The Shieling Project

Scotland’s historic environment makes a valuable contribution to our quality of life, cultural identity, education and economy.

Organisation:  The Shieling Project
Project title: Outdoor learning at the Shieling Project

The Shieling Project is a social enterprise based in Glen Strathfarrar, near Beauly.  The project uses the traditional practice of the shielings to engage people with the history, archaeology and traditional crafts of the Highlands.

In the last year over 700 people have visited the Shieling Project as part of school day trips and residentials, summer camps, volunteering events and our outdoor nursery. This has involved over 10,000 hours of learning. Activities include weaving, dyeing, cooking, looking after livestock, peat cutting, turf-building, stone work, wood work, surveying, learning Gaelic words, songs and poems. To cater for a growing demand, the Shieling Project recently built six eco-friendly bothies on site, which will allow them to host people throughout the winter months, as well as providing better facilities for older people or people with disabilities.

Which OPiT key performance indicator is the project contributing to? Main: 12

Other: 1, 6, 7, 10, 11

Contact name: Sam Harrison
Contact email:
Relevant web links:;

Reviewed: September 2018