BEFS Bulletin 342: BEFS Celebrates 20 years, and the Sustainable Investment Tool is launched

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This week BEFS gathered together Members, Associates, and stakeholders to celebrate BEFS 20th year. It was a delight to see so many colleagues in the Dovecote Studios to raise a glass to many more years of BEFS supporting the sector. Thank you to all those who came and shared the celebration.
You can read our short publication on 20 years of BEFS here.

Last week BEFS and Historic Environment Scotland released the new Sustainable Investment Tool (SIT).  Investment in our existing buildings and heritage contributes to positive outcomes for people and places across a huge number of areas, including employment, the environment, good places for communities, healthy town centres, and homes. Sustainable investment is also important as current economic conditions and climatic impacts increase the challenges felt by all, including our existing built environment. The SIT enables visualisation around decision-making for projects and investment in built heritage and will help organisations as well as community and interest groups with heritage assets to explore sustainability, enabling greater resilience for Scotland’s places.

The SIT is released by Built Environment Forum Scotland (BEFS), with the support of Historic Environment Scotland, on behalf of the Our Place in Time – Built Heritage Investment Group (BHIG) and supports the new strategy for Scotland’s historic environment – Our Past, Our Future. Our thanks go to everyone that has contributed their time, expertise and vision to this project. More information about the origins of the SIT can be found on BEFS website.

Our Past, Our Future has been receiving the attention of the Constitution, Europe, External Affairs and Culture committee with a number of sector professionals giving evidence on the 23rd, HES giving evidence on the 30th, and Ms McKelvie in her ministerial role talking to the committee on the 7th. BEFS is delighted the sector is being better understood for its contributions to communities and places and appreciates the scrutiny given by the committee.

A new consultation has been launched: Delivering net zero for Scotland’s buildings – Heat in Buildings Bill. The consultation invites views on proposals to make new laws around the energy efficiency of our homes and buildings and the way we heat those buildings. Introduced in a Ministerial Statement on 28 November, the purpose of the consultation is to gather views on the proposals to make new laws around the heating systems that can be used in homes and places of work. Following extensive work on the Heat in Buildings Strategy, BEFS looks forward to working with the sector during the consultation process. The consultation closes on 8 March 2024. You can read more in the ministerial statement, found here.

During the parliamentary session where the Heat in Buildings Bill was introduced, a number of pertinent questions were asked, and Graham Simpson MSP’s question concerning tenements can be found here.

In related news, BEFS are pleased to see the long-awaited release of the final report of the Tenements Short Life Working Group (published on 28 November), summarising all the work and recommendations made to the Scottish Government by the group members. In addition, a report summarising analysis of multi-owner buildings archetypes and costing of retrofit works and zero emissions heating was published alongside two consultation documents: proposals for a Heat in Buildings Bill and a Social Housing Net Zero Standard.

A vast number of churches and places of worship are in transition, with some in the process of being assessed and sold on the open market. Recognising that churches will be divesting assets at speed and scale in the near future – and that those sites still publicly accessible will need to have sustainable purposes – SPAB and BEFS jointly hosted a CPD Conference, addressing the complexity of finding sustainable futures for these special places, across the planning arena, hearing from those involved with many aspects of decision making as well as funders, community support organisations and heritage specialists.

Further events on this important topic will be delivered by the Heritage Trust Network and Historic Churches Scotland. A Scotland Churches Sector Map has also been created by Heritage Trust Network, with support from Historic Churches Scotland, Scotland’s Churches Trust, National Churches Trust and Historic Environment Scotland. The map is aimed at groups who are looking for funding, resources or advice but who are unsure where to start and helps groups locate the support they need.

Historic England’s annual collation of datasets, Heritage Counts, details a range of indicators that provide useful insights into the state of the historic environment, enabling sector professionals to understand changes in the historic environment, develop policies to protect it, and demonstrate its importance. The latest published Heritage Indicator Data provides useful trends and statistics into the state of the historic environment around eight themes.

And finally, if you can’t get enough of BEFS Bulletin and are looking for another excellent regular publication to sign up to, Lintel is Historic Environment Scotland’s quarterly newsletter providing updates from regulatory work. You can check out the latest issue here; and sign up so you don’t miss the next issue.



Education Bill Provisions
Scottish Government
A consultation on a new national qualifications body and a new approach to inspection of education in Scotland, including elements of the proposed Education Bill.
Closes 18 December 2023

Proposed Desecration of War Memorials (Prevention) (Scotland) Bill
Scottish Parliament
This consultation relates to a draft proposal lodged as the first stage in the process of introducing a Member’s Bill in the Scottish Parliament, to ensure that war memorials in Scotland receive the protection that they deserve by creating the specific offence of desecration of a war memorial.
Closes 19 December 2023

Outline Strategic Plan for Holyrood Park
Historic Environment Scotland
This survey on the Outline Strategic Plan for Holyrood Park will gather public views to help deliver a new future for the Park that reflects community aspirations, the needs of the City and the inherent value and sensitivity of Holyrood Park.
Closes 19 December 2023

Corporate Plan 2024-27
Architecture & Design Scotland
A&DS are inviting feedback on their plans for the period 2024-27. In 2021 they launched a ten-year strategy, and having broken the delivery of this strategy into 3-year plans, they are now planning their future work and would like people to have a say in what they are proposing.
*NEW* Closes 19 December 2023

Feedback on Historic England Advice and Guidance documents
Historic England
Historic England seeks feedback on the effectiveness of the advice contained in the new Historic England Advice Note (HEAN) covering Climate Change and Historic Building Adaptation.
*NEW* Closes 24 December 2023

Wellbeing and Sustainable Development (Scotland) Bill
Scottish Government
The Scottish Government is gathering views to help inform the scope of any legislation for a proposed Wellbeing and Sustainable Development Bill.
The Bill aims to further improve decision making and the implementation of the National Performance Framework to ensure that all policy and delivery is focused on increasing the wellbeing of people living in Scotland, both now and in the future.
*NEW* Closes 14 February 2023

National Parks in Scotland
Scottish Government
The Scottish Government invites individuals, communities and organisations to develop and submit formal nominations for their area to become Scotland’s next National Park.
Closes 29 February 2024

Social Housing Net Zero Standard in Scotland
Scottish Government
The social housing sector has led the way on energy efficiency in recent years and is well placed to build on this further while building in longer term ambition to transition to clean heating. This consultation seeks views on a new Social Housing Net Zero Standard (SHNZS) in Scotland. This new standard will replace the second Energy Efficiency Standard for Social Housing (EESSH2).
*NEW* Closes 8 March 2024

Proposals for a Heat in Buildings Bill
Scottish Government
There is no way to meet a legal obligation to reach ‘net zero’ without changing the heating systems in the vast majority of buildings. The purpose of this consultation is to make everyone aware of the proposal to make new laws around the heating systems that can be used in homes and places of work, and to invite views on those proposals.
*NEW* Closes 8 March 2024



Local Living and 20 Minute Neighbourhood – draft planning guidance: consultation analysis (Scot Gov 09/11/2023)

Local Living and 20 Minute Neighbourhood – draft planning guidance: published responses (Scot Gov 09/11/2023)

Management of Burial Grounds, Application for Burial, Exhumation and Restoration of Lairs: Regulation in Scotland (BEFS 17/11/2023)
BEFS welcomes the recognition within the minimum requirements that historic and ruined places of worship will require appropriate procedures, and is supportive of the proposals for management plans outlined in the consultation document. To enable best management and decision making we would consider that alongside the management plans, appropriate and accessible guidance will be key.

Statement in relation to the call for views: Agriculture and Rural Communities (Scotland) Bill (BEFS 17/11/2023)
BEFS comments reiterate previous statements that ‘the environment’ should be considered to include the natural and historic environment. Power to provide support in relation to historic and cultural sites is an excellent start, however further integration within the Bill could elicit greater benefits more broadly.

Ambitions for the Planning System (BEFS 01/12/2023)
BEFS considers a key and impactful outcome of the planning system is a holistic understanding of what makes good places for people and communities. The response highlights the need for the appropriate skills and training within planning teams to enable appropriate consideration of the needs of communities and an understanding of the value and contribution of historic and existing buildings as assets towards outcomes set within NPF4 and Scotland’s National Outcomes.



Creative & Cultural Skills is closing its doors (CCSkills 14/11/2023)

Delivering Net Zero for England’s Historic Buildings: Local Data on the Demand for Retrofitting Skills and Economic Growth (Historic England 16/11/2023)

Support for communities working with church buildings (Heritage Trust Network 16/11/2023)

A pre-election Statement: Putting the Autumn Statement 2023 in context (Resolution Foundation 23/11/2023)

House set within a ruin is Scotland’s building of the year (RIAS 29/11/2023)

Alex Paterson, Chief Executive of Historic Environment Scotland (HES), has resigned after over seven years in the role (HES 29/11/2023)

Reappointments to the National Heritage Memorial Fund and The National Lottery Heritage Fund (UK Gov 05/12/2023)



Whole building assessment for energy efficiency and zero direct emissions heat in multi-owner and mixed-use buildings (Climate Exchange April 2023)

Auckland’s heritage counts 2023 (Knowledge Auckland 20/10/2023)

Heat pumps and domestic heat decarbonisation in the UK: A systems thinking analysis of barriers to adoption (CaCHE 14/11/2023)

Interactive Map and Dashboard – Local Data on the Demand for Retrofitting Skills and Economic Growth (Historic England 16/11/2023)

A Climate for Change: Adaptation and the National Trust (National Trust 20/11/2023)

SESARF: First three chapters from the South East Scotland Archaeological Research Framework go live (ScARF 22/11/2023)

Borrowed from the Future: An Ecological Blueprint (Scottish Ecological Design Association, 22/11/2023)

Report on social housing retrofit in Scotland (CIOB 23/11/2023)

Autumn Statement 2023 Analysis (The Heritage Alliance 24/11/2023)

Insulating Britain: Examining the barriers and motivations to decarbonising our homes (Social Market Foundation 24/11/2023)

UK natural capital accounts: 2023 (ONS 27/11/2023)

Heritage Counts: Indicator data (Historic England 29/11/2023)

An Evidence Based Approach to Supporting the Transition to Net Zero (Skills Development Scotland 30/11/2023)

Impact of increased cost of living on adults across Great Britain: July to October 2023 (ONS 04/12/2023)

Scottish Archives and Records Year in Review (Scottish Council on Archives 30/11/2023)



Building a greener future: Aggregates Tax Bill to encourage use of recycled materials in construction (Scot Gov 15/11/2023)

Scotland’s guiding principles on the environment: statutory guidance – error correction (Scot Gov 15/11/2023)

Budget Scrutiny 2024-15: Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee Letter to the Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Net Zero and Just Transition (Scot Parl 16/11/2023)

Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee Report on Heat Networks (Heat Network Supply Target) (Scotland) Regulations 2023 (Scot Parl 17/11/2023)

SPICe Spotlight: Renewable energy map of Scotland (SPICe 20/11/2023)

Short Term Lets Licensing Statistics, to 30 June 2023 (Scot Gov 20/11/2023)

Six projects awarded grants from round three of the UK Government’s Levelling Up Fund to support major regeneration and transport projects (UK Gov 21/11/2023)

Agriculture and Rural Communities (Scotland) Bill Timetable (Scot Parl 21/11/2023)

Correspondence between Patrick Harvie and the Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee, confirming the Scottish Government’s intention to launch a formal public consultation on proposals for a Bill requiring changes to the heating and energy efficiency of most domestic and non-domestic properties across Scotland (Scot Parl 21/11/2023)

Adapting to Climate Change – Progress in Scotland (Climate Change Committee 21/11/2023)

Autumn Statement – Scottish Government priorities: Deputy First Minister statement (Scot Gov 21/11/2023)

Autumn Statement 2023 (UK Gov 22/11/2023)

Chief Planner letter: stakeholder update – autumn 2023 (Scot Gov 22/11/2023)

Transforming Great Britain’s Electricity Network: Department for Energy Security and Net Zero written statement (UK Gov 22/11/2023)

House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee The financial sector and the UK’s net zero transition First Report of Session 2023–24 (UK Gov 22/11/2023)

Constitution, Europe, External Affairs and Culture Committee Historic Environment Strategy (Scot Parl 23/11/2023)

SPICe Blog: UK Autumn Statement 2023 (SPICe 23/11/2023)

Planning appeals and other cases: guidance on taking part (Scot Gov 23/11/2023)

Single Building Assessment programme: spending information (Scot Gov 23/11/2023)

Private Sector Rent Statistics, Scotland, 2010 to 2023 (Scot Gov 28/11/2023)

Tenements Short Life Working Group – energy efficiency and zero emissions heating: final report (Scot Gov 28/11/2023)

Heat in buildings – multiple ownership mixed use buildings: energy retrofit possibilities (Scot Gov 28/11/2023)

Delivering net zero for Scotland’s buildings – Heat in Buildings Bill: consultation (Scot Gov 28/11/2023)

Heat in buildings monitoring and evaluation Framework (Scot Gov 28/11/2023)

Social housing net zero standard: consultation (Scot Gov 28/11/2023)

Net zero heating and energy efficiency standards: research summary (Scot Gov 28/11/2023)

Net zero heating and energy efficiency standards – phase 1 and 2: qualitative research (Scot Gov 28/11/2023)

Net zero heating and energy efficiency standards – phase 3 and 4: qualitative research (Scot Gov 28/11/2023)

UK Employer Skills Survey 2022 – Scotland Report (Scot Gov 29/11/2023)

Scottish Government Draft Planning Guidance: Biodiversity (Scot Gov 30/11/2023)

Finance and Public Administration Committee (FPAC) Report on the Financial Memorandum for the Circular Economy (Scotland) Bill (Scot Parl 30/11/2023)

Place Directors: factsheet (Scot Gov 04/12/2023)

Planning performance statistics: Uses of the information (Scot Gov 04/12/2023)

SPICe Spotlight: How is Scotland Performing? (SPICe 04/12/2023)

Scottish islands: data overview 2023 (Scot Gov 05/12/2023)

Green Heat Finance Taskforce minutes: 1 November 2023 (Scot Gov 05/12/2023)



CIOB calls for reuse and refurbishment over demolition in Ireland and NI (CIOB 24/10/2023)

Three Scots areas found to be in urgent need of home insulation (The Herald 15/11/2023)

Edinburgh named as one of worst cities in Scotland for vacant homes with almost 7,000 lying empty (STV News 17/11/2023)

Six Scottish regeneration and transport projects receive £122m levelling up funding (Project Scotland 21/11/2023)

Taxing questions: Chief Executive Hamish Trench looks at what the Commission’s research and advice says about land and property tax reform (Scottish Land Commission 21/11/2023)

Sector skills should be funded by employers, not Arts Council England (Arts Professional 22/11/2023)

Culture is not trivial, it’s about who we are. That’s why Labour needs a plan to save the arts (The Observer 26/11/2023)

Public sector workforce will have to shrink – Shona Robison (BBC News 27/11/2023)

When sea levels rise, so does your rent (BBC News 28/11/2023)

UK told to ‘supercharge heat pumps’ as Patrick Harvie launches vision (The Herald 28/11/2023)

Jocelyne Fleming: Why we need to take a step back in order to support Scotland’s social housing (Scottish Construction Now 30/11/2023)

Community group bid for ‘Outlander church’ fails (BBC News 01/12/2023)

Glasgow council declares ‘housing emergency’ (BBC News 01/12/2023)

Short-term let policy ruled unlawful for second time (BBC News 01/12/2023)

Scottish councils warn of ‘bankruptcy’ risk without more funding (BBC News 01/12/2023)

Humza Yousaf calls emergency cabinet amid concern over Scottish budget (The Herald 05/12/2023)



Questions marked with a triangle (?) are initiated by the Scottish Government to facilitate the provision of information to the Parliament. Questions in which a member has indicated a declarable interest are marked with an “R”.

Miles Briggs, Lothian, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: 31/10/2023
To ask the Scottish Government what discussions have taken place regarding the development of an infrastructure levy.
Current status: Answered by Joe FitzPatrick on 14 November 2023
To ask the Scottish Government what discussions it has had with the UK Government regarding the transfer of powers required to implement its proposed Building Safety Levy.
To ask the Scottish Government when it plans to publish its proposals for a Building Safety Levy.
To ask the Scottish Government what formula it plans to use to calculate its proposed Building Safety Levy.
To ask the Scottish Government what consideration it has given to whether the introduction of a Building Safety Levy would be an obstacle to investment in the construction sector.
To ask the Scottish Government what modelling it has undertaken of any wider economic impact of the introduction of a Building Safety Levy.
Current status: Answered by Tom Arthur on 14 November 2023
To ask the Scottish Government what work it has undertaken to estimate the costs required for cladding remediation of so-called “orphan” buildings.
Current status: Answered by Paul McLennan on 14 November 2023

Miles Briggs, Lothian, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: 01/11/2023
To ask the Scottish Government what assessment has been made of (a) the use and (b) any potential fire risks of spray insulation in buildings.
Current status: Answered by Patrick Harvie on 14 November 2023
To ask the Scottish Government what plans it has to introduce a register of reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete held and inspected by all public sector bodies.
Current status: Answered by Shirley-Anne Somerville on 14 November 2023

Sarah Boyack, Lothian, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: 01/11/2023
To ask the Scottish Government what information it holds on how many (a) public sector buildings, (b) privately-owned homes and (c) housing association homes have double glazing that was installed before 2002.
Current status: Answered by Paul McLennan on 14 November 2023

Brian Whittle, South Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: 02/11/2023
To ask the Scottish Government what assessment it has made of the current construction skills landscape, and what plans it has to target and develop particular sectors within the construction industry based on any such assessment.
Current status: Answered by Richard Lochhead on 17 November 2023

Monica Lennon, Central Scotland, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: 08/11/2023
To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S6W-15639 from Elena Whitham on 6 March 2023, whether it will provide an update on (a) what action it will take and (b) the timescales for any such action, in response to the finding by the Aarhus Convention Compliance Committee that Scotland was not in full compliance with access to justice requirements of the Aarhus Convention.
Current status: Answered by Siobhian Brown on 20 November 2023

Donald Cameron, Highlands and Islands, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: 06/11/2023
To ask the Scottish Government whether it has any plans to increase the funding available to preserve the heritage of Scotland’s churches and chapels, in light of the reported announcement by the Church of Scotland that it is to close and sell up to 40% of its churches.
Current status: Answered by Christina McKelvie on 20 November 2023
To ask the Scottish Government whether it has any plans to introduce an equivalent scheme to the Community Facilities Programme in Wales, which provides small and large grants to community and voluntary sector organisations to improve community facilities that are well used by local people, such as churches, post offices and community shops.
Current status: Answered by Joe FitzPatrick on 20 November 2023

Willie Rennie, North East Fife, Scottish Liberal Democrats
Date lodged: 07/11/2023
To ask the Scottish Government how many households (a)(i) were eligible for and (ii) received support in each year of phase one and (b)(1) are eligible for and (2) will receive support in each year of phase two, of the Warmer Homes Scotland scheme.
Current status: Answered by Patrick Harvie on 21 November 2023

Miles Briggs, Lothian, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: 08/11/2023
To ask the Scottish Government what assessment it has made of any potential double charging for boats that do not include accommodation under the provisions in the Visitor Levy (Scotland) Bill.
Current status: Answered by Tom Arthur on 21 November 2023

Miles Briggs, Lothian, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: 10/11/2023
To ask the Scottish Government, further to previous commitments by its ministers, how much funding in total it has allocated to each City Region Deal to date, also broken down by project.
Current status: Answered by Neil Gray on 22 November 2023

Mark Griffin, Central Scotland, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: 10/11/2023
To ask the Scottish Government what review it has undertaken of the impact of Regulation 6 of the Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications) (Scotland) Regulations 2022, which provides planning authorities with the power to levy a surcharge of up to 25% on retrospective applications as a means of recovering the costs of undertaking enforcement investigations.
Current status: Answered by Joe FitzPatrick on 23 November 2023

Miles Briggs, Lothian, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: 10/11/2023
To ask the Scottish Government what information it has on how many people have been charged up to double the normal council tax rate for homes that have been empty for 12 months or more, or 24 months where the property is being actively marketed for sale, in each year since 1999, also broken down by local authority.
Current status: Answered by Paul McLennan on 24 November 2023

Miles Briggs, Lothian, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: 10/11/2023
To ask the Scottish Government what funding it is providing for colleges to deliver courses on the traditional trades.
To ask the Scottish Government what funding it is providing for college courses in the traditional crafts, particularly stonemasonry, at colleges in Edinburgh.
Current status: Answered by Graeme Dey on 24 November 2023

Miles Briggs, Lothian, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: 15/11/2023
To ask the Scottish Government what work it has undertaken to provide for exemption schemes in the Visitor Levy (Scotland) Bill for people working in agriculture and aquaculture.
Current status: Answered by Tom Arthur on 28 November 2023

Alex Cole-Hamilton, Edinburgh Western, Scottish Liberal Democrats
Date lodged: 17/11/2023
To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S6W-20632 by Shona Robison on 11 September 2023, whether the (a) stage 1 desktop and (b) stage 2 visual inspection of the Scottish Government Estate has been competed, and, if so, what the outcome of each of these inspections was.
Current status: Answered by Shona Robison on 29 November 2023

Miles Briggs, Lothian, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: 15/11/2023
To ask the Scottish Government how many council houses that are currently unoccupied have been assessed to establish the cost of bringing them back into use.
To ask the Scottish Government what estimate it has made of the cost of bringing back into use council houses that are currently unoccupied.
To ask the Scottish Government how many temporary accommodation facilities have been in breach of the standards and outcomes that social landlords should aim to achieve when performing housing activities, as set out in the Temporary Accommodation Standards Framework, which was published in April 2023.
To ask the Scottish Government what information it holds on how much each local authority has spent on people living in temporary accommodation, in each year since 1999.
Current status: Answered by Paul McLennan on 29 November 2023

Sarah Boyack, Lothian, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: 22/11/2023
To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on what plans it has to review property factor legislation.
Current status: Taken in the Chamber on 30 November 2023

Daniel Johnson, Edinburgh Southern, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: 20/11/2023
To ask the Scottish Government for what reason it reportedly refused proposals by (a) the Scottish Building Apprenticeship and Training Council, (b) the Scottish Painting and Decorating Apprenticeship Council and (c) Unite the Union to use Professional Development Awards to alleviate the backlog in construction apprentices who have completed most of their SVA units and portfolio work but remain uncertified.
Current status: Answered by Graeme Dey on 4 December 2023

Miles Briggs, Lothian, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: 20/11/2023
To ask the Scottish Government what discussions it has had regarding the suspension of home sharing and house swapping from the short-term lets licensing scheme.
Current status: Answered by Paul McLennan on 5 December 2023

Mark Griffin, Central Scotland, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: 24/11/2023
S6W-23199 R
To ask the Scottish Government when it received the advice relating to the European Convention on Human Rights implications of Compulsory Rental Orders and Compulsory Sales Orders; whether it has been refreshed, and whether ministers have begun the “substantial consideration” that officials have suggested.
Current status: Answered by Paul McLennan on 5 December 2023

Donald Cameron, Highlands and Islands, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: 27/11/2023
To ask the Scottish Government what action it plans to take regarding the number of buildings described by Historic Environment Scotland as “of national importance” that the Church of Scotland plans to release from its estate over the next decade.
To ask the Scottish Government what its response is to the National Trust for Scotland estimate that only 30% of the actions in the 2019 Skills Investment Plan for Scotland’s historic environment sector have been delivered, mainly due to a lack of resource.
To ask the Scottish Government whether the refresh of the Skills Investment Plan for Scotland’s historic environment sector is still on track to be published in February 2024.
To ask the Scottish Government what its response is to reported warnings from the National Trust for Scotland that the provision of stonemasonry apprenticeships is currently in crisis and requires action immediately.
To ask the Scottish Government what plans it has to change the current funding mix to Creative Scotland to enable it to introduce a capital programme to support the refurbishment of cultural assets.
To ask the Scottish Government what plans it has to increase the provision of micro-grants to support and promote volunteering via Creative Scotland.
Current status: Answered by Christina McKelvie on 5 December 2023

Donald Cameron, Highlands and Islands, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: 20/11/2023
To ask the Scottish Government how much of the £100 million of funding announced by the First Minister at the Scottish National Party conference in October 2023 will be allocated to Creative Scotland in each year until 2028.
Current status: Answered by Angus Robertson on 6 December 2023

Mark Ruskell, Mid Scotland and Fife, Scottish Green Party
Date lodged: 05/12/2023
To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on the proposed Wellbeing and Sustainable Development Bill and Future Generations Commissioner.
Current status: Answered by Shona Robison on 6 December 2023

Graham Simpson, Central Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: 23/11/2023
To ask the Scottish Government what steps it is taking to increase domestic energy efficiency.
Current status: Answer expected on 8 December 2023

Colin Smyth, South Scotland, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: 27/11/2023
To ask the Scottish Government what proportion of public sector grants and contracts are currently delivered on a multi-year basis.
To ask the Scottish Government what action it is taking to ensure that multi-year funding arrangements for the voluntary sector have annual inflation-based uplifts inbuilt, at a level as close to inflation as possible.
To ask the Scottish Government what action it is taking to ensure that its funding decisions regarding support for the voluntary sector are issued no later than December, and that any funds are paid no later than the start of the tax year in April.
To ask the Scottish Government what action it is taking to develop a longer-term funding model for the voluntary sector across all of its directorates.
To ask the Scottish Government whether it defines multi-year funding for voluntary sector organisations as a three-year minimum commitment.
Current status: Answers expected on 12 December 2023

Alex Cole-Hamilton, Edinburgh Western, Scottish Liberal Democrats
Date lodged: 28/11/2023
To ask the Scottish Government whether it will create a reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete register, covering the Scottish Government estate and public bodies, similar to the one reportedly being looked at by the UK Government.
To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on what it is doing to support local authorities in locating and addressing reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete outside of schools and housing.
To ask the Scottish Government what information it holds on how many of the 39 school buildings that have reportedly been identified as still needing a reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (RAAC) assessment have (a) been confirmed as containing the substance and (b) received a RAG rating for any RAAC identified.
Current status: Answers expected on 13 December 2023

Sue Webber, Lothian, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: 06/12/2023
To ask the Scottish Government whether it is planning any new infrastructure investments in the next financial year in connection with City and Regional Growth Deals.
Current status: To be taken in the Chamber on 13 December 2023

Maurice Golden, North East Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: 29/11/2023
To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide a list of all active funding streams within the (a) Energy and Climate Change and (b) Environment and Forestry directorate, broken down by the (i) purpose of, (ii) launch and end dates of, (iii) total value of and (iv) total amount awarded to date through each funding stream.
Current status: Answer expected on 14 December 2023

Miles Briggs, Lothian, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: 29/11/2023
To ask the Scottish Government, in light of its recently announced proposals for a Heat in Buildings Bill, how many (a) rental properties and (b) privately-owned homes it estimates would have to be retrofitted by 2033 to comply with its proposed measures.
Current status: Answer expected on 14 December 2023

Willie Coffey, Kilmarnock and Irvine Valley, Scottish National Party
Date lodged: 06/12/2023
To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on its cladding remediation programme.
Current status: To be taken in the Chamber on 14 December 2023

Alex Cole-Hamilton, Edinburgh Western, Scottish Liberal Democrats
Date lodged: 30/11/2023
To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on the date by which it expects reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (RAAC) to be removed from all NHS buildings, and whether it has a comparable target to that set in England to eradicate RAAC from the NHS estate by 2035.
Current status: Answer expected on 15 December 2023

Pam Duncan-Glancy, Glasgow, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: 30/11/2023
To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on its discussions with independent education providers regarding any presence of reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete in the private education estate.
Current status: Answer expected on 15 December 2023

Donald Cameron, Highlands and Islands, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: 30/11/2023
To ask the Scottish Government how many heat pump engineers it estimates there currently are in Scotland, and what support it will offer to the sector in order to train more engineers to (a) install and (b) maintain heat pumps.
Current status: Answer expected on 15 December 2023

Tess White, North East Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: 30/11/2023
To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S6W-21458 by Michael Matheson on 4 October 2023, how many NHS properties have been physically surveyed as part of the national programme to identify the use of reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete.
Current status: Answer expected on 15 December 2023

Monica Lennon, Central Scotland, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: 04/12/2023
To ask the Scottish Government whether the topic of any Barnett consequential funding arising from the UK Government’s policy of 75% rates relief for retail, hospitality and leisure premises for 2023-24 has been discussed at the weekly meetings between the Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Finance and senior finance officials, and, if so, when it was (a) first and (b) last discussed.
Current status: Answer expected on 18 December 2023

Alexander Burnett, Aberdeenshire West, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: 05/12/2023
To ask the Scottish Government what consideration it has given to introducing statutory designation for the sites of important historic battles.
To ask the Scottish Government what the appeal process is for Historic Environment Scotland land designations.
Current status: Answers expected on 19 December 2023

Brian Whittle, South Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: 05/12/2023
To ask the Scottish Government how it defines the term “just transition” in the context of urban communities.
To ask the Scottish Government how it defines the term “just transition” in the context of skills development.
To ask the Scottish Government how it defines the term “just transition” in the context of rural communities.
Current status: Answers expected on 19 December 2023

Mark Griffin, Central Scotland, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: 05/12/2023
S6W-23569 R
To ask the Scottish Government what proportion of the £50 million fund announced on 19 December 2020 to bring vacant and derelict land back into use has been used to invest in new affordable housing.
To ask the Scottish Government what proportion of the £50 million fund announced on 19 December 2020 to bring vacant and derelict land back into use has been allocated to date.
To ask the Scottish Government how many hectares of vacant and derelict land have been brought back into use as a result of the fund that it announced on 19 December 2020.
Current status: Answers expected on 19 December 2023

Maurice Golden, North East Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: 05/12/2023
To ask the Scottish Government what its response is to recommendation 22 in the report, Investor Panel, Mobilising international capital to help finance the transition to Net Zero, on whether public sector connections to heat grids should be mandatory.
Current status: Answer expected on 19 December 2023

Monica Lennon, Central Scotland, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: 05/12/2023
To ask the Scottish Government, further to its announcement on 7 November 2023, when it will provide an update on the anticipated publication date of the new Climate Change Plan; whether it will publish a timeline setting out the periods for public engagement and proposed parliamentary scrutiny of the new plan, and what time will be allocated, ahead of the statutory deadline, to permit an assessment and considered response to that engagement and scrutiny.
To ask the Scottish Government on what date it plans to publish the final version of the publication, Reducing car use for a healthier, fairer and greener Scotland: A route map to achieve a 20 per cent reduction in car kilometres by 2030, which was committed to in the 2020 Climate Change Plan update and subject to consultation between January and April 2022.
To ask the Scottish Government what plans it has to reform energy performance certificate (EPC) ratings, and whether it will consider linking its stated policy of introducing rent controls to EPC ratings.
Current status: Answers expected on 19 December 2023

Pam Gosal, West Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: 05/12/2023
To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on the establishment of new national parks.
To ask the Scottish Government whether it has carried out any assessment of how effectively Scotland’s national parks are being governed.
Current status: Answers expected on 19 December 2023

Donald Cameron, Highlands and Islands, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: 06/122023
To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S6W-12793 by Neil Gray on 12 December 2022, what information it has on how many Freedom of Information requests have been made to Historic Environment Scotland in 2023, and what percentage of those requests were answered on or within 20 working days.
To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S6W-12784 by Neil Gray on 12 December 2022, what information it has on how many members of Historic Scotland there are as of 30 November 2023.
To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S6W-12785 by Neil Gray on 12 December 2022, what information it has on what the total cost was for an (a) adult, (b) concession and (c) young person Direct Debit membership for Historic Scotland in 2023.
To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S6W-12786 by Neil Gray on 12 December 2022, what information it holds on how many sites that are managed by Historic Environment Scotland and its predecessor agencies have been (a) open, (b) temporarily closed and (c) permanently closed in 2022-23.
Current status: Answers expected on 20 December 2023



Culture in Communities: The Challenges and Opportunities in Delivering a Place-based Approach
Submitted by: Clare Adamson, Motherwell and Wishaw, Scottish National Party
Date lodged: 08/11/2023
That the Parliament notes the conclusions and recommendations contained in the Constitution, Europe, External Affairs and Culture Committee’s 4th Report, 2023 (Session 6), Culture in Communities: The challenges and opportunities in delivering a place-based approach (SP Paper 431).

Recognising Edinburgh’s Housing Emergency
S6M-11244 R
Submitted by: Sarah Boyack, Lothian, Scottish Labour.
Date lodged: 20/11/2023
That the Parliament notes the cross-party decision of City of Edinburgh Council to declare a housing emergency on 2 November 2023; is concerned at what it considers is the extreme nature of the emergency that Edinburgh is facing, with, it understands, approximately 5,000 households in temporary accommodation, a severe shortage of social homes and unsustainable rises in private sector rents in the city, in spite, it believes, of the Cost of Living (Tenant Protection) (Scotland) Act 2022; understands that the council has committed to taking a human rights-based approach to developing a Housing Emergency Action Plan, alongside organisations such as Shelter Scotland and SHAPE, to build on and consolidate existing actions; considers that Edinburgh is in the grip of a housing emergency, and notes the view that urgent support and resources are needed for Edinburgh to address the emergency and overcome the severe challenges that it considers that the city faces.

Scotland’s Housing Emergency
S6M-11351 R
Submitted by: Mark Griffin, Central Scotland, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: 20/11/2023
That the Parliament agrees that Scotland is experiencing a housing emergency.
Current status: Taken in the Chamber on 22 November 2023

Approval of SSI
Submitted by: George Adam, Paisley, Scottish National Party.
Date lodged: 21/11/2023
That the Parliament agrees that the Heat Networks (Supply Targets) (Scotland) Regulations 2023 [draft] be approved.
Current status: Taken in the Chamber on Wednesday, 22 November 2023

Aberdeenshire Architectural and Landscape Design Awards
Submitted by: Alexander Burnett, Aberdeenshire West, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party.
Date lodged: 29/11/2023
That the Parliament congratulates the winners of the 2023 Aberdeenshire Architectural and Landscape Design Awards (AALDA); acknowledges that the awards highlight sustainable design principles, and the creative use of materials and existing buildings in residential and commercial developments; applauds GD Lodge Architects for winning the Ian Shepherd Award, and overall winner of the scheme, for the Vinery; notes that the judges chose the Vinery, by GD Lodge Architects, as an excellent example of reusing unusual buildings in development, rather than building a brand-new structure; congratulates all category winners, including Quarry Studios by Moxon Architects, in the Business and Community Enterprise category and in the Landscape and Biodiversity Enhancement category, The Old School, Ballater, by Ian Rodgers, in the Building Communities for the Future category, the Steading by Allison Joy Architects, in the Innovative Single House Design category, the Vinery by GD Lodge, in the Conservation and Building Adaption category, and wishes them well in their future architectural and landscape design efforts.

Aberdeen City Council Awarded Royal Town Planning Institute Award for Excellence in Plan Making Practice
Submitted by: Audrey Nicoll, Aberdeen South and North Kincardine, Scottish National Party
Date lodged: 06/12/2023
That the Parliament congratulates Aberdeen City Council on receiving the Royal Town Planning Institute award for Excellence in Plan Making Practice, in recognition of its Net Zero Aberdeen Route Map; understands that the route map, and six enabling strategies, will support a net zero city transition spanning the built and natural environment, and deliver positive outcomes for people, communities and the environment; further understands that the project was considered a best practice example, drawing together a wide range of stakeholders to chart a course for achieving an ambitious net zero target for the area; congratulates everyone involved in the project, and wishes them every success for the future.



For further listings, please see our events calendar

AHSS Lecture – Happy Homes: Cooperation, Community and the Edinburgh Colonies
Date & Time: Monday 11 December 2023; 6.30-8pm
Location: Augustine United Church, 41 George IV Bridge, Edinburgh EH1 1EL (wheelchair accessible). Also streamed online via Zoom.
Edinburgh and Leith colony housing represents a very distinctive, immediately recognisable built form. Or so you might think. In fact there is considerable divergence in design, in prices (rents) and in the occupants. In this talk, Richard Rodger dissects the background to colony housing, their owners, occupants, and other characteristics, to reveal a new perspective on this housing type.
Tickets available from Eventbrite or on the door: £6 / students £2

Society of Antiquaries of Scotland – On their terms: Black women subverting the plantation economy in the Caribbean
Date & Time: Thursday 14 December 2023; 6-7pm
Location: In person and streamed online via Zoom
“How did Black women negotiate their place in the plantation economies of the Caribbean 200 years ago? This free lecture with Dr Peggy Brunache, draws on a Black feminist lens to reveal alternative narratives of Atlantic enslaved and free communities. A free drinks reception will follow the talk and all are welcome.”



Built Environment Technical Seminars and Masterclasses – Mortar Analysis Explained
Date & Time: Tuesday 12 December 2023; 1-3.30pm
Location: Online
Gain a greater understanding of the process of mortar analysis! This seminar will allow attendees to gain a greater understanding of the process of mortar analysis and to be able to understand and use the results of mortar analysis to create better specifications for replacement mortars.

Built Environment Technical Seminars and Masterclasses – Stone Analysis Explained
Date & Time: Tuesday 19 December 2023; 1-3.30pm
Location: Online
Gain a greater understanding of the process of stone analysis! Many conservation projects require the replacement of structurally compromised stone and will require stone analysis and matching in order to find currently available sources of compatible replacement stone. Stone analysis may also be required to gain listed building consent or to meet funder’s requirements.

Developing My Leadership Programme 2024
Date & Time: 6 online sessions between January and April 2024
Location: Online via Zoom
Applications are open again for the Developing My Leadership Programme, aimed at aspiring and established leaders in the Scottish heritage sector. Delivered by Social Enterprise Academy, the programme offers an invaluable opportunity to connect and share challenges, good practice, and experience with peers. It’s designed to support learners in developing key leadership skills to work productively with those around them and lead in an effective and authentic way. Applications must be received by 16 January 2024.



The Society of Antiquaries of Scotland – Community Engagement and Development Specialist
Estimated Fee: £20-25,000 (inclusive of meeting and travel expenses, and VAT if applicable)
Status: Fixed term; Six months (Jan-Jun 2024)
Location: Home or company based; able to travel around Scotland
The Society of Antiquaries of Scotland are inviting expressions of interest from a suitably qualified Consultant to lead the Society’s “Scotland’s Heritage Hub” project. The role will involve undertaking consultation (meetings and focus groups) with existing and potential partners to identify needs and opportunities, to develop a database of contacts of organisations, community groups and individuals, to map potential partnerships, and to develop an initial set of potential activities/programmes and evaluation framework. This community engagement and audience development research will report on what people’s views and ideas are for the Society’s ambitious “Scotland’s Heritage Hub” project.
Job Specification and applications
Closing date: 10am on Monday 11 December 2023.

LOCO Home Retrofit CIC – Retrofit Assessor/ Team Member
Salary: £25 – 28,000
Status: Permanent
Location: Central Glasgow/Hybrid
Loco Home is a non-profit intermediary for accelerating home retrofit in Glasgow, bringing together homeowners, installers and advisers to provide services that make better retrofit (insulation and zero emissions heating) more accessible to more people. The Retrofit Assessor role involves surveying homes to collect information to inform whole home retrofit plans in the role of PAS2035 Retrofit Assessor; participating in innovation projects and delivering a community engagement programme with homeowners, communities and tradespeople about the benefits of low carbon, healthy, efficient homes. Pease see the detailed Job Description for more information and how to apply.
Closing date: Friday 15 December 2023