of Local Development Plans (LDPs), Local Place Plans (LPPs) and to support planning decision making.
Closes 20 July 2023

New National Parks – appraisal framework
Scottish Government
With a commitment to designating at least one new National Park in Scotland by the end of this Parliamentary session in 2026, a draft appraisal framework has been developed with proposed criteria for new National Parks in Scotland. Views and comments are being sought on this framework.
Closes 4 August 2023

Review of Permitted Development Rights – Phase 3
Scottish Government
The Scottish Government is carrying out a review of permitted development rights (PDR) as part of a wider planning reform programme. The PDR review is being taken forward in phases, with each phase focussing on specific development types. Phase 3 of the review considers PDR in relation to renewables equipment, thermal efficiency improvements, development by electricity undertakers, reverse vending machines and the temporary use of land for shooting ranges.
**NEW** Closes 23 August 2023

Effective Community Engagement in Local Development Planning Guidance
Scottish Government
This consultation concerns guidance on effective community engagement in the local development planning process, inviting views from planning authorities and communities on the clarity and helpfulness of the guidance in informing people when engagement will be most effective.
**NEW** Closes 13 September 2023



Draft Energy Strategy And Just Transition Plan Consultation – A Common Weal Response (Common Weal Policy 23/05/2023)



New Uses For Former Church Buildings – A study of inspiration and hope (The Scottish Civic Trust March 2013)
This document, considering new uses for old churches, is as relevant today as when first published, providing innovative examples of re-use of religious buildings, which will have expanded over the years.

Conservation Skills Strategy 2023 (ICON April 2023)
Ensuring that the skills to effectively care for objects, collections and built heritage exist within the conservation workforce.

Scottish third sector tracker report: wave 5 findings, winter 2022 (SCVO May 2023)

Heat pump user survey report (Nesta May 2023)

Young People’s Engagements with Heritage Report (Institute for Community Research & Development and Arts Connect with Historic England May 2023)

A Net Zero workforce (Climate Change Committee May 2023)

Our Regulatory Framework (HES 16/05/2023)

Springboard Footfall Monitor – April Report – report for Scotland’s High Streets (Scotland’s Towns Partnership 18/05/2023)

Understanding Scotland: Economy tracker survey (David Hume Institute and the Diffley Partnership 23/05/2023)
Survey of economic attitudes and insights from more than 2,000 members of the Scottish adult population every 3 months to track changes over time.

The Cheviot, The Stag And The Black Black Carbon – Natural Capital, the Private Finance Investment Pilot and Scotland’s Land Reform by Alastair McIntosh BSc MBA PhD (Community Land Scotland 26/05/2023)

Heat Pumps in Historic Buildings (Historic England 26/05/2023)

Heritage Transformed in Wales and Northern Ireland – End of Programme Report 2020-23 (AHF 31/05/2023)



Correspondence from The Keeper of the Registers of Scotland to the Economy and Fair Work Committee regarding the organisation’s May update (RoS 16/05/2023)

Place Directors representing Scottish Government in local authority and Community Planning Partnership areas: Factsheet Update (Scot Gov 17/05/2023)

Planning circular 1/2023: short-term lets and planning (Scot Gov 17/05/2023)

Evidence sessions on ‘culture in communities’ inquiry focusing on taking a place-based approach to culture (Session 6) (Constitution, Europe, External Affairs and Culture Committee 18/05/2023)

Families and households in the UK: 2022 (ONS 18/05/2023)

Evidence session on the role of local government and its cross-sectoral partners in financing and delivering a net-zero Scotland (Session 6) (Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee 23/05/2023)

Evidence session on Community Councils in their 50th year (Session 6) (Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee 23/05/2023)

Building standards: Standard 2.15 Automatic Fire Suppression System. Cost benefit analysis (Scot Gov 23/05/2023)

Local development planning guidance (Scot Gov 24/05/2023)

Effective community engagement in local development planning guidance: impact assessments (Scot Gov 24/05/2023)

Medium-Term Financial Strategy: Ministerial statement (Scot Gov 25/05/2023)

The Scottish Government’s Medium-Term Financial Strategy (Scot Gov 25/05/2023)

Visitor Levy legislation introduced (Scot Gov 25/05/2023)

Visitor Levy Bill: business and regulatory impact assessment (Scot Gov 25/05/2023)

Single Building Assessment programme: spending information (Scot Gov 26/05/2023)

Building Assessment Report (BAR) guidance (Scot Gov 30/05/2023)

Heat Network Zone (HNZ) guidance (Scot Gov 30/05/2023)

Scottish House Condition Survey: 2021 Key Findings – updated fuel poverty rates, energy efficiency ratings and data on external disrepair (Scot Gov 30/05/2023)

Climate change adaptation programme: progress report 2023 (Scot Gov 30/05/2023)

Climate change monitoring report 2023 (Scot Gov 30/05/2023)

Planning and Environmental Appeals Stakeholder Forum minutes: November 2022 (Scot Gov 30/05/2023)



Winners of the Icon Photography Competition – images that capture the everyday magic of conservation (ICON 15/05/2023)

Edinburgh Local Heritage Network launched by the Lord Provost (City of Edinburgh Council 17/05/2023)

Review of British Tourist Authority underway – operator of VisitEngland and VisitBritain is being independently reviewed (UK Gov 18/05/2023)

Obituary: Hugo Burge, visionary behind the restoration of historic Marchmont House (The Scotsman 19/05/2023)

Construction industry experts call on the Scottish Government to develop a long-term, joined-up retrofitting strategy (CIOB 19/05/2023)

Mortgage rate cut for energy efficient homes under government-backed trials – £4.1 million awarded to green finance projects to help homeowners make their homes more energy efficient (UK Gov 19/05/2023)

New research finds cultural creative hubs key to supporting local communities during crises (University of Stirling 22/05/2023)

Empowering people and places – £5 million funding boost for new Heritage Development Trusts to revive unused historic buildings across the UK (AHF 24/05/2023)

Local Authorities chosen for new Key Agencies Group support offer revealed (A&DS 24/05/2023)

Meet the European Heritage Hub and engage on social media (Europa Nostra 25/05/2023)

STA Statement: Scottish Tourism Alliance response to introduction of Visitor Levy (Scotland) Bill to the Scottish Parliament (STA 25/05/2023)

Pioneering £22m fund leaves lasting legacy for Highlands and Islands tourism – the Natural & Cultural Heritage Fund (NCHF) (NatureScot 30/05/2023)

Applications invited for grants up to £10million (Heritage Fund 30/05/2023)
Increased upper limit of National Lottery Grants for Heritage to support larger-scale heritage projects across the UK.

The Central Scotland Green Network ‘Growing Food Together’ Fund 2023 is now open (CSGN 01/06/2023)
Funded by the Scottish Government, projects can apply for part of the £100,000 fund that aims to foster community engagement.



Scotland will be able to build an energy-efficient future – Hugh Franklin (The Scotsman 17/05/2023)

Financing Climate Adaptation—and Deciding What to Let Go (Harvard Magazine 17/05/2023)
Long-term spatial planning in the US which will involve difficult conversations about “what to protect and what to let go”.

Austrian town that inspired Arendelle from ‘Frozen’ erects fence in bid to stop selfies (The Independent 19/05/2023)

Construction body calls for long-term retrofitting plan for Scotland’s draughty housing stock (Scottish Housing News 19/05/2023)

Why construction of the past can help us to build a better future (The National 20/05/2023)

The Church of Scotland will have to close hundreds of churches in the coming years, the Kirk’s trustees have warned as it stages its annual General Assembly (BBC News 20/05/2023)

Lanarkshire MSP promotes apprenticeships in traditional building skills (Daily Record 20/05/2023)

20-minute neighbourhood: A return to our past, not a conspiracy (The National 21/05/2023)

Skills for Greener Places: The future of landscape (pbc today 22/05/2023)

The Great Heat Pump Mystery: Where’s The COP? (CaCHE 22/05/2023)

New partnership to target empty homes for remote essential worker housing (Scottish Housing News 22/05/2023)

Increased funding for local land ownership – £1 million increase to the Scottish Land Fund –  a flagship scheme that helps communities take ownership of local land and buildings (Scottish Rural Network 24/05/2023))

Get up to speed on embodied carbon now, say leading developers (Architects’ Journal 25/05/2023)

Involve communities or face ‘carbon clearances’, says new report (The Press & Journal 26/05/2023)

Hawick pupils get hands-on construction skills masterclass (Border Telegraph 26/05/2023)

Scheme launched to explore how to help communities move quickly for local assets (Place Design Scotland 27/05/2023)

Scott Hogan: Why Scotland’s property relief changes are policy in a vacuum (Scottish Construction Now 31/05/2023)



Questions marked with a triangle (?) are initiated by the Scottish Government to facilitate the provision of information to the Parliament. Questions in which a member has indicated a declarable interest are marked with an “R”.

Foysol Choudhury, Lothian, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: 04/05/2023
To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S6W-16420 by Patrick Harvie on 27 April 2023, for what reason there is no accreditation for contractors carrying out masonry repairs in Scotland.
Current status: Answered by Patrick Harvie on 19 May 2023

Mark Griffin, Central Scotland, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: 04/05/2023
To ask the Scottish Government what support it provides to public authorities to remove any asbestos from their buildings.
To ask the Scottish Government whether it keeps a central register of buildings containing asbestos.
To ask the Scottish Government what work it has done to consider any (a) costs and (b) benefits of establishing a central register of buildings containing asbestos.
To ask the Scottish Government what information it holds on (a) how many and (b) what proportion of public buildings contain asbestos, broken down by sector.
S6W-17716 R
To ask the Scottish Government whether Home Energy Scotland grants and loans provide funding for removal of asbestos during retrofit.
Current status: Answered by Patrick Harvie on 19 May 2023

Monica Lennon, Central Scotland, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: 09/05/2023
To ask the Scottish Government whether it will commit to amending the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 to grant communities equal rights of appeals, in light of the Aarhus Convention Compliance Committee (ACCC) recently accepting the admissibility of a complaint by the Environmental Rights Centre for Scotland, Planning Democracy, RSPB and Friends of the Earth Scotland, reportedly stating that there is a lack of equal rights of appeal in the planning system, which is unfair and in breach of the convention.
Current status: Answered by Joe FitzPatrick on 19 May 2023

Rhoda Grant, Highlands and Islands, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: 09/05/2023
To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S6W-16434 by Lorna Slater on 25 April 2023, whether any representatives of community ownership organisations were involved in the workshops referred to on alternative ownership models; who (a) organised and (b) attended the workshops; whether a record of the workshop (i) discussions and (ii) decisions will be made publicly available, and whether the workshops were arranged specifically to further the work flowing from the Memorandum of Understanding with NatureScot.
To ask the Scottish Government whether (a) its and (b) NatureScot officials are providing to landowners and managers any introductions to the private financiers involved in the Memorandum of Understanding with NatureScot.
Current status: Answered by Lorna Slater on 19 May 2023

Liam McArthur, Orkney Islands, Scottish Liberal Democrats
Date lodged: 05/05/2023
To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S6W-01910 by Michael Matheson on 20 August 2021, how much it estimates it will cost (a) on average and (b) in total to bring such properties up to an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of at least band C, in line with its net zero and just transition ambitions.
Current status: Answered by Patrick Harvie on 22 May 2023

Angus Robertson, Edinburgh Central, Scottish National Party
Date lodged: 22/05/2023
Debate on the Scottish Connections Framework
Current status: Taken in the Chamber on 23 May 2023

Alasdair Allan, Na h-Eileanan an Iar, Scottish National Party
Date lodged: 12/05/2023
To ask the Scottish Government whether it plans to review the current Community and Renewable Energy Scheme (CARES) to ensure that it is able to effectively support community renewable projects in Na h-Eileanan an Iar.
Current status: Answered by Gillian Martin on 24 May 2023

Willie Rennie, North East Fife, Scottish Liberal Democrats
Date lodged: 10/05/2023
To ask the Scottish Government for what reason referrals to Warmer Homes Scotland have been paused from 31 March 2023 until October 2023.
Current status: Answered by Patrick Harvie on 24 May 2023

Kaukab Stewart, MSP for Glasgow Kelvin, Scottish National Party
Date lodged: 24/05/2023
To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on its progress towards securing an agreement on the Scottish Safer Buildings Accord.
Current status: Answered by Paul McLennan on 25 May 2023

Monica Lennon, Central Scotland, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: 12/05/2023
To ask the Scottish Government when it anticipates the three legislative stages of its proposed Circular Economy Bill will conclude.
Current status: Answered by Lorna Slater on 25 May 2023

Stephen Kerr, Central Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: 12/05/2023
To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S6W-16779 by Patrick Harvie on 27 April 2023, how additional demands on other local authority services, such as planning and building control, will be resourced, particularly in light of the reported national shortage of planners.
Current status: Answered by Joe FitzPatrick on 25 May 2023

Jamie Greene, West Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: 12/05/2023
To ask the Scottish Government how many of its buildings do not have an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of at least band C, and whether it will list them.
Current status: Answered by Shona Robison on 30 May 2023

Stephen Kerr, Central Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: 12/05/2023
To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S6W-16779 by Patrick Harvie on 27 April 2023, how funding to pay for household measures will be (a) coordinated and (b) delivered, and, specifically, what it anticipates will be the role of local authorities in this.
To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S6W-16779 by Patrick Harvie on 27 April 2023, whether there will be a national public communications programme to ensure that the general public understand the proposed upcoming changes to Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) requirements, and what role Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES) delivery plans will play in any such programme.
To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S6W-16779 by Patrick Harvie on 27 April 2023, who will be responsible for managing the coordination of suppliers at local level, to ensure that they have the skills and quality marks required, in time for the roll-out of delivery plans, and what it anticipates will be the role of local authorities in this.
To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S6W-16779 by Patrick Harvie on 27 April 2023, where there are any specific anticipated functions for local authorities to deliver elements of the Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES) delivery plans, such as communication, coordination, monitoring and complaints, what funding will be made available for the fulfilment of any such functions that is commensurate with the cost.
Current status: Answered by Patrick Harvie on 30 May 2023

Monica Lennon, Central Scotland, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: 28/04/2023
To ask the Scottish Government what engagement it has had with churches, regarding the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2016 (Register of Persons Holding a Controlled Interest in Land) Regulations 2021, since 1 January 2023.
Current status: Answered by Mairi Gougeon on 31 May 2023

Katy Clark, West Scotland, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: 22/05/2023
To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S6W-17602 by Neil Gray on 12 May 2023, under the Fair Work First Framework on conditionality for public sector grants, which grant funders are subject to applying conditionality on (a) effective voice and (b) Real Living Wage under these rules, and whether there are any public sector grant funders that are exempt from doing so.
Current status: Answer expected on 7 June 2023

Stephen Kerr, Central Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: 22/05/2023
To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S6W-16779 by Patrick Harvie on 27 April 2023, how households will be successfully engaged with, as part of Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES) delivery plans, in order to take action to retrofit their homes with energy efficiency and low carbon heating measures.
Current status: Answer expected on 7 June 2023

Liam Kerr, North East Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: 24/05/2023
To ask the Scottish Government what its response is to a recent report by Changeworks, which reportedly found that homes in the Highlands and Islands have lower Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) ratings than the rest of Scotland.
Current status: Answer expected on 9 June 2023

Daniel Johnson, Edinburgh Southern, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: 25/05/2023
To ask the Scottish Government which apprenticeship providers have delivered (a) Modern, (b) Foundation and (c) Graduate Apprenticeships in Scotland in each year since 2018-19, also broken down by occupational grouping.
Current status: Answer expected on 12 June 2023

Miles Briggs, Lothian, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: 25/05/2023
To ask the Scottish Government whether it has established a Land Tax Working Group, and, if so, when the group will report.
To ask the Scottish Government when it plans to establish a City Centre Recovery Task Force.
Current status: Answers expected on 12 June 2023



John Swinney, Perthshire North Scottish National Party
Date lodged: 17/05/2023
Congratulating the Scottish Crannog Centre on Winning the Visitor Welcome Award
That the Parliament acknowledges what it sees as the outstanding achievement of the Scottish Crannog Centre on being awarded the Visitor Welcome Award at the Museum and Heritage Awards 2023; recognises the prestige of this international award, which spotlights excellence in the museum, galleries, and heritage visitor attractions sector; commends the dedicated staff and volunteers of the Scottish Crannog Centre for their continuous efforts in delivering a world-class visitor experience; appreciates the centre’s contribution in promoting Scottish heritage and culture, and in boosting local tourism, and extends its heartfelt congratulations to all those involved in what it sees as this remarkable achievement.

Foysol Choudhury, Lothian, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: 25/05/2023
That the Parliament notes the view that there is a need for urgent action to improve the energy efficiency of existing buildings through repair and maintenance, to ensure that they are windproof and watertight, comfortable to live in, and affordable to heat; understands that the built environment sector is facing a shortage of people with the correct skills, knowledge and materials to undertake these projects; notes the view that increased support from the Scottish Government is required to address what it sees as this skills gap; further notes the view that training provisions are required throughout Scotland, including in the Lothian region, to ensure that young people have equal access to roles within the construction industry; notes the view that a sustainable model must be found to ensure that there is a skilled workforce across the whole construction industry, to give homeowners the opportunity to repair and maintain their buildings, and therefore reduce their carbon emissions; believes that this issue is of nationwide importance, and notes the calls on all political parties to collaborate to ensure that there is a sustainable, skilled construction workforce in Scotland.



For further listings, please see our events calendar.

Architectural Heritage Fund – Heritage Development Trusts programme – Information Sessions
Dates & Times: 2-14 June 2023
Location: Online
These events are about finding out about the new UK Heritage Development Trusts programme – now open for Expressions of Interest.
Session 2. Friday 2 June 2023; 10-11am: Presented by Kelcey Wilson-Lee from the Architectural Heritage Fund with guest Darren Barker from Great Yarmouth Preservation Trust.
Session 3. Thursday 8 June 2023; 1-2pm: Presented by Gavin Richards from the Architectural Heritage Fund with guest Martin Hulse from Tyne & Wear Building Preservation Trust.
Session 4. Wednesday 14 June 2023; 10-11am: Presented by Gavin Richards from the Architectural Heritage Fund with guest Rob Kenyon from Heritage Lab Ramgate.

Architecture and Design Scotland – Place Forum: towards zero carbon places – making it happen
Date & Time: Wednesday 7 June 2023; 11am-1pm
Location: Online via Teams
The second Place Forum focuses on the role of retrofit and zero-carbon buildings in creating carbon conscious places in Scotland. This event brings together a variety of speakers from across the country to share their experiences of delivering projects related to retrofit and zero-carbon buildings in Scotland and examples of collaborative approaches to carbon conscious places.

SURF – 25th Anniversary SURF Awards Launch Event
Date & Time: Thursday 8 June 2023; 1:30-4pm
Location: Billiard Hall, The Pearce Institute, 840-860 Govan Road, Glasgow G51 3UU
2023 marks the 25th Anniversary of SURF’s annual SURF Award programme. Join SURF to mark this anniversary, when you will be able to hear more about the history of the SURF Awards, ask questions to previous SURF Award Winners, find out about how to apply for the 2023 Awards and hear from some of the SURF Award partners. It will also provide an opportunity for networking.

RTPI Central Scotland – Tour of Stirling Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme
Date & Time: Thursday 8 June 2023; 6-8pm
Location: The Burgh Coffeehouse, 4 King St, Stirling FK8 1AY
The Stirling Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme is a £3.1 million project funded by Historic Environment Scotland and Stirling Council. This guided tour, led by Alex Collins – Project Officer, will visit the two main project sites – Stirling Arcade, Kings Street/Murray Place and Cowanes House, St.Mary’s Wynd. The tour will also provide information and opportunities for discussion on a range of issues, including logistics for making a CARS bid, project assessment and funding distribution criteria, consenting processes and project implementation issues.

Under One Roof Scotland – Maintenance and retrofit for tenement owners
Date & Time: Friday 9 June 2023; 1pm-3pm
Location: Atrium Business Centre, North Caldeen Road, Coatbridge, ML5 4EF
Come along to a free and informative event hosted by Under One Roof and North Lanarkshire Council, aimed at owner-occupiers and landlords who want to learn more about maintaining and managing their tenement flats. Topics covered will include: the basics of tenement maintenance; knowing your neighbours and how to find them; the issues with patch repairs; the importance of building insurance and tips for self-factoring your building. Additionally, there will be discussion on energy efficiency and retrofit, as well as changes to government regulations affecting owner-occupiers and landlords.

Under One Roof Scotland – Maintenance and retrofit for tenement owners

Date & Time: Tuesday 13 June 2023; 1pm-3pm
Location: The Townhouse, High Street, Irvine, KA12 0AL
Come along to a free and informative event hosted by Under One Roof and North Ayrshire Council, aimed at owner-occupiers and landlords who want to learn more about maintaining and managing their tenement flats. Topics covered will include: the basics of tenement maintenance; knowing your neighbours and how to find them; the issues with patch repairs; the importance of building insurance and tips for self-factoring your building. Additionally, there will be discussion on energy efficiency and retrofit, as well as changes to government regulations affecting owner-occupiers and landlords.


Historic Religious Buildings Alliance – BIG UPDATE 2023
Date & Time: Wednesday 14 June 2023; 10am-4:30pm
Location: St John’s Waterloo, 73 Waterloo Road, London SE1 8TY
The ‘Big Update’ is about keeping up to date with what’s happening to secure the future of historic places of worship. The programme will follow the usual format of 20 minute talks, shorter talks and videos covering a wide range of topical and inspirational subjects including the popular ‘Your Big Update’ session when anyone can have the floor for three minutes.

IHBC Annual School 2023: Swansea – Climate Change and the Historic Environment – Resilience and Performance
Date & Time: Wednesday 21 – Saturday 24 June 2023
Location: Swansea and Online
Heritage insights for everyone with a range of different school formats to appeal to anyone with an interest in heritage, culture and conservation. The school offers an opportunity to understand and interrogate new approaches to coping with climate change challenges, including: complying with standards, energy management, retrofit, fuel poverty and traditional buildings, meeting energy targets and protecting buildings.
Book your place now!

Icon Scotland – Burrell Collection Conservation Tour
Date & Time: Thursday 22 June 2023; 10:45am-1pm
Location: Burrell Collection, Pollok Country Park, 2060 Pollokshaws Rd, Glasgow G43 1AT
Glasgow’s Burrell Collection recently reopened after a major refurbishment, which opened up more gallery space, allowing access to objects which have not been seen for decades or have never been on permanent display. The conservators at Glasgow Life are partnering with the Icon Scotland group to offer a tour with a conservation focus.



Culture & Business Scotland: Tell your story, sell your idea – copywriting training for fundraisers
Date & Time: Tuesday 6 & Wednesday 7 June 2023; 10am-1pm
Location: Online via Zoom
Move from a blank page to a compelling case for support in the capable hands of professional copywriter, Allison Traynor. Packed with tips, tools and techniques and delivered in two sessions over two days. (Previously called ‘Telling it like it is’.)

Culture & Business Scotland – Marketing, fundraising and data protection laws: keeping yourself right
Date & Time: Tuesday 13 June 2023; 9:30am–1.30pm
Location: Online via Zoom
As more of us are keeping in touch with our audiences, supporters and followers online than ever before, it’s essential to ensure your practices are lawful, as well as to provide privacy, security and transparency to maintain the trust of your audiences.??This one-day course provides a clear understanding of the law, explores practical examples to help reflect on an organisation’s current approaches and processes, and will allow consideration of any changes that might be needed.



National Churches Trust – Support Officers
Salary: £32,000 p.a.
Status: Full-time, Three Years (Fixed Term)
Location: 3 Posts based in Wales, Scotland & North West England
Are you passionate about helping churches near you to remain open and thrive? If you can respond to enquiries and engage with stakeholders, you could make a massive difference to the churches, chapels and meeting houses in your nation or region. The NCT are hiring 3 Support Officers to undertake delivery of the new National Lottery Heritage Funded Cherish project. Reporting to the new Support Project Manager, the post holders will work full-time on a three-year fixed-term contract overseeing the project in either Scotland, Wales or North-West England. Work will be undertaken within your country or region, but occasional travel to the London office will be expected.
Further information can be found here.
Closing date: Monday 12 June 2023 at 9am

Stirling City Heritage Trust – Traditional Buildings Health Check Retrofit Inspector
Salary: £34,000 – £37,000 (depending on experience)
Status: Full-time, fixed-term to 30 June 2025
Location: Stirling
The Traditional Buildings Health Check (TBHC) is a proactive building maintenance service operated by Stirling City Heritage Trust, who provide advice and inspection services to traditional property owners in Stirling. The service is expanding to provide energy efficiency and retrofit advice to traditional building owners. As such, the Trust are seeking a Retrofit Inspector to undertake inspections of traditional buildings to establish the current EPC rating and explore ways to help building owners take appropriate retrofit measures to improve the EPC rating.
For further information on the role and to apply go to SCHT Careers; or for an informal chat please contact the Trust Manager, Lindsay Lennie
Closing date: Wednesday 14 June 2023 at noon

Stirling City Heritage Trust – Traditional Buildings Health Check Retrofit Grants & Education Officer
Salary: £29,000 – £31,500 (depending on experience)
Status: Part-time (28 hours per week) fixed-term to 30 June 2025
Location: Stirling
The Traditional Buildings Health Check (TBHC) is a proactive building maintenance service operated by Stirling City Heritage Trust, who provide advice and inspection services to traditional property owners in Stirling. The service is expanding to provide energy efficiency and retrofit advice to traditional building owners. As such, the Trust are seeking a Grants & Education Officer to deliver the Trust’s grant initiative for retrofit for TBHC member properties, assessing grant applications, forming recommendations, and managing an ongoing caseload of repair grants, including site visits and meetings with owners, building professionals and contractors.
For further information on the role and to apply go to SCHT Careers; or for an informal chat please contact the Trust Manager, Lindsay Lennie
Closing date: Wednesday 14 June 2023 at noon

The Ridge – Managing Director
Status: Full-time (flexible working possible)
Location: Dunbar
As the scale and scope of its work expands, The Ridge is looking to restructure its senior management, with the creation of a new Managing Director role within The Ridge Foundations CIC (the social enterprise construction company). To date, the whole of The Ridge (SCIO and CIC) has had a single Managing Director, but it is clear that more time, energy and focus is required to lead the company, with a direct role in heading up the Training team.
Follow this link for more information about The Ridge, and about this exciting new opportunity, including how to apply.
Closing date: Tuesday 20 June 2023

The Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland – Head of Practice
Salary: Band £45,000 – £50,000 p.a.
Status: Full-time (28/35hr)
Location: Edinburgh (flexible working potential)
The RIAS is looking to appoint a highly motivated individual to lead its Practice team. This is a key role for the Incorporation, to lead, develop, and manage the Practice Team creating a hub of technical information, learning and practice to support the membership, and supporting practices with advice on a wide range of topics. The successful applicant will lead RIAS flagship Practice Services, contribute to other streams of RIAS activities, and help to generate revenue to support the financial sustainability of the RIAS.
Closing date: Friday 30 June 2023

Loco Home Retrofit – Retrofit Planner
Salary: starting at £25,000 p.a.
Status: Full-time; 37.5 hours
Location: Glasgow
Join one of Scotland’s newest and most innovative third sector organisations addressing the climate crisis. Loco Home Retrofit are looking for a buildings professional to deliver a retrofit planning service. The role involves surveying condition, heritage, fabric efficiency and heating systems, whilst employing software and professional judgement to produce recommendations and, through discussion with the households, arriving at an outline improvement plan.
To apply and for more information.

The National Trust for Scotland – Heritage Compliance Officer
Salary: £34,376-£38,027 (subject to experience)
Status: Full-time (flexible working possible)
Location: Hybrid working, available for meetings in Edinburgh
The National Trust for Scotland is looking to recruit a heritage compliance officer to help identify and manage the conservation and operations risks. This is a unique opportunity to work across all aspects of a major heritage organisation, liaising with colleagues in all disciplines.
All enquiries and applications should be addressed to: Diarmid Hearns, Head of Public Policy, Risk and Environment