Grants for Places of Worship

A wide range of organisations and individuals care for the historic environment across the private, public and voluntary sectors.

Organisation: Historic Environment Scotland (HES) and National Lottery Heritage Fund (NLHF)
Project title: Grants for Places of Worship

In response to the funding sector seeking more streamlined grant application processes HES have been working with the HLF since 2011 to deliver a single application point for grants towards urgent structural repairs to public places of worship. The NLHF accepts applications on behalf of both organisations and deals with project enquiries. There is a joint assessment process and then both organisations take the recommendations through their own approvals processes. Over the last year 13 GPOW awards were made, including a grant of £116,000 to the 19th-Century Govan and Linthouse Parish Church in Giffnock. 18 GPOW projects were also completed, including work to the 15th century tower of Aberlady Parish Church. This project has demonstrated that funding organisations can work closely together to deliver benefit to the sector.

Which OPiT key performance indicator is the project contributing to? 04
Contact name: Thomas Knowles
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Reviewed: September 2018