Archaeology Skills & Training

A wide range of organisations and individuals care for the historic environment across the private, public and voluntary sectors.

Organisation: Chartered Institute for Archaeologists
Project title: Archaeology skills and training in Scotland Working Group

In 2017, CIfA was commissioned by Scottish Strategic Archaeology Committee to review Skill gaps and losses within Scottish Archaeology. Through desk based research and interviews with archaeological contractors, it became clear that there was a need to develop new initiatives to support early career archaeologists to upskill in areas like fieldwork but also to develop new entry routes into the profession. To guide this process, the ‘Archaeology Skills and Training Working Group’ was formed, on which every major Scottish archaeological employer is represented.The cross-sectoral working group meets 3 to 4 times a year to hear updates on key developments (co-ordinated by CIfA and which include the development of a Modern Apprenticeship and two new college based qualifications) and to also give up to date labour market information to ensure that any new initiative is fit for purpose.

The working group has contributed immeasurably to the development of all three initiatives. By participating, employers are ensuring that the archaeology industry will be fit and healthy for the future and will be able to meet the demands of upcoming Scottish developments and government priorities.

Which OPiT key performance indicator is the project contributing to? Main: 4 – Increase joined up working on strategic
investment across the public, private and
voluntary sectors. 5 – Improve skills and capacity to deliver priorities.
Contact name: Cara Jones
Contact email:
Relevant web links:

Reviewed: August 2019