Climate Ready Clyde

A wide range of organisations and individuals care for the historic environment across the private, public and voluntary sectors.

Organisation: Sniffer and Historic Environment Scotland
Project title: Climate Ready Clyde

© Crown Copyright: HES

Over the past year Climate Ready Clyde (CRC), a three year initiative funded by the Scottish Government and 12 partner organisations, has been developing a climate change risk and opportunity assessment for Glasgow City Region ahead of a full Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan. The CRC secretariat and Historic Environment Scotland have worked closely together to ensure that the historic environment is built into the CRC assessment methodology. HES have assisted by sharing the methodology and results of their own Climate Change Risk Assessment of the Properties in Care, as well as providing spatial data on the presence of listed buildings and scheduled monuments in the region. This has allowed Climate Ready Clyde to ensure the Historic Environment is represented amongst the range of climate change risks and opportunities faced by the City Region, and will be part of the conversation going forward about how the City Region adapts accordingly.

Which OPiT key performance indicator is the project contributing to? 08 – Improve or maintain the state of Scotland’s historic sites and places
Contact name: Kit England, Sniffer / Climate Ready Clyde

David Harkin, Historic Environment Scotland

Contact email:

Relevant web links:

Reviewed: September 2018