Submit a Case Study

Submit your project as a best practice case study to illustrate the breadth of activity undertaken in the historic environment in Scotland.

Your project would feature on our website and be linked to Our Place in Time (OPiT) performance reports. You can find examples of the fantastic range of projects and initiatives already submitted in our Historic Environment Case Studies database, in the OPiT Performance Report 2020 and Scotland’s Historic Environment Audit (SHEA) 2018. As agreed by the Strategic Historic Environment Forum last year, the SHEA and OPiT evidence base will be brought together for 2020 (and onwards).

Simply complete and submit the form below!

Please note: you will only be able to submit your case study once you have consented to the information provided appearing on our website and in OPiT reports (review BEFS privacy policy / HES privacy notice). Once submitted, you will be contacted for an image to accompany your case study.

If you have any queries, please contact the BEFS team.

Historic Environment Case Study Form

    Celebrating success and innovation across Scotland’s historic environment

    Index of Case Studies