Celebrating Speyside

Scotland’s historic environment makes a valuable contribution to our quality of life, cultural identity, education and economy.

Organisation: Historic Environment Scotland
Project title: Celebrating Speyside

Learning perspective drawing for Grantown exhibition © Historic Environment Sccotland.

Celebrating Speyside formed part of HES’s 2018 Year of Young People programme, running to June 2019. 491 5-11 year olds from 14 schools creatively engaged with the heritage they felt mattered to them. This culminated in Heritage Happening, a 2-day festival of children’s heritage in Kingussie and Newtonmore. It included a performance of ‘The Cursed Bread’, a play written and performed by Newtonmore Primary School pupils based on a local legend that latterly became a book available in local libraries.

Project partners included the Tomintoul and Glenlivet Landscape Partnership, Badenoch Heritage, the Highland Folk Museum, Grantown Museum, the Badenoch Great Place Scheme and Archaeology Scotland.

Which OPiT key performance indicator is the project contributing to? Main: 12

Other: 1, 13

Contact name: Neil Gregory
Contact email: neil.gregory@hes.scot
Relevant web links:

Reviewed: May 2020