Peter Drummond
Peter is a conservation accredited chartered architect, specialising in heritage-led regeneration.

From 2008 to 2015, Peter was national chairman of the Architectural Heritage Society of Scotland (AHSS). He worked with other senior office bearers on key areas including compliance with OSCR procedures, development of a new business plan, and preparation of policy responses to government, and drafting guidelines for casework panels. Since 2019, he has been Chair of the RIAS Practice Committee. This has involved preparation of evidence to both the Scottish and Westminster parliaments, participation in Scottish Government working groups, and extensive stakeholder liaison.
As an AHSS council member, Peter is familiar with and supports the excellent work which BEFS does in representing the interests of the wider built heritage sector to Government and other Stakeholders. He has first-hand experience of operating a charitable body, the statutory requirements of trustees/directors, business planning issues, and staff management. In terms of the work undertaken by BEFS, Peter is particularly interested in working on policy development, discussions with government, and cross-sector approaches.