Our Shared Cultural Heritage

Building skills and capacity to deliver priorities.

Organisation: British Council
Project title: Our Shared Cultural Heritage

Over the next year, hundreds of young people will have the chance to develop new skills, explore their heritage and help influence museum programmes thanks to a new grant worth over £868,000 from the National Lottery Heritage Fund’s Kick the Dust programme.The British Council ‘Our Shared Cultural Heritage’ initiative will give young people aged 11-21 from around the UK, the chance to come together to explore the shared cultural heritage of the UK and South Asia and develop new methods for museums to engage with people. The project will be delivered in Glasgow and Manchester and run in partnership with Manchester Museums and Galleries Group, Glasgow Life, Rathbone Training and UK Youth.

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Contact name:
Contact email:  general.enquiries@britishcouncil.org
Relevant web links: https://www.britishcouncil.org/

Reviewed: September 2018