BEFS Bulletin – Summer Events, Awards, and plenty of Consultations
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In July we let our Members and readers know how delighted we are to share news about BEFS – Fit for the Future, funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund to Spring 2025. This award will enable BEFS to best meet sector need now and for the future, allowing us to enhance our climate support, and EDI (equality, diversity and inclusion) offer for the sector; as well as providing internal training and capacity to examine and develop our own robust business model. To read more, please see our full article.
BEFS are also hiring a Senior Communications Lead, and a Communications and Policy Officer – both roles close on Wednesday 9 August, and full details can be found here.
After the release of their strategy earlier this year, the Heritage Fund has published their first delivery plan, setting out how, across the next three years, they aim to invest £870m via National Lottery Grants for Heritage and a further £140m in strategic initiatives to make a decisive difference for places, nature and heritage in need. The plan provides details about budgets, priorities and changes to funding programmes.
Tickets are now available for the 11th annual Edinburgh Traditional Building Forum, which returns to the Festival Fringe this year. There is a wide range of activities to sign up for including walks and talks explaining how to look after everything – from sash and case windows to slate roofs; empowering homeowners to repair and maintain their traditionally built homes.
More summer activities can also be found across Scotland with the launch of Scottish Archaeology Month (SAM). SAM encourages people to interact with their archaeology, history and heritage by coordinating and promoting a varied programme of events all across Scotland. Full details can be found via Dig It!
Two sets of architecture awards are well worth a mention: RIBA has launched the Reinvention Award, celebrating the creative transformation of an existing building and projects highlighting vital improvements to environmental, social, or economic sustainability. Seems like a good idea for our times. And closer to home, RIAS has published the shortlist for the 2023 Andrew Doolan Best Building in Scotland Award.
There’s a lot of activity still taking place across the parliamentary recess. Here we can read how Patrick Harvie, Minister for Zero Carbon Buildings, has outlined why the way we heat our homes needs to change and how to tackle the massive challenge ahead.
Considering the broader cultural-heritage sector, Culture Counts are seeking views on a number of issues to inform their contribution to the Scottish Parliament Constitution, Europe, External Affairs and Culture Committee’s scrutiny of the Scottish Government’s culture budget for 2024-25.
And in England our sibling organisation, The Heritage Alliance have launched their 2023 Heritage Manifesto, which asks all parties to put the past at the heart of plans for the future, as well as calling for support and VAT reform.
BEFS team are continuing to take advantage of the parliamentary recess, and holiday period. The next (bumper) Bulletin will be out on Thursday 7 September 2023.
Historic environment employers skills survey
The sector is facing increasing challenges in regards to accessing skills provision and as an employer or organisation in the heritage sector, HES want your views on the skills and workforce challenges your organisation is facing, and the solutions your organisation needs.
Closes 14 August 2023
Culture Counts 24/25 pre-budget scrutiny
Culture Counts
This survey is to inform Culture Counts’ contribution to Scottish Parliament Constitution, Europe, External Affairs and Culture Committee’s scrutiny of the Scottish Government’s culture budget for 2024-25.
*NEW* Closes 15 August 2023
Budget Scrutiny 2024-25: Funding for Culture – call for views
Scottish Parliament – Constitution, Europe, External Affairs and Culture Committee
These views help the Committee to make recommendations to the Scottish Government ahead of its Budget for 2024-25.
Closes 18 August 2023
Circular Economy (Scotland) Bill – call for views
Scottish Parliament
The Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee is seeking views on the Circular Economy (Scotland) Bill.
Closes 20 August 2023
Review of Permitted Development Rights – Phase 3
Scottish Government
The Scottish Government is carrying out a review of permitted development rights (PDR) as part of a wider planning reform programme. The PDR review is being taken forward in phases, with each phase focussing on specific development types. Phase 3 of the review considers PDR in relation to renewables equipment, thermal efficiency improvements, development by electricity undertakers, reverse vending machines and the temporary use of land for shooting ranges.
Closes 23 August 2023
RICS Retrofit Standard Consultation 2023
The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) is gathering input from RICS members and industry professionals on the new RICS Residential Retrofit Standard for 2023. This new standard will be developed following the consultation, as a response to a demand for high quality, residential retrofit advice, spurred on by increasingly high energy prices and UK government net-zero targets.
*NEW* Closes 12 September 2023
Effective Community Engagement in Local Development Planning Guidance
Scottish Government
This consultation concerns guidance on effective community engagement in the local development planning process, inviting views from planning authorities and communities on the clarity and helpfulness of the guidance in informing people when engagement will be most effective.
Closes 13 September 2023
Visitor Levy Bill – call for views
Scottish Parliament
The Scottish Government has proposed a new law which would allow local authorities to introduce an additional charge when someone pays for overnight accommodation. MSPs on the Scottish Parliament’s Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee are examining the details.
*Extended* Closes 15 September 2023
Fairer Council Tax
Scottish Government
The Scottish Government and COSLA are inviting responses to this consultation on a fairer council tax system, which concerns the Council Tax charges (also referred to as multipliers) for properties in valuation Bands E to H.
*NEW* Closes 20 September 2023
Call for Evidence: Restoration and Renewal Recall
UK Government
The Public Accounts Committee has previously reported on the failures of transparency and “wasteful, nugatory spending” in the Restoration and Renewal programme, and expressed serious concern about ongoing risks and hazards in the deteriorating UNESCO World Heritage Site. They are seeking written evidence submissions regarding the ‘real and rising risk” that the Palace of Westminster will be destroyed by a catastrophic event before it is restored.
*NEW* Closes 6 October 2023
Energy Performance Certificate Reform Consultation
Scottish Government
The purpose of this consultation is to set out the Scottish Government’s final proposals for Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) reform and to seek stakeholder views ahead of the introduction of new legislation.
*NEW* Closes 16 October 2023
Enhancing the accessibility, adaptability and usability of Scotland’s homes
Scottish Government
This consultation sets out proposed updates to Part 1 of the Housing for Varying Needs design guide and to building standards and guidance.
Closes 19 October 2023
Building Warrant Fees
Scottish Government
This consultation seeks to obtain the views on proposed increases to the building warrant fees required to deliver change to strengthen the building standards system and the development of a new building warrant fees model in Scotland.
*NEW* Closes 24 October 2023
Mandatory training on planning for elected members
Scottish Government
The Scottish Government is intending to implement mandatory training on planning for elected members as part of a wider package of measures to improve the performance of the planning system as a whole. This consultation is seeking views on the proposed approach to implementing this training.
*NEW* Closes 26 October 2023
Delivering Scotland’s Circular Economy – route map to 2025 and beyond: consultation analysis
Scottish Government
Heat networks target 2035: consultation response
Scottish Government
PE2006: Review and simplify the legislation in relation to dismissal of property factors
Petitioner submission (The Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee 17/07/2023)
Reuse Me, Don’t Lose Me: 2023 Buildings at Risk New Entries List (Save Britain’s Heritage 28/06/2023)
Treshnish Isles join the Trust (National Trust for Scotland 10/07/2023)
200 charities, economists, businesses, and unions call on FM to turn Wellbeing Economy into reality (Wellbeing Economy Alliance Scotland 13/07/2023)
BEFS is a signatory of letter asking Scotland’s First Minister for a “robust plan” to turn Wellbeing Economy rhetoric into action.
The National Galleries of Scotland has announced that the Scottish galleries at the National will open to the public this coming September (National Galleries of Scotland 17/07/2023)
Launch of the Heritage Manifesto 2023 (The Heritage Alliance 19/07/2023)
The Manifesto is aimed at all major UK political parties, and urges them to not only protect heritage, but maximise the benefits it can bring to communities and the environment.
RIBA launches Reinvention prize to encourage refurbishment over demolition (RIBA 20/07/2023)
The Reinvention Award celebrates the creative transformation of an existing building and the project’s vital improvement to environmental, social, or economic sustainability.
RIAS reveals shortlist for the 2023 RIAS Andrew Doolan Best Building in Scotland Award (RIAS 27/07/2023)
National Heritage Memorial Fund award £4.4million for exceptional Scottish heritage impacted by the pandemic (NHMF 02/08/2023)
The Natural Stone Source Book (Stone Federation Great Britain 2023)
Resilience and Cultural Heritage in Urban Development – Guidance Paper on Integrated Risk Management (German Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development April 2023)
Young People’s Engagements with Heritage: tackling inequality & other opportunities for public policy (Institute for Community Research & Development and Arts Connect with Historic England May 2023)
Heritage Fund – Heritage 2033 Delivery plan 2023-2026 (Heritage Fund July 2023)
Community-led action on vacant and derelict land: a handy guide to finding out how you and your community can bring unloved places back into use (MyLand.Scot July 2023)
A Guide to Building Materials and The Environment (Stephen George Partners July 2023)
Report on The Skills for a Jobs Transition (The Future Energy Skills Programme July 2023)
Rethinking Communities, Land and Governance: Land Reform in Scotland and the Community Ownership Model (Community Land Scotland 04/07/2023)
Circular Opportunities in Scotland’s Energy Sector
Zero Waste Scotland Report: Mapping Material Demand in Scotland’s Energy Infrastructure (Zero Waste Scotland 05/07/2023)
What influences the choices of would-be apprentices? (The Sutton trust 06/07/2023)
Roadmap for a Scottish Green industrial Strategy (Ian Blackford MP 14/07/2023)
National Lottery Heritage Fund annual report and accounts 2022 to 2023 (NLHF 17/07/2023)
National Heritage Memorial Fund Annual Report and Accounts 2022-23 (NHMF 17/07/2023)
A policy plan for decarbonising home heating (Nesta 19/07/2023)
Pointing the Way to the Future (HES 21/07/2023)
The climate and nature crises and Historic Environment Scotland’s approach to regulatory and advisory services in the planning and other consenting systems.
2023 Rural & Islands Insights Report (NISRIE 31/07/2023)
New grant funding to decarbonise public sector buildings (Scot Gov 10/07/2023)
Correspondence between the Minister for Housing and the Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee regarding the Cladding Remediation Programme (Scot Gov 10/07/2023)
Community right to buy – Company Limited by Guarantee: model template and guidance (Scot Gov 10/07/2023)
Wellbeing Economy makes sound business sense (Scot Gov 15/07/2023)
Policy paper: Understanding climate adaptation and the third National Adaptation Programme (NAP3) (UK Gov 17/07/2023)
Building standards – building warrant fee model: research project (Scot Gov 18/07/2023)
Place Directors Factsheet (Scot Gov 19/07/2023)
Non-domestic rates: legislation (Scot Gov 20/07/2023)
Overseas travel and tourism, provisional: January to March 2023 (ONS 20/07/2023)
Single Building Assessment: Spending Information (Scot Gov 21/07/2023)
Planning and environmental appeals: complaints policy (Scot Gov 24/07/2023)
Approval and accreditation of vocational training courses – Scotland (UK Gov 24/07/2023)
The UK Government has published information on approval and accreditation of vocational training courses in Scotland
Scottish Energy Performance Certificates – new metrics: research (Scot Gov 25/07/2023)
Planning Applications Statistics, 2022/23: Annual and Quarterly – October 2022 to March 2023 (Scot Gov 26/07/2023)
SPICe Spotlight: Licensing of short-term lets (SPICe 27/07/2023)
Open Government action plan 2021 to 2025 – commitment 3: data and digital commitment (Scot Gov 28/07/2023)
Scotland to explore policy incentives to push retrofit (Construction News 22/06/2023)
Call for national fund to make buildings safe amid concrete concerns (STV News 06/07/2023)
From pubs to churches, Britain is losing the buildings that glue us together (The Times 07/07/2023)
Acropolis now: crisis as soaring visitor numbers overwhelm Greek treasure (The Observer 09/07/2023)
Northstowe: The broken-promise new town built ‘with no heart’ (BBC News 12/07/2023)
Re:Permissioning the City — Unlocking cities’ growing underutilised spatial assets for an emergent civic economy (Dark Matter Laboratories 12/07/2023)
Passivhaus now: Scotland’s plan for tough new building standards (Inside Housing 13/07/2023)
Architects’ Showcase: Scotland’s first passive warehouse is a micro power station for energy, ideas and enterprise (Scottish Construction Now 14/07/2023)
Where are the cladding numbers? Don’t be fooled by cherry-picked figures (or, in Scotland, a lack of them) — the cladding crisis is not under control (The Times 16/07/2023)
Visa rules eased for building and fishing industry (BBC News 17/07/2023)
Skilled shortage list to be updated on 7 August to include bricklayers, plasterers and other roles within the building industry.
Tall buildings are robbing cities of precious heritage (The Times 19/07/2023)
We need a retrofit revolution to win the race to net zero (The New Statesman 21/07/2023)
New Deal for Business must extend to research (Fraser of Allender Institute 21/07/2023)
The recent report from the Scottish Government’s New Deal for Business Group highlighted the need for business to be given more of a voice into the early stages of policy development.
The answer to Britain’s housing crisis lies in its towns and cities – not the countryside (The Guardian 24/07/2023)
‘Over half’ of local planning decisions overturned by Scottish Government (Scottish Housing News 24/07/2023)
Huge bill hangs over Scottish NHS as dangerous concrete suspected in 250 buildings (The Times 25/07/2023)
UK Government says energy certificates need ‘fundamental reform’ in latest green shift (Financial Times 25/07/2023)
Pump up the Volume (Our Scottish Future 27/07/2023)
Dr Peter Wood’s blog on how Patrick Harvie’s plan to boost heat pump use is right – but the SNP-Green government is failing to deliver because of bad policy implementation
Scottish retailers urge rates review as shop vacancies rise (BBC News 28/07/2023)
Building Tomorrow: The Future of the UK’s Construction Sector (The House Magazine with CIOB 28/07/2023)
Half of Scots support Harvie’s plan to phase out fossil fuel boilers (The Herald 31/07/2023)
The new towns influenced by old settlements (The National 01/08/2023)
Questions marked with a triangle (?) are initiated by the Scottish Government to facilitate the provision of information to the Parliament. Questions in which a member has indicated a declarable interest are marked with an “R”.
Donald Cameron, Highlands and Islands, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: 03/07/2023
To ask the Scottish Government whether it can confirm the total amount that Historic Environment Scotland has spent on advertising its sites, in each year since it was founded in 2015.
To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide a breakdown of the advertising spend that Historic Environment Scotland allocates to promote each of its sites.
To ask the Scottish Government whether it has held any discussions with Historic Environment Scotland regarding any permanent closures of sites that it manages, and, if so, which sites were earmarked for closure.
To ask the Scottish Government what information it has on whether Historic Environment Scotland awarded any performance payments to staff at executive level since 2015, broken down by year.
Current status: Answered by Christina McKelvie on 7 July 2023
Mark Griffin, Central Scotland, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: 20/06/2023
S6W-19298 R
To ask the Scottish Government what surveys it conducts that are comparable to the English Private Landlord Survey.
Current status: Answered by Paul McLennan on 11 July 2023
Michael Marra, North East Scotland, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: 21/06/2023
To ask the Scottish Government by what process it records which third sector organisations are in receipt of public funding, and how much money each of those organisations receives.
Current status: Answered by Shirley-Anne Somerville on 12 July 2023
Donald Cameron, Highlands and Islands, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: 03/07/2023
To ask the Scottish Government what meetings it has had with the Architectural Heritage Society of Scotland since May 2021, and what the agreed outcomes were of any such meetings.
Current status: Answered by Christina McKelvie on 12 July 2023
Beatrice Wishart, Shetland Islands, Scottish Liberal Democrats
Date lodged: 06/07/2023
To ask the Scottish Government whether it plans to recruit and train carbon audit advisers in all local authorities to ensure that farmers and crofters receive advice from someone who has local knowledge and understanding.
To ask the Scottish Government what its response is to reports of a lack of accredited carbon audit advisers based in Shetland.
To ask the Scottish Government how it plans to support farmers and crofters in Shetland to undertake carbon audits, in light of reports that there are currently no accredited advisers based in Shetland.
Current status: Answered by Mairi Gougeon on 13 July 2023
Donald Cameron, Highlands and Islands, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: 03/07/2023
S6W-19720 R
To ask the Scottish Government what meetings it has had with National Museums Scotland since May 2021, and what the agreed outcomes were of any such meetings.
Current status: Answered by Christina McKelvie on 17 July 2023
Donald Cameron, Highlands and Islands, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: 11/07/2023
To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S6W-19718 by Christina McKelvie on 7 July 2023, whether the Cabinet Secretary for Constitution, External Affairs and Culture has held any discussions with Historic Environment Scotland regarding any permanent closures of sites that it manages, and, if so, which sites were earmarked for closure.
Current status: Answered by Christina McKelvie on 17 July 2023
Liam Kerr, North East Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: 30/06/2023
To ask the Scottish Government what impact taking a so-called “heat pump first” approach will have on grid capacity and supply.
Current status: Answered by Neil Gray on 18 July 2023
Rhoda Grant, Highlands and Islands, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: 07/07/2023
To ask the Scottish Government what its position is on whether key infrastructure is integral to ensuring the survival of Scotland’s cultural heritage, particularly in Gaelic-speaking communities, and what it is doing to ensure that the use of Gaelic increases.
Current status: Answered by Neil Gray on 18 July 2023
Pam Gosal, West Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: 04/07/2023
To ask the Scottish Government what discussions it has had with (a) COSLA and (b) Homes for Scotland regarding any need for the creation of data sets relevant to planning performance and housing need and demand.
Current status: Answered by Joe FitzPatrick on 19 July 2023
Rhoda Grant, Highlands and Islands, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: 07/07/2023
To ask the Scottish Government, in light of the recommendations of the Short Life Working Group on Economic and Social Opportunities for Gaelic, what it is doing to address affordable housing for young families and young people in rural communities.
Current status: Answered by Neil Gray on 19 July 2023
Miles Briggs, Lothian, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: 22/06/2023
To ask the Scottish Government whether hotels are exempt from the Building Scotland (Amendment) Regulations 2022 regarding fire safety and cladding.
Current status: Answered by Patrick Harvie on 19 July 2023
Jackie Baillie, Dumbarton, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: 29/06/2023
To ask the Scottish Government, following the publication of Lord Braid’s opinion on the judicial review of the City of Edinburgh Council’s short-term lets licensing policy, what discussions it has had with (a) COSLA and (b) local authorities regarding the possible implications for other short-term let licensing schemes in Scotland.
Current status: Answered by Paul McLennan on 19 July 2023
Craig Hoy, South Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: 22/06/2023
To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S6W-18926 by Michael Matheson on 20 June 2023, (a) how many and (b) which properties that the desktop review has assessed need to be investigated.
Current status: Answered by Michael Matheson on 21 July 2023
Miles Briggs, Lothian, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: 04/07/2023
To ask the Scottish Government on how many occasions local authorities have made an additional powers request to the Scottish Ministers in each year since 1999.
Current status: Answered by Joe FitzPatrick on 21 July 2023
Sarah Boyack, Lothian, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: 04/07/2023
To ask the Scottish Government what urgent action it is taking to address any green skills shortages, in light of reported concerns that not doing so will undermine Scotland’s and the UK’s progress towards a green economy.
Current status: Answered by Lorna Slater on 21 July 2023
Maurice Golden, North East Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: 06/07/2023
To ask the Scottish Government whether it has any plans to introduce (a) Whole Life Carbon Assessments and (b) Circular Economy Statements for large-scale developments.
Current status: Answered by Joe FitzPatrick on 21 July 2023
Miles Briggs, Lothian, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: 23/06/2023
To ask the Scottish Government what evaluation it has made of the Warm Home Prescription pilot in Aberdeenshire, and whether it is in a position to work with partners in the NHS, third sector and energy providers to extend the Warm Home Prescription model across Scotland, to support the health of more vulnerable individuals who are at risk of illness and hospitalisation, such as people with chronic kidney disease, because of a cold home.
To ask the Scottish Government how many Warm Home Prescriptions have been prescribed in each year since the scheme’s introduction, and at what cost, broken down by NHS board area.
Current status: Answered by Jenni Minto on 24 July 2023
Monica Lennon, Central Scotland, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: 26/06/2023
To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on its planned consultation on the Scottish Ministers’ proposed target for the amount of heat to be supplied by heat networks by 2035, which it is required to set by October 2023 under the Heat Networks (Scotland) Act 2021, and when it expects to report on any such consultation.
Current status: Answered by Patrick Harvie on 24 July 2023
Claire Baker, Mid Scotland and Fife, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: 29/06/2023
To ask the Scottish Government, in relation to the decision to close the SME Loan Scheme for new solar PV applications, (a) when and (b) on what basis the decision was taken; on what date the decision came into effect, and whether the decision is permanent.
To ask the Scottish Government what the average waiting time has been for processing SME Loan Scheme applications, broken down by application type in (a) 2022 and (b) 2023.
Current status: Answered by Patrick Harvie on 24 July 2023
Richard Leonard, Central Scotland, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: 30/06/2023
To ask the Scottish Government how many applications have been made to the (a) Home Energy Scotland Grant and Loan and (b) Private Rented Sector Landlord Loan scheme for solar PV and/or energy storage systems, since the scheme was created, and how many applications have been successful.
Current status: Answered by Patrick Harvie on 24 July 2023
Oliver Mundell, Dumfriesshire, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: 28/06/2023
To ask the Scottish Government whether it is the case that the Warmer Homes Scotland scheme does not fund ceiling insulation in flats, and, if so, what the reason is for this.
Current status: Answered by Patrick Harvie on 25 July 2023
Richard Leonard, Central Scotland, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: 30/06/2023
To ask the Scottish Government how many properties have received support from the (a) Home Energy Scotland Grant and Loan and (b) Private Rented Sector Landlord Loan scheme for solar PV and/or energy storage systems where the household did not claim any qualifying benefits, since the scheme was created.
To ask the Scottish Government how many applications have been made to the (a) Home Energy Scotland Grant and Loan and (b) Private Rented Sector Landlord Loan scheme for a heat pump or high heat retention storage heaters, since the scheme was created, and how many applications have been successful.
Current status: Answered by Patrick Harvie on 25 July 2023
Donald Cameron, Highlands and Islands, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: 24/07/2023
To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S6W-12786 by Neil Gray on 12 December 2022, whether it will provide an update on the number of sites that are managed by Historic Environment Scotland that were (a) open and (b) closed in 2022-23.
Current status: Answered by Christina McKelvie on 26 July 2023
Pam Gosal, West Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: 04/07/2023
To ask the Scottish Government what action it will take to address the reported recruitment crisis in construction, in light of reports that the number of all new housebuilding starts fell by 25% from 2020 to 2023.
Current status: Answered by Richard Lochhead on 27 July 2023
Liam Kerr, North East Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: 30/06/2023
To ask the Scottish Government whether it considered exempting hydrogen-ready boilers from its proposed ban on gas boilers in new build properties.
To ask the Scottish Government whether it has completed an assessment of how many homes in Scotland will be able to run a heat pump and use two electric car chargers simultaneously.
Current status: Answered by Patrick Harvie on 28 July 2023
Richard Leonard, Central Scotland, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: 30/06/2023
To ask the Scottish Government whether it approved the decision to change the funding criteria so that applications for solar PV and/or energy storage systems would no longer be considered unless they were part of a package together with a heat pump or high heat retention storage heaters, through the Home Energy Scotland Grant and Loan and Private Rented Sector Landlord Loan schemes.
To ask the Scottish Government what the basis was for the decision for applications to the Home Energy Scotland Grant and Loan and Private Rented Sector Landlord Loan schemes for solar PV and/or energy storage systems to be ineligible unless the applicant is also applying for this as part of a package together with a heat pump or high heat retention storage heaters, from 27 June 2023.
To ask the Scottish Government whether it has made an assessment of the number of properties that will no longer be eligible for support through the Home Energy Scotland Grant and Loan and Private Rented Sector Landlord Loan schemes for solar PV and/or energy storage systems because they are unable to have a heat pump or high heat retention storage heaters.
Current status: Answered by Patrick Harvie on 28 July 2023
Mark Ruskell, Mid Scotland and Fife, Scottish Green Party
Date lodged: 03/07/2023
To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on what consideration it has given to introducing compulsory sale orders for vacant properties.
Current status: Answered by Paul McLennan on 31 July 2023
Alex Cole-Hamilton, Edinburgh Western, Scottish Liberal Democrats
Date lodged: 03/07/2023
To ask the Scottish Government whether it will establish a register of public sector buildings that have been found to contain reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete.
Current status: Answered by Shona Robison on 31 July 2023
To ask the Scottish Government what discussions it has had with the UK Government regarding the presence of reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete in (a) public sector buildings and (b) privately owned buildings in Scotland.
To ask the Scottish Government what assessment it has made of the presence of reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete in private sector buildings, including those that were initially built for the public sector, and how it will raise awareness of any problems related to its presence.
Current status: Answered by Patrick Harvie on 31 July 2023
Donald Cameron, Highlands and Islands, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: 03/07/2023
To ask the Scottish Government what meetings it has had with National Records of Scotland since May 2021, and what the agreed outcomes were of any such meetings.
Current status: Holding Answer by Angus Robertson on 31 July 2023
Willie Rennie, North East Fife, Scottish Liberal Democrats
Date lodged: 18/07/2023
To ask the Scottish Government what funding is available for homeowners or landlords of properties that have heat pumps installed, and who want to maximise the decarbonisation of their properties and decrease their energy bills by installing solar PV and battery storage systems.
Current status: Answered by Patrick Harvie on 31 July 2023
Sarah Boyack, Lothian, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: 12/07/2023
To ask the Scottish Government what assessment it has made of the cost of decarbonising all of Scotland’s schools, broken down by local authority area.
To ask the Scottish Government what assessment it has made of the cost to local authorities of decarbonising all of their buildings.
To ask the Scottish Government what assessment it has made of the cost to NHS boards of decarbonising all of their buildings.
To ask the Scottish Government what assessment it has made of the cost to universities of decarbonising all of their buildings.
To ask the Scottish Government what assessment it has made of the cost to all arm’s length external organisations of decarbonising all of their buildings.
To ask the Scottish Government what assessment it has made of the cost of it decarbonising all of its buildings.
To ask the Scottish Government what recent discussions it has had with COSLA regarding the cost of decarbonising all local authority buildings.
Current status: Answers expected on 9 August 2023
Mercedes Villalba, North East Scotland, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: 14/07/2023
To ask the Scottish Government what information it has on how many privately-owned land holdings over 500 hectares are used for (a) food production, (b) timber production, (c) energy generation, (d) carbon sequestration, (e) affordable housing, (f) flood reduction, (g) nature recovery and (h) natural heritage.
Current status: Answer expected on 11 August 2023
Liam Kerr, North East Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: 14/07/2023
To ask the Scottish Government for what reason it (a) has reportedly stopped offering interest-free loans for residential solar photovoltaic and battery energy storage systems and (b) decided not to accompany the cessation with any press release or publicity; what consultation was undertaken before withdrawing the loans, and for what reason it did not consider a grace period to be appropriate.
To ask the Scottish Government for what reason solar PV and storage is not considered to be an installation that “will maximise decarbonisation of heat or reduce heat demand”, as stated in the announcement on the Home Energy Scotland website, in light of reported analysis stating that it can provide consumers with significant savings on carbon emissions and energy bills.
To ask the Scottish Government how many loans and grants Home Energy Scotland provided in 2022-23; for what amount, and for which technologies.
Current Status: Answers expected on 11 August 2023
Daniel Johnson, Edinburgh Southern, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: 19/07/2023
To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on the integration of the Skills 4.0 model into work-based learning and the broader skills and education systems.
To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide a breakdown of its Skills and Training budget detailing (a) resources committed per programme, (b) staffing costs and (c) capital costs in each of the last five years.
To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide a breakdown of the number of (a) graduate, (b) foundation and (c) modern apprenticeships by (i) occupational grouping and (ii) employer size in each of the last five years.
To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide a full list of employers that have at least one employee currently undertaking a graduate apprenticeship.
Current status: Answers expected on 16 August 2023
Sarah Boyack, Lothian, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: 19/07/2023
To ask the Scottish Government what support it provides to homeowners who are dissatisfied with their property factor.
To ask the Scottish Government whether its proposed Housing Bill will make any provisions regarding property factors.
To ask the Scottish Government whether it has any plans to amend legislation covering the operation of property factors.
Current status: Answers expected on 16 August 2023
Sarah Boyack, Lothian, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: 20/07/2023
To ask the Scottish Government whether it will publish the stakeholder responses to its public consultation on the draft Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan, and, if so, when it will do so.
To ask the Scottish Government, in light of the response from the Minister for Just Transition, Employment and Fair Work to the chair of the Just Transition Commission on 28 March 2023, which was published on 14 April 2023, whether it will publish further detail regarding the outstanding work required to deliver decarbonisation of one million homes by 2030, particularly in relation to (a) financing, (b) skills and (c) workforce capacity.
To ask the Scottish Government, in light of its announcement of the successful projects for year one, whether it will provide further detail on the allocation of the Just Transition Fund to ensure transparency and value for money.
To ask the Scottish Government what work it is undertaking to roll out initiatives similar to the Just Transition Fund, which is primarily focused in the north east and Moray, for communities across Scotland.
To ask the Scottish Government, in light of the definition of “green jobs” published by the Office for National Statistics, whether it will provide further detail on the allocation of its £100 million Green Jobs Fund, including the (a) amount already allocated and (b) outcomes to date.
To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on the Green Growth Accelerator programme, including how much of the £200 million public sector investment has already been allocated.
To ask the Scottish Government how much private sector investment has been secured, to date, for Scotland’s transition to net zero, as part of the Green Growth Accelerator programme.
To ask the Scottish Government when it will provide a detailed response to each of the 15 recommendations of the independent review of the skills delivery landscape.
Current status: Answers expected on 17 August 2023
Sarah Boyack, Lothian, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: 24/07/2023
To ask the Scottish Government, following initiatives such as the 2016 Enterprise and Skills Review, its 2017 commitment to improving skills planning, and the 2022 Auditor General for Scotland report, Planning for skills, which stated that the “Scottish Government has not provided the necessary leadership for progress”, what assessment it has made of the reasons for the reported lack of progress in planning for workforce skills.
Current status: Answer expected on 21 August 2023
Sarah Boyack, Lothian, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: 25/07/2023
To ask the Scottish Government what its response is to the academic environmental research, Delivering net zero in the UK: twelve conditions for success, which was published on 10 July 2023, in particular in relation to any implications for net zero policy in Scotland of the research’s findings that (a) deploying low-regret solutions on a large scale, (b) engaging with communities, (c) taking an interdisciplinary and whole systems approach and (d) upskilling and capacity building in the workforce and government are among the conditions for success.
To ask the Scottish Government, in light of the letter from the Chair of the Just Transition Commission to the then Minister for Just Transition, Employment and Fair Work, dated 15 February 2023, whether it will provide an update on the Supply Chain Development Programme, including further detail on (a) target sectors, (b) job-creation targets, (c) longevity for employment and (d) fair work criteria and objectives.
To ask the Scottish Government what support it provides to (a) people over 30, (b) single parents, (c) people on low incomes and (d) carers, to move into green jobs, including in relation to training and upskilling, in light of reports that such training requires significant time commitment and can result in a real-terms pay cut that many people cannot afford.
To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S6W-19781 by Lorna Slater on 21 July 2023, what targets it has set to address any green skills shortages.
Current status: Answers expected on 22 August 2023
Monica Lennon, Central Scotland, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: 26/07/2023
To ask the Scottish Government what consultation it undertook with the Educational Institute of Scotland Further Education Lecturers Association (EIS-FELA) on the recommendation in the final report of the independent review of the skills delivery landscape, Fit for the Future: developing a post-school learning system to fuel economic transformation, to establish a single national funding body, including any amalgamation of responsibilities from Skills Development Scotland, the Scottish Funding Council and the Students Awards Agency for Scotland.
Current status: Answer expected on 23 August 2023
Sarah Boyack, Lothian, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: 26/07/2023
To ask the Scottish Government what its response is to the letter from the Chair of the Just Transition Commission to the then Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero and Just Transition and the Cabinet Secretary for Wellbeing Economy, Fair Work and Energy, entitled Further Advice on the Draft Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan, which was published on 17 April 2023, and when it will publish a response to the Commission.
Current status: Answer expected on 23 August 2023
Monica Lennon, Central Scotland, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: 28/07/2023
To ask the Scottish Government what information it holds on the number of listed buildings in Scotland that are currently undergoing retrofitting projects relating to energy efficiency improvements.
To ask the Scottish Government by what date it expects that all listed buildings in Scotland will have been retrofitted with energy efficiency improvements.
To ask the Scottish Government whether it can provide an update on the number of listed buildings in Scotland that have been retrofitted with energy efficiency improvements since 1 January 2021.
Current status: Answer expected on 25 August 2023
Pauline McNeill, Glasgow, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: 28/07/2023
To ask the Scottish Government what research it has commissioned on converting gas boilers to run on alternative fuels.
To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on its engagement with the public regarding alternatives to domestic gas boilers.
To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S6W-16060 by Patrick Harvie on 11 April 2023, whether it has commissioned, or plans to commission, updated research on the efficiency of heat pumps in domestic homes, since the evidence review of August 2021.
To ask the Scottish Government what its position is on whether its reported proposals to require households to improve their energy efficiency rating, including potentially penalising the use of gas boilers, is compliant with human rights legislation.
To ask the Scottish Government what recent meetings it has had with stakeholders in the private housing sector regarding proposed changes to heating efficiencies regarding gas central heating.
Current status: Answer expected on 25 August 2023
Call out for Contributors: The Icon Scotland Group
Dates: TBC possibly October 2023 and March 2024
Are you involved in the conservation of a building that was inhabited by women who loved other women? Have you been working on the care and conservation of an object that belonged to a trans person? Do you study the life of a gay artist whose paintings have recently been treated by conservators? Icon Scotland want to hear about it! Contributions are being sought for a series of 20-30 minutes online talks that connect conservation with LGBT+ collections and heritage.
The format and dates will depend on the responses – information and forms – to be submitted by 15 August 2023.
Community Ownership Support Service – Your church your community: Funding
Date & Time: Tuesday 15 August 2023; 10am-12pm
Location: Online
With the recent review of the Church of Scotland and other faith groups’ estates, many buildings have been identified as being surplus to requirements as places of worship. This interactive workshop will give an overview on funding community ownership and development. Covering the three main areas where you are likely to need funding during your project – start-up and development costs for professional support, capital funding to acquire the building, renovation, and development costs – this workshop will look at the main sources of funding available in Scotland; the eligibility criteria, any priority areas and types of projects that the individual funders are keen to support. (Do also look out for a further event on Church Buildings – due on 31 August)
RIAS – BookshopLATES… with journalist and author Peter Apps
Date & Time: Monday 21 August 2023; 6-7pm
Location: RIAS Bookshop, 15 Rutland Square, Edinburgh, EH1 2BE
Join Peter Apps for a discussion of Show Me the Bodies: How We Let Grenfell Happen at RIAS Bookshop, Edinburgh, hosted by Christina Gaiger PPRIAS. Peter Apps, deputy editor of Inside Housing, is the only journalist who has followed the story from the start. His reporting raised the risks of a cladding fire weeks before Grenfell, and ever since the 14 June 2017 he has been dedicated to uncovering the truth about what went wrong. The talk will include a Q&A session and be followed by a book signing.
Heritage Trust Network – Heritage Makes Glasgow!
Date & Time: Monday 21 August 2023; 9:30am-4:00pm
Location: Glasgow West Boathouse, Glasgow Green, Glasgow G1 5QA
Heritage Trust Network (HTN) and Glasgow Building Preservation Trust are joining forces to deliver the 2023 in-person event for the HTN Scotland branch. Presentations will be centred around regeneration activity in Glasgow, with top-tips for attendees to take away to their own projects. This event is open to any heritage professional or community group involved in regenerating historic buildings and places.
Edinburgh Traditional Building Forum – 2023 Fringe Festival
Dates & Times: Monday 21 – Friday 25 August 2023 (various slots)
Location: Various, across Edinburgh
The 11th annual Edinburgh Traditional Building Forum (ETBF) will return to the Festival Fringe this year. There is a wide range of activity to sign up for including walks and talks explaining how to look after everything from sash and case windows to slate roofs. ETBF represents a group of businesses and professions involved in looking after Edinburgh’s traditional buildings, particularly in the World Heritage Sites, and celebrates the skills used to maintain them.
Scottish Civic Trust – My Place Marketplaces
Date & Time: Wednesday 23 & 30 August 2023 (various slots)
Location: Online
Is your local heritage or civic group looking to engage a wider range of people in your activities? Due to popular demand, Scottish Civic Trust have organised additional My Place Marketplaces to support local heritage and civic groups with outreach and marketing. Groups can book one of the online slots where staff will be on hand to talk all things community engagement and promotion. Book now!
SPAB – Scotland’s Churches Lecture Series
Dates & Times: Tuesday 29 August – Tuesday 26 September 2023
Location: Online
A series of 5 online lectures, and one building visit investigating the current issue of church closures in Scotland, and how these buildings and communities can be helped. Tickets can be purchased individually, or as a block booking. All lectures will be recorded, and links sent out following the event. If you cannot make the live talk, but wish to watch it on demand, advance booking is required – the live presentation will be recorded, and a separate link will be emailed to you after the recording is prepared (with viewing access of the recordings until 31 October 2023).
Building Limes Forum Annual Gathering – Simplicity, Quality, and Modernity: A Legacy of Lime
Dates: Friday 1 – Sunday 3 September 2023
Location: Lincoln, England
This year, the Building Limes Forum Annual Gathering will be focusing on the Simplicity, Quality, and Modernity: A Legacy of Lime. Each day will examine one of the three themes on lime and the topics within and around each as they pertain to building limes.
Heritage Trust Network – Restore, re-use, regenerate! Rethinking Town Centres in Scotland
Date & Time: Tuesday 5 September 2023; 9:30am-5pm
Location: CodeBase, 8-10 Corn Exchange Road, Stirling FK8 2HX
Join the Heritage Trust Network at the CodeBase Stirling, a learning hub situated in the heart of Stirling where the focus is on building culture, community and education that promotes and supports tech innovation. The day will be jam-packed with talks, tours and networking with those who have completed projects and those who are helping to shape the future of High Streets in Scotland and forms part of the Network’s Rethinking High Streets programme of events throughout the UK.
RTPI – NPF4 Policy 11. Energy: Solutions and Impacts
Date & Time: Tuesday 12 September; 5:30-7:30pm
Location: Gillespie Macandrew, 5 Atholl Crescent, Edinburgh EH3 8EJ
Join the RTPI for a discussion on NPF4 Policy 11 – Energy: Solutions and Impacts. John Petrie Managing Director at Petrie Buchanan will discuss solutions in delivering renewable, low energy and zero emission technologies and will also highlight the impacts that these technologies have on existing infrastructure. This is followed by a Q & A session with Sandy Telfer, Planning Manager at Gillespie MacAndrew, and Bob Salter, Director at Geddes Consulting, joining the panel with John.
*Advance Notice* Registration Required: Architectural Heritage Society of Scotland – AGM weekend
Date & Time: Friday 3 – Saturday 4 November 2023
Location: WASPS Studio, Inverness & Cromarty
The AGM will be held on Friday 3 November, preceded by an afternoon visit to Fairburn Tower, the Landmark Trust’s latest restoration project, and followed by a talk on Alexander Ross by Calum Maclean, whose book on the leading Victorian architect of the Highlands is due out in September. There will be a weekend of other visits and talks based in Cromarty and to enable organisation, there needs to be an idea of numbers—both for the visit to Fairburn Tower and for seating for the AGM. Please email Mary Miers and the AHSS National Office as soon as possible if you would like to come to some or all of the above and what your mode of transport will be.
Scottish Lime Centre Trust – Introduction to Stonemasonry
Date & Time: Tuesday 15 – Wednesday 16 August 2023; 9:30am-4:30pm
Location: Merryhill Training Centre, Charlestown, Dunfermline KY11 3DR
Taught by time-served Stonemasons, this two-day practical course is suitable for all abilities and covers an introduction to tools, techniques and uses of basic stonemasonry.
Learners can take away their practice stones at the end of the course.
Scottish Lime Centre Trust – Lime Pointing
Date & Time: Friday 29 September 2023; 9:30am-4:30pm
Location: Merryhill Training Centre, Charlestown, Dunfermline KY11 3DR
Would you like to undertake repointing works as part of a renovation project or simply as general maintenance to traditional masonry structures? This practical ‘hands on’ training day will give participants the skill to undertake repointing works with confidence. This course will provide a sound understanding of traditional building technology, repair techniques and the materials to use when carrying out repointing.
Vacancies within BEFS team
- Senior Communications Lead
- Communications & Policy Officer
Two new roles have been created within BEFS team, funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund.
Full details and information on applications can be found here.
Closing date: 5pm on Wednesday 9 August 2023
Edinburgh World Heritage – Donor Engagement Manager
Salary: circa £32,000 p.a. pro rata
Status: Part-time (0.5/0.6 FTE); permanent
Location: Edinburgh/hybrid
Edinburgh World Heritage are seeking a Donor Engagement Manager to play a vital part in organisational core resilience, through ownership of international and corporate income targets, developing on a good early foundation in these engaging and impactful areas of work. This is a fantastic opportunity to work with a dynamic and energetic team striving to support a more entrepreneurial approach to securing a future as custodians of, and ambassadors for, Edinburgh’s outstanding world heritage. Further information on applications can be found here.
Closing date: 10am on Monday 7 August 2023
Chartered Institute for Archaeologists – Lay Director on the Board
Salary: Unremunerated; travel and expenses will be reimbursed
Status: 1 year initially, to be extended to 3 years on review, to a maximum of six years
Do you want to help the leading professional body representing archaeologists working in the UK and overseas? Do you have the governance skills required to help to direct a small but ambitious organisation? CIfA, is looking for a director from outside the archaeology profession, to bring new perspectives to the Board. Applications are invited from interested parties outside the archaeological profession who can contribute to the Board’s discussions and decisions in its duty to promote high professional standards and strong ethics, maximising the value that archaeologists bring to society and bringing recognition and respect to the profession. Desirable skills include governance, communication, ability to work collegiately, strategic growth, ambassadorship and integrating professional interests across professions.
Further information and applications or to arrange an informal chat with the Chair of the Board, please contact Alex Llewellyn
Closing date: Friday 11 August 2023
Heritage Trust Network – Heritage Trainee (Scotland)
Salary: £20,200 p.a. pro rata
Status: Full-time (37 hours p/w); fixed term for 6 months
Location: Working from home/an agreed shared workspace anywhere in Scotland.
The post-holder will be responsible for supporting all aspects of Heritage Trust Network activity in Scotland. This exciting post has been designed to help the successful applicant develop on-the-job skills, knowledge and networks to provide early-career access to the heritage sector. Funded by the Partnership Fund at Historic Environment Scotland, this post will run for six-months each year, for the next three years, offering three people the opportunity to work for the Network and with grassroots heritage regeneration projects across the country. Working with the Development Officer for Scotland, the trainee will gain first-hand experience of the heritage regeneration sector, meeting members, shaping events, undertaking digital-focussed activities, and promoting the incredible achievements of Network members.
More information and applications
Closing date: Midday on Monday 14 August 2023
The National Trust for Scotland – Heritage Compliance Officer
Salary: £34,376-£38,027 (subject to experience)
Status: Full-time (flexible working possible)
Location: Hybrid working, available for meetings in Edinburgh
The National Trust for Scotland is looking to recruit a heritage compliance officer to help identify and manage the conservation and operations risks. This is a unique opportunity to work across all aspects of a major heritage organisation, liaising with colleagues in all disciplines.
All enquiries and applications should be addressed to: Diarmid Hearns, Head of Public Policy, Risk and Environment.