Heritage Hero Awards
Increasing economic and social wellbeing through the historic environment.
Organisation: | Archaeology Scotland |
Project title: | Archaeology Scotland’s Heritage Hero Awards |

© Archaeology Scotland
Responding to the ‘cultural’ heritage gap in Scotland’s Youth awards market, Archaeology Scotland developed the Heritage Hero Awards, a group award, encouraging people to connect with their past, rewarding their achievements in doing so, whilst improving confidence and well-being and inspiring a lifelong interest in Scotland’s past.
Piloting in 2016, and officially launching in January 2017 the Awards have now seen some 12,619 recipients since their initiation, with projects having been completed in 31 of Scotland’s 32 local authorities. The awards have been repeatedly praised by educators, and are noted as contributing to and supporting key educational priorities– supporting outdoor learning and helping close the attainment gap in schools.
Which OPiT key performance indicator is the project contributing to? | 1 – Increase economic and social wellbeing benefits from the historic environment for the people of Scotland
5 – Improve skills and capacity to deliver priorities 6 – Increase customer focus of knowledge created on the historic environment 12 – Increase the number and range of people who learn about the Historic Environment. |
Contact name: | Rebecca Barclay |
Contact email: | r.barclay@archaeologyscotland.org.uk |
Relevant web links: | https://archaeologyscotland.org.uk/learning/heritage-hero-awards/ |
Reviewed: August 2020