CHERF Call for Ideas

We are looking for your ideas on structural / strategic solutions that could fundamentally change the heritage landscape for the better.

In June-July 2020, the  COVID Historic Environment Resilience Forum (CHERF) hosted a workshop series to plan, coordinate, and communicate high-level sector-wide strategies and guidance for rebuilding, recovery and strengthening resilience in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Over 200 individuals from 113 organisations attended the online discussions, which were chaired by BEFS Vice-Chair, Ian Baxter.

BEFS is pleased to share a summary report of the five workshops. Links to reports and resources from each themed meeting are also available in the summary report and on CHERF page. We remain in the very early stages of understanding what the consequences of COVID will be for heritage but there were three clear messages that arose from the discussions, which are explored in the report: relevance, exclusion and localism.

Following the successful completion of the initial workshop series and overwhelmingly positive feedback, BEFS is now looking to organise a series of informal events to explore ideas on what ‘building back better’ could look like for the sector.

Within this context, we are looking for your ideas and blue sky thinking on structural / strategic solutions that could fundamentally change the heritage landscape for the better.

Please frame your response around the questions:

  • How could the sector infrastructure be adapted / transformed to support a green, just, renewal for Scotland.
  • And, how could this be expressed regionally?

You may find Scottish Civic Trust’s Heritage Sector Map from 2018 a useful resource when thinking about wider strategic challenges and solutions for the sector.

Ideas will be shared, discussed, explored and challenged in an informal setting with interested stakeholders and colleagues. If you would like to submit an idea for consideration, please send a 150 word summary to by Monday, 21 September 2020. Whilst we welcome submissions from everyone, if you are not a man, we would love to hear from you!