BEFS Bulletin – Built Environment Events & Vacancies

Get The Latest Historic Environment Events, Jobs, News And Publications In BEFS Bulletin.


The Scottish local elections are taking place today and following BEFS support of hustings in Glasgow and Edinburgh it is evident that advocacy for the built environment will be needed. Hopefully the Advocacy Toolkit will prove a valuable resource and we will endeavour to share details of the key councillors in the coming weeks.

The Edinburgh International Book Festival is holding ReimagiNation in Cumbernauld from 19-21 May, a festival weekend bringing stories out of the shadows of the New Town’s infamous architecture. It looks like an interesting programme and will be visiting East Kilbride and Irvine later this year, and Glenrothes and Livingstone in 2018.

Historic Environment Scotland and Archaeology Scotland have announced the call for papers, speakers, displays and contributions to Scotland’s Community Heritage Conference 2017. Now in its sixth year, the Conference offers the opportunity for heritage volunteers and professionals to network, share experiences and create future working partnerships.

There are a number of interesting events and CPD opportunities coming up, which are featured in our events and training sections. There are also some great job opportunities, from Policy Officer at NTS to Traditional Skills Officer at Glasgow City Heritage Trust and Director at the Cockburn Association. Check out the vacancies section for information on how to apply.

In our first blog, BEFS newest Associate Member introduces himself and his company.

War Memorials Trust share with us their work and the recognition recently received for grant giving activities, in our second blog this week.


Call for Evidence on Homelessness (SP 03/05/17)
The Scottish Parliament’s Local Government and Communities Committee has today, Wednesday 3 May 2017, launched a call for written evidence on homelessness.

Reviewing the Edinburgh Design Guidance – your views (Edinburgh Planning 11/04/17)
The Edinburgh Design Guidance is being reviewed and we’d like your comments on the proposed changes. We are also holding two consultation workshops on the Design Guidance on Monday 15 May, in the City Chambers.  If you would like to attend, please email us the following details to
Consultation on the guidance will close on 2 June 2017.


Consultation on Raising Planning Fees. Analysis of consultation responses (SG 25/04/17)
An independent analysis of the consultation on raising planning fees prepared by Chris Thornton, Associate Director, Craigforth.


IHBC’s 2017 Yearbook now out: On ‘infrastructure’, inspired by IHBC’s 2017 Annual School and introduced by HLF’s Ros Kerslake (IHBC 28/04/17)

Infrastructure Investment Plan 2015 – Progress Report for 2016 (SG 26/04/17)
This annual report outlines key achievements over the course of 2016 and looks forward to developments in 2017 and beyond.

Scottish Vacant and Derelict Land Survey 2016 (SG 25/04/17)
The Scottish Vacant and Derelict Land Survey is a data collection undertaken to establish the extent and state of vacant and derelict land in Scotland.


£8.35 million to support urban regeneration in the heart of Glasgow (SG 03/05/17)
New high quality office space and hundreds of jobs for the city centre. Housing Minister Kevin Stewart today announced investment of £8.35 million from its SPRUCE fund to support the refurbishment of vacant office space in central Glasgow.

Green home loans (SG 02/05/17)
Updated scheme cuts red tape for home-owners. Home-owners can now apply for an interest free loan of up to £32,500 to improve the energy efficiency and use of renewable technologies in their properties.

Personal Achievement in Planning (SG 04/17)
The Scottish Government is continuing the Personal Achievement in Planning Award this year. This Award is to recognise an individual planner, team, local authorities, consultants, community groups, developers, public agencies or voluntary organisation that have made an outstanding contribution to planning. All entries must be nominated by sending a completed Personal Achievement Nomination Form to by the closing date, 19 May 2017.

Building for the future (SG 26/04/17)
£6.4 billion of infrastructure projects underway. Infrastructure projects worth almost £6.4 billion will be under construction throughout Scotland in 2017. Projects such as the Forth Valley College Falkirk Campus, NHS Orkney’s New Hospital and Healthcare Facilities and the A737 Dalry Bypass will all commence construction this year.

Decrease in derelict and urban vacant land 9SG 25/04/17)
A National Statistics Publication for Scotland. The total amount of derelict and urban vacant land in Scotland decreased by 253 hectares (two per cent) from the previous year, to 12,435 hectares in 2016.


2017 EU Prize for Cultural Heritage: Special Mentions (EN 01/05/17)
The Special Mentions of the European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards 2017 were made public today by Europa Nostra and the European Commission. This year, the Awards’ Jury granted Special Mentions to 13 heritage achievements from 11 European countries taking part in the Creative Europe programme of the European Union.

Glasgow Traditional Building Skills Demonstration (STBF 28/04/17)
The Glasgow Traditional Building Forum organised a hugely successful traditional building skills demonstration on Buchanan Street, Glasgow on 24 & 25 April 2017.

Working update on diversity in Historic Environment Sector: HEF & Heritage 2020 (IHBC 26/04/17)
Members of England’s lead link heritage grouping, the Historic Environment Forum (HEF) and the working groups of the linked initiative Heritage 2020 recently came together to discuss diversity in the historic environment sector.

MyParkScotland History, Heritage & Archaeology crowdfund campaign (MPS 26/04/17)
2017 is the year of heritage, history and archaeology. To celebrate this, we have launched our Heritage and History campaign to promote the diversity of Scotland’s parks and greenspaces highlighting projects that are working to develop park and greenspace heritage.

Community ownership and local councils (SCVO 24/04/17)
In the final of our pre-local election blogs, Linsay Chalmers talks us through community land. 540,000 acres of land are now in community ownership in Scotland and 2017 could be the busiest ever year for community buyouts, with 187 applications currently in the pipeline for the Scottish Land Fund.

The local authority dilemma: engage in local climate action now, or wait? (RTPI 19/04/17)
Local climate action is not just about ‘climate change’ – it is about planning for the future of our places and communities. It is being ready for how the environment will change and engaging with this in a way that builds the liveable and healthy places that we want to live in, now and into the future. So why isn’t local climate action common place?

Tracking Scotland’s changing landscape (SNH 12/04/17)
A new way of tracking and reporting on Scotland’s ever-changing landscapes has been launched today (Wednesday) by Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH). Scotland’s Landscape Monitoring Programme (LMP) is accessible on SNH’s website allowing anyone to follow how our dynamic landscapes change over the years.

Designing mental health into cities: the next frontier for urban design (DC 12/04/17)
If city-makers are to address mental health through urban design, where should they start? Layla McCay, the Director of Centre for Urban Design and Mental health, explains the reasons that city-dwellers are at greater risk of mental health problems and shows how urban design can support better mental health.

Heritage Lottery Fund statement – funding for places of worship (HLF 04/17)
The Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) is changing the way it funds places of worship. Time and resource-stretched congregations have been telling us that they want to access our funding more easily, so we are bringing in a more flexible and lighter-touch way of distributing much-needed funding support from the National Lottery.


RTPI Scotland thinkpieces – Proposals for change (RTPI 02/05/17)
The Scottish Government consultation paper Places, People and Planning contains many ideas for making the planning system more influential and effective. Working groups of RTPI Scotland committee members have now come together to prepare a series of thinkpieces that advance some of these ideas into implementable changes that could make a major impact on how our planning system works.

Project of the Year: RICS Awards, Scotland (RICS 27/04/17)
We’re delighted to announce our Project of the Year, the £35 million refurbishment of Glasgow’s Kelvin Hall, and the other eight category winners for the RICS Awards, Scotland. Over 35 of Scotland’s most impressive and community beneficial property schemes battled it out for top honours at the prestigious 2017 RICS Awards, Scotland. BBC news reader Catriona Shearer hosted the sell-out ceremony, held at Edinburgh’s luxurious Sheraton Hotel, which attracted more than 200 local property professionals.

Should we have a statutory chief planning officer in local authorities? (RTPI 26/04/17)
We need to make sure that strategic decisions taken by local authorities and Community Planning Partnerships are not taken in isolation. The implications of new investment and new development need to be assessed and planned for.  Given this, in a thinkpiece published today by RTPI Scotland proposes that the forthcoming Planning Bill establishes a statutory Chief Planning Officer (CPO) in each local authority.

IHBC welcomes BEFS’ success in new NPF heritage measures: Critical disrepair in pre-1919 dwellings (IHBC 22/04/17)
The IHBC has welcomed the announcement by Built Environment Forum Scotland (BEFS) that, following active engagement with the Scottish Government and across is members, a new National Performance Framework (NPF) measure for the historic environment has been adopted, the percentage of pre-1919 dwellings classified as having disrepair to critical elements.

Guidelines for Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment (IHBC 19/04/17)
The IHBC is teaming up with the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (CIfA) and the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA) to produce a guidance document for cultural heritage impact assessment (GCHIA), and develop guidance as authoritative as the Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (GLVIA) has been in its sphere.

Heritage Hustings (EWH 19/04/17)
Against the historic backdrop of St. Stephen’s Stockbridge, one of the largest audiences yet seen for a local government hustings in the city debated a range of issues yesterday evening with representatives of all five parties. Subjects raised included the impact of ‘brash’ new development, the consequences of unregulated Airbnb holiday lets, the proposed ‘tourist tax’ and the growth of student accommodation in the city centre.


Questions marked with a triangle (?) are initiated by the Scottish Government in order to facilitate the provision of information to the Parliament.Questions in which a member has indicated a declarable interest are marked with an “R”.

S5W-08883 Pauline McNeill: To ask the Scottish Government when it will publish the findings of its research into barriers to engagement and the role of community councils in planning. (SP 21/04/17)

S5O-00900 John Finnie: To ask the Scottish Government what value it places on locations in Scotland
holding UNESCO World Heritage Site status. (SP 20/04/17)


Questions marked with a triangle (?) are initiated by the Government in order to facilitate the provision of information to the Parliament.

Question S5W-08477: Christine Grahame, Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale, Scottish National Party, Date Lodged: 29/03/2017
To ask the Scottish Government what measures are in place to require an assessment of services, such as schools, public transport and medical facilities, to take place as a condition of planning consents for housing developments.
Answered by Kevin Stewart (19/04/2017)

Question S5W-08476: Christine Grahame, Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale, Scottish National Party, Date Lodged: 29/03/2017
To ask the Scottish Government what measures are in place to permit the compulsory purchase of vacant commercial premises in town centres for the purpose of redeveloping them for social housing.
Answered by Kevin Stewart (18/04/2017)

Question S5W-08573: Anas Sarwar, Glasgow, Scottish Labour, Date Lodged: 03/04/2017
To ask the Scottish Government what action it is taking to tackle the issue of damp homes in the (a) private and (b) owner-occupied sector.
Answered by Kevin Stewart (18/04/2017)

Question S5W-08676: Maurice Golden, West Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party, Date Lodged: 05/04/2017
To ask the Scottish Government what modelling it has undertaken of maximising solar energy capture in new housing developments to assess the potential (a) financial benefits to homeowners and (b) wider economic and societal benefits.
Answered by Kevin Stewart (18/04/2017)

Question S5W-08675: Maurice Golden, West Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party, Date Lodged: 05/04/2017
To ask the Scottish Government what research it has carried out on the long-term value of resource efficient building in the housing sector.
Answered by Kevin Stewart (24/04/2017)

Question S5W-08674: Maurice Golden, West Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party, Date Lodged: 05/04/2017
To ask the Scottish Government how many electric vehicle charging points have been included in new housing developments since its Scottish Planning Policy was published in 2014.
Answered by Kevin Stewart (18/04/2017)


UNESCO World Heritage Sites

John Finnie (Highlands and Islands) (Green):
To ask the Scottish Government what value it places on locations in Scotland holding UNESCO world heritage site status. (S5O-00900)

The Cabinet Secretary for Culture, Tourism and External Affairs (Fiona Hyslop):
The Scottish Government attaches great value to UNESCO world heritage site status. We are in the year of history, heritage and archaeology. On world heritage day, I took part in an event that celebrated the importance of one of our six world heritage sites—the Antonine wall, at which Picts and Romans were in evidence. There was even a great Roman bake-off. Using innovative and creative ways not just to preserve and conserve our heritage sites but to make them inviting places for people to visit is very important. Read the full transcript


S5M-05185 Keith Brown: Defence Basing Reforms and the Impact on Scotland—That the Parliament expresses concern about the impact on Scotland of the military base closures announced by the Ministry of Defence as part of its Estate Optimisation Strategy; supports local community opposition to closures, and calls on the UK Government to engage fully with the Scottish Government, local authorities and local communities as a matter of urgency.
Supported by: Jamie Hepburn, Paul Wheelhouse (SP 20/04/17)

*S5M-05259 Gail Ross: RIAS Awards 2017—That the Parliament congratulates all the nominees for the Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland (RIAS) Awards 2017, which comprise of buildings and projects throughout the length and breadth of the country; notes in particular the inclusion of Fernaig Cottage in Wester Ross, which saw the restoration and adaptation of a former shepherd’s longhouse, the newly-completed Noss Primary School in Wick and the conversion of the disused Corrie Church on the shores of Loch Torridon; wishes all on the shortlist the best of  luck in the finals, and recognises what it believes is the incredible innovation and design in current Scottish architecture.
Supported by: Jenny Gilruth*, Emma Harper*, Ross Thomson*, Tavish Scott*, Gillian Martin*, Ben Macpherson*, Sandra White*, Alexander Burnett*, Graeme Dey*, Bill Kidd*, Stuart McMillan*, Richard Lyle* (SP 21/04/17)


For the latest information about BEFS Members’ events see our events calendar.

Afternoon lecture by Margaret Stewart: Landscaping the Nation, Lord Mar’s Designs c1700-1730 to follow Scotland’s Garden & Landscape Heritage AGM
When:  Saturday, 6 May: AGM 12pm; Lunch 1pm – 1.45pm; Lecture 2pm; Walk 3.30pm.
Where: Alloa Tower, Alloa Park, Alloa FK10 1PP.
Dr Margaret Stewart’s talk offers a unique opportunity to hear the story behind this visionary design from the leading authority on the subject. The lecture will be followed by a guided walk to discover what still remains of the eighteenth-century landscape. The number of places at the lecture is restricted, so you are advised to book online in advance.

STP Place Branding & Communications Workshop
When: May 16, 2017 at 1:30pm – 4pm.
Where: Architecture & Design Scotland, Edinburgh.
Hear from media experts and local case studies that will leave you feeling equipped and inspired to find your town’s USP, grab the headlines, or make a cutting-edge film. Get top tips from Morrison Media Strategies, Newsquest Media Group, Enterprise Screen, Explore Largs BID, and Scotland’s Towns Partnership. Network over refreshments with town stakeholders from diverse sectors, and discuss strategies for your town. Don’t miss out – book today!

Sacred Heritage: Archaeology, Identity and Medieval Beliefs – Rhind Lectures
When: May 19 @ 6:00 pm – May 21 @ 5:00 pm.
Where: Auditorium National Museum Scotland, Edinburgh.
Medieval churches and monasteries are key features of the British landscape, contributing to local identities and sense of place. Yet the relationship between heritage and medieval religion has received relatively little critical reflection. These lectures will place research on medieval beliefs within a wider framework of sacred heritage, reflecting on issues of value, authenticity and interpretation. The lectures develop chronologically from the 12th century to the use of archaeology today, with case studies focusing on Scottish monasticism and Glastonbury Abbey.

Sustainable Futures for Traditional Buildings
When: Thursday 25th May 2017 from 9.30am.
Where: The Haining, Selkirk.
In recent years a number of ‘at risk’ buildings have become the subject of high profile ‘Heritage Rescue’ operations resulting in their successful adaptation to a range of alternative uses. For each of these ‘Success Stories’ there are many other buildings which at present face an uncertain future. The Scottish Traditional Skills Training Centre in association with Selkirk Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme (CARS) has brought together 4 leading experts to look at the basic principles and critical factors which must be addressed when identifying potential sustainable futures for a range of traditional buildings. The cost of the event is £35 (Heavily subsidised by Selkirk CARS) and includes buffet lunch and tea/coffee.

Archaeological Research in Progress 2017
When: 27 May 2017.
Where: National Museums Scotland Auditorium, Edinburgh, EH1 1JF.
The Society is hosting the 2017 ARP conference, the national conference examining recent and ongoing archaeological projects across Scotland. Please book online or phone 0131 247 4133. Tickets £35 for Fellows, Archaeology Scotland members and students. £40 full price.

RIAS Spring Seminar – More Conservation Challenges
When: 31 May 2017 from 1pm – 5pm.
Where: The Scottish Storytelling Centre, Edinburgh.
The RIAS conservation spring seminar is now open for bookings. Chaired by RIAS Secretary, Neil Baxter, topics will include conservation work at the Capitol, Washington DC, and the Scottish architectural legacy in India. The technical components will include climate change adaptation for traditional buildings, interpreting thermal imaging and advice on working with lime for pointing and harling, including specification advice and guidance on the causes of failure, 3D laser scanning technique as used in the restoration of Glasgow School of Art.

Gordon Barr and Gary Painter: Glasgow’s Cinema Experiment
When: 7 June 2017, 7-9pm
Where: GCHT, 54 Bell Street, Glasgow
Scotland has some of the most architecturally diverse cinema buildings of anywhere in the world. This double-act led talk will cover the full range of Glasgow’s cinema history, from converted roller-skating rinks, via the earliest purpose built halls, the peculiarly Scottish ‘back-court’ theatres, to the finest thirties art deco super-cinemas, stopping off to highlight some of the most interesting depictions of Glasgow on screen, both as itself and pretending to be other cities along the way.

Sir Patrick Geddes Commemorative Lecture 2017 – Poverty, Places and Equality: A role for place based approaches?
When: Wednesday, 07 June 2017 at 5:45PM – 8:15PM.
Where: The Lighthouse, Mitchell Lane, Glasgow G1 3NU.
Naomi Eisenstadt – Independent Advisor to the Scottish Government on Poverty and Inequalit.y
After a long career in the NGO sector, in 1999 Naomi became the first Director of the Sure Start Unit. The Unit was responsible for delivering the government’s commitment to free nursery education places for all 3-4 year olds, the national childcare strategy, and reducing the gap in outcomes between children living in disadvantaged areas and the wider child population. Naomi spent 3 years as the Director of the Social Exclusion Task Force working across government to identify and promote policies to address the needs of traditionally excluded groups. Since retiring from the Civil Service, Naomi has chaired the Camden Equalities Commission, the Milton Keynes Child Poverty Commission, published a book and several articles relevant to child development and child poverty.

The City Talks: Conservation v Evolution? Do conservation areas hold back or encourage positive development?
When: 14 June 2017, 7-9pm
Where: GCHT, 54 Bell Street, Glasgow
We all agree that the protection and enhancement of Scotland’s conservation areas are important although some of us may be concerned that this statutory requirement of local authorities is not being met in many cases. However, as pressure increases to build in urban areas, might there by a case for a loosening of some of the restrictions that planning law places on new developments in and around conservation areas? Is heritage management compatible with innovative and bold modern architecture? Are we stifling creativity and radical design by holding onto long-cherished heritage principles? These are just some of the issues our panel of experts will be discussing.

IHBC Annual School: Transport Infrastructure – the backbone of civilisation
When: Thursday 22nd – Saturday 24th June 2017. Day School – Friday 23rd June 2017.
Where: Manchester.
The 2017 IHBC Annual School examines the rich legacy of transport infrastructure, exploring both its continuing role as a future driver of change and economic growth as well as its impact upon historic places. The Annual School includes three exciting days of lectures, networking and practical learning to share skills, knowledge and understanding; tours exploring all facets of historic and new infrastructure and its impact on the historic environment around Manchester and the North; NETWORKING EVENTS; EVENING RECEPTION & IHBC ANNUAL DINNER with opportunities to pause, take stock and stimulate debate in fascinating venues.


Resourcing Scotland’s Heritage is delivering a series of training courses and events across Scotland. Our training is best suited to registered charities and constituted community groups. Here are the upcoming dates:
•    , Wed. 10th May, Edinburgh – Arts & Business Scotland
•    , Wed. 17th May, Galashiels – Old Gala
•    , Wed. 24th May, Glasgow – Betty’s Room
•    , Wed. 31st May, Aberdeen – Aberdeen Science Centre

The Damp in Buildings Masterclass
When: 19 May 2017, 09.30 – 16.30.
Where: Charlestown Workshops, Fife
Cost: £190 + vat. If you are a BLF, IHBC, RIBA or RIAS member you are eligible for 20% discount on this seminar. Please just give us a call with your member number. We are pleased to welcome back Mike Parrett, one of the world’s leading building pathologists and co-author of the RICS’ bestselling book ‘Diagnosing Damp’, recognised as the primary reference work on dampness in buildings.

CPD: Traditional Shopfronts
When: Tuesday 30th May 2017 | 12-1pm.
Where: Glasgow City Heritage Trust, 54 Bell Street, Glasgow.
Shopfronts have a huge impact on the quality of our civic spaces and are a key component of a vibrant town centre. Dr Lindsay Lennie, historic shopfront expert, will be looking at the key elements forming a traditional shopfront, the materials and construction techniques as they relate to different periods in retail architecture. Lindsay is a chartered surveyor with a diploma in building conservation and a PhD in historic shopfronts.


Policy Officer – Permanent / part-time (NTS)
This job exists to develop and communicate Trust policy in order to guide conservation and visitor management practice. In addition, the post-holder will contribute to the Trusts role as an advocate for the conservation of Scotlands heritage, and for access, learning and enjoyment of that heritage.
Closing date: Friday 12 May 2017.

Traditional Skills Officer (GCHT)
An exciting opportunity has become available to support the implementation of the Trust’s traditional skills and materials programme for the benefit of all people living in, working in and visiting Glasgow. Through events, training sessions, public engagement activities and partnerships you will deliver a programme of traditional skills training and educational activities targeting contractors, craftspeople, professionals, communities and homeowners to train and educate those responsible for the upkeep of Glasgow’s built heritage, encourage best practice, and showcase career opportunities in the heritage and construction sectors.
Deadline for applications: Friday 12th May 2017. 

CARS Project Officer
Dunoon Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme (CARS) is a £1.8M heritage-led partnership project between Argyll and Bute Council, Historic Environment Scotland and LEADER. The postholder is required to project manage and fully deliver Dunoon CARS, and to do this over a 5-year period whilst ensuring that the project is delivered on time and within budget. The project focusses on Dunoon’s principal shopping street, Argyll Street and includes funding towards shopfront repairs as well as the comprehensive restoration of 4 tenements.  It is anticipated that the postholder will be experienced with working on historic environment projects.
Closes: Friday, 12th May 2017.

Fundraising Vacancy – Part time (Archaeology Scotland)
We are looking for someone to help with both Trusts Fundraising and Events Co-ordination. This is part-time post (15 hours), fixed term until June 2019. If you have the relevant experience and bags of enthusiasm please apply with a covering letter and CV to
Closing date 12 May 2017.

Director Post (Cockburn Association)
The Cockburn Association is now looking for a Director who has the leadership skills and capability to monitor and implement its strategy. The ideal candidate will be highly motivated and enthusiastic about the Cockburn Association activities and campaigns. He/She will have the capacity to lead and deliver the key activities of the Association, working with allies, strengthening the membership base, and broadening the constituency of ‘those who love Edinburgh’ through awareness and education. In doing so he/she will take account of the advice in the 2015 Strategy that the Association should focus on doing less in more depth, concentrate on activities which have the potential to make a difference and ensure that the scope of our work is realistic in terms of our time and financial resources. For more information on the role, please contact Joe Taylor on 0131 557 8686 (email or for a confidential discussion please contact the Vice-Chair of the Association, Andrew MacLeod at 0131 667 5663.
Closing date: 26th May 2017.

Director of Development and Partnership (HES)
This is a new senior post, reporting directly to the Chief Executive, with responsibility for driving forward a range of strategic developments vital to the future work of HES and the wider sector. Please note that this post will also attract a £1,500 on call allowance and 5% Directors allowance. You will identify and explore the big issues and questions for Scotland’s historic environment, both now and in the future. You will lead HES engagement with partners and stakeholders, take forward new areas of work and coordinate work strands across the organisation. You will provide leadership and foresight both for HES and the historic environment sector including, as lead Director responsible for the delivery of Our Place in Time, the historic environment strategy for Scotland. You will bring knowledge of the sector, strong policy and partnership skills, fresh thinking and a strong customer focus to HES.
Closing Date: 26 May 2017 at midday.