Historic Environment Case Studies
Scotland’s historic environment includes thousands of historic buildings, monuments, historic landscapes, gardens and battlefields.
Scotland’s historic environment attracts millions of visitors each year, creates a unique sense of place for our villages, towns and cities, and contributes to the economic and social well-being of Scotland.
A wide range of organisations, communities and individuals care for the historic environment across the private, public and voluntary sector. In order to celebrate, share and learn from the rich array of successful projects and initiatives taking place across Scotland, we have collated a selection of case studies.
Visit the case study pages below, for details of these inspiring projects. They are grouped by the four themes in Scotland’s historic environment strategy Our Place in Time (OPiT). Within each theme, you can also search the projects by OPiT key performance indicators.
We will be adding new case studies as they become available, so do check back regularly. To submit your project, simply follow the link on the right and complete the form.